Almost half way there but losing motivation

I am almost half way to my goal and lately I just cant seem to stay motivated, I have lost a total of 34 lbs since March and that to me is amazing and i feel great. I want to keep going I do pretty well during the week but come the weekend I just dont seem to care as much. I will gain and lose the same 4 lbs over and over thru the week. In 2 weeks and 4 days I can start working out again (I had surgery in June) I am really hoping that will motivate me again.


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Don't lose it now after coming so far! You're doing great. Trust me, I just had surgery in April so I know the feeling of losing the motivation. If anything, the surgery made me MORE motivated to exercise because it had been so long since I'd been able to. Keep eating healthy and do as much walking as you can!

    If you want, add me, or join my support group "hm_day's Support Group" on the Support and Motivation forums. :)
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    I'm at half way and am having the same sort of trouble!! It's the school holidays, and because I usually use the time my kids are at school/nursery to work out it means I can't get in as much as usual!!

    I feel like I'm just about keeping my head above water and counting the days til I can jump back on full pelt!!

    Good luck, hope that fire you had at the beginning comes back to you soon xx
  • Dacia24
    Dacia24 Posts: 11 Member
    Stay with it.... Do not get off focused, you can do it!!! I had wanted to get rid of over 50 pounds and I worked super hard at it for a yr and was 5 pounds away from my goal weight... 5 Pounds... I was excited!!! I decided that 5 pounds was nothing and if I cheat here or there and if I missed a work out, it was no biggie. I had come along way and one night of pizza and beer wont hurt me. Well, one night turned into 2 nights and two nights turned into a week and before I knew it.... I gained 15 pounds back. So.... Right now is so important to you, stick with it and I know you will be very proud of yourself. There is no greater feeling than the feeling of finishing something and accomplishing something that you promised you would do for yourself.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Weekends are tough in general. Maybe try structuring those days a bit more to hekp keep you on track? I have to do this sometimes when I know I've got a party or dinner with friends. For parties, I try to bring something I know I can eat without going overboard (like a salad) and will have mostly that with just a few bites of other foods. For dinners out, I try to make my food choice ahead of time or keep lighter option in mind. And be careful with drinking - not only do the calories add up quickly but, like most inhibitions, that will-power will quickly fade and you get a "sure, who cares!" attitude about food.

    And if you're just home, get the junk out of the house so you're not tempted and only keep light but yummy options available - light popcorn, fruit, veggies and hummus or peanut butter, fat free/sugar free puddings, etc

    I know where you're coming from too. Earlier this year, before I discovered MFP, my resolve was quickly fading. I had been doing Weight Watchers but their new plan was just too much work for me and without some sort of accountability, those little extras were adding up quickly! Even with exercising my weight was coming back on. Thank goodness for this site!!

    Good luck and feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • Thank you all, I will get back to better losing I appreciate the support from everyone