Introduction: Time to do this right. Any advice appreciated

SingleMamaSheddingLbs Posts: 8 Member
edited February 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone,
My name is Sammie. I'm 25 and I've set a long term goal to lose roughly 90 lbs. I have started this lifestyle change several times and always gave up when I didn't see the numbers going down or when I saw them starting to go up. I tried to just accept the body I have and the restricted life I have. But the day I sat down on a thick plastic bench at a family reunion and it broke, I decided enough was enough. Everyone staring and the shame I felt as I crashed right through the bench that I had seen 5 people sit on a few minutes earlier was the last straw.
So I'm starting to make small changes today. I got rid of all the fast snacks out of the house and gave the 12pack of Dr pepper away. So now what do I do? I want to do this right so it will be a life long thing. I'm so ready to be able to get out and do things with my kids. I dont want my kids to hide behind big clothes and Doritos because I didn't teach them how to have a GOOD relationship with food. Help??


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think you already know the technical bit: Log your food intake, correctly and honestly, using a food scale and accurate database entries. That's quite simple. You can even track macros in order to create nutritionally balanced meals, and prelog whole days, parts of days or several days. It's smart to schedule meals and cooking and shopping.

    The hard part is to make the decisions, day in, day out, in the face of easier and more instantly rewarding solutions - to stick to your planned meals, not continue eating after you're done, not pretend "this doesn't count", or not panic every time you're not seeing the loss you expected, and either go back to overeating "because it doesn't work anyway" or stop eating altoghether, or do a "detox", as punishment or as a "kickstart".

    You make the hard part easier by planning meals you want to eat (not meals you think you should eat), and eat them at times that fit into your day (not at random, specific diet industry prescribed times), eating in company whenever that feels natural, letting yourself enjoy whatever it is you eat, not try to be perfect, but to make small nudges in the right direction, day by day, meal by meal.

    Not eating too much can feel liberating, but overeating can also be covering up painful emotions. Be aware that just about anything can pop up when you change habits, attitudes and environment. It can feel exciting and scary, as well as boring and uneventful. You can't be prepared for what happens, but you will handle it. Welcome :)
  • Amanda_Please88
    Amanda_Please88 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Sammie!!! Add me! I too have been fighting for a while with the whole weight loss battle. Check out my blog! I just started it today but have been wanting to for quite a while! Check out my story if you want (warning he first post is a bit long). I am all about trying to motivate friends and working hard!