:( can't do it.

m012192 Posts: 45
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
i have been on a downward slump for months now :(

used to be 180(my lowest weight), now I cant move down from the 210 :( i have no idea how to control myself to stop eating or to get motivated to go work out.

do you guys have any tips? i gained a new bf, a raise at work, starting college soon.. everything is great except for this extra fat on me.
i can't be happy cuz of how i look :(


  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    you will look beautiful no matter what size you are. and slumps suck. start slow. track your calories, even if you aren't on here every day, get the app on your phone so no matter where you go, you can enter your calories. get your calories in check, and then add in some small exercise, an extra 20 minutes of cleaning, 1 mile walk, some wii games for exercies. it takes time, but you can do it!

    trust in yourself that you are strong enough to make it through this!
  • m012192
    m012192 Posts: 45
    thanks so much. i really need to get my motivation back.

    where did you get the avatar of the weight loss women?
  • banjjo
    banjjo Posts: 89
    I have known this feeling! It's still hard to eat right sometimes. You can do this! It helps to have friends who can motivate you...here and in "real" life. Also, pick exercise you love, not things you hate. Like if there's a sport you like, focus on that. If you like to run, do that. Or find an exercise video you like. Swimming is great if you love the water. Same with foods, pick healthy stuff you like and be creative with them. Instead of pizza crust, add the topping to salad or brown rice. Use greek yogurt in place of a multitude of things like sour cream. Use salsa instead of dressing. Lots of little substitutions like that can still make eating enjoyable but give you much less calories. I love to find different flavored protein bars. They give me protein but I still get that yummy sweet taste I crave. :) Give yourself a cheat day too, in moderation of course. :) You can do it!
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Well my personal solution to success, accept that it has to be slower than you like. I do not function at 1200 calories a day I binge. I really can only do a 1lb weight loss a week. which is closer to 1600 calories. I am 5'8.5" and I started at 210lbs. I also really need to exercise to earn the calories for the foods I love. I suck at giving things up, I am working on portion control. I really wanted that Lo Mein for lunch today so I will be at the gym after work earning it. Also higher fat, and higher protein is supposed to help (not so much for me, but whatever). Some others are advocates of "clean eating" non-processed food is supposed to fill you better (not for me either). The key is finding something that works and going for it step at a time.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I was a junk eater too. Nothing satifies me more than carbs. So I just stopped buying it until I could control it. I would eat the whole bag of chips, but now I will have the one serving as a treat. That is my best advice to you just to get going. Do one thing at a time!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    You can do it!! But the only person who can is YOU! No one can make you...

    If your heart isn't in it - it's difficult, but the one thing I would say is take it one small step at a time. Try and do everything at once and you'll give up after a couple of days because you'll feel tired, hungry and miserable.

    For example...I adore food...so I know I'm never going to be able to starve myself, or stick to 1,200 calories - so my main goal is epic workouts! Sure, now I am in the MFP mindset, I eat well too...but to start with - I continued with my regular diet and just made sure I worked out so hard I had enough calories to "stay under." Perhaps this will work for you, or perhaps the reverse - you can't be bothered or don't have the time to exercise but are happy to control your eating?

    Once you start to see small changes you will get the motivation you need and then you will want to do everything right!!

    It sounds like your life is pretty amazing at the moment...so don't let your weight be a downfall. It's easy once you take that first step! Good luck!
  • aphillips8180
    aphillips8180 Posts: 77 Member
    You know, I have been in the same situation for at least 6 months. I had gotten down to 164 but now I'm back at 177 (or at least I was, been too afraid of the scale to check the past couple of days). But, I just can't get my mind in the right spot. I know when I eat bad food that I will gain weight and yet, I do it anyway. It's so frustrating (when I get on the scale that is).

    For you, all of those new changes you mentioned (congrats on the job and the bf by the way!) are probably not helping your situation. When I first started dating my bf, I put on 10lbs easily because we would go out to eat all of the time.

    What I suggest (and am trying as of today) is to look at each day as it's own and to pay attention to my body. Since you've gained and when you eat bad, you notice it right? Maybe feel more tired, sluggish, sore, etc? I am attempting to eat well and if I screw up, try again the next day. And, do what I know makes me feel better such as making time to exercise because after, my body always feels better. Try to focus on how awesome you felt when you were at your smallest. =) You can do it!
  • Hi, yes you can do it!

    First, start with little steps: park far away from entry ways (work, shopping, school, etc.) so you can walk a little more.

    If you can walk on your lunch break, or in-between classes, try that as well.

    Don't beat yourself up over this. One thing that I've reminded myself is that I didn't put on this extra weight overnight, so I shouldn't expect to lose it overnight, either.

    Another thing I've done is that I limit myself to sitting down at 20 minutes each time. While this might be challenging in a class room, at work I have a timer on my computer that goes off every 20 minutes. I'll stand and walk around my desk for a few minutes.

    Have faith that you can do this!

    All the best!
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    just walk. kick yourself out the door. Or, just put on the walking shoes-today. tomorrow put on the wlaking shoes and walk to get the mail. Wednesday, put on your walking shoes, walk out to get the mail & walk around where you live - around the house, the apt building - wherever. back in, get a drink of water. Is it sunny where you live? make yourself get 5 minutes of sun. you are the boss of you. I did this - I cannot believe that now i can bend over & tie my shoes! amazing. still only at 20 minutes, 3 times a week - but that's something!
    good luck!
  • bogoli
    bogoli Posts: 15
    Don't let yourself give up!! it took me forever to realize this, but lately I've been thinking about it more. Once you admit to yourself that you've been cheating, forget about it, and just take it one day at a time. There was a point where I'd try to be eating healthier, and then, I'd have something really unhealthy for lunch, and I would completely fall off the wagon at dinner, eating way too much and way too unhealthy. Now, I've realized that even if I cheat a little sometimes, the best way to keep on track is not to let that be my excuse.
    No more "Oh, today's already wasted, let's polish off two tubs of Ben and Jerry's". And it's really been working! If I find myself eating too much, I don't enter it into MFP. I enter in my good days, and that's what keeps me going, seeing the good days add up. Also, for every day you stay under your calorie limit, put a great big red X over that day on the calendar. When the start to make a line, you'll want to keep going, and then it just turns into a habit :)

    I can completely relate to your situation, last year was my freshman year of college and I gained 30 pounds. Trying to get it off sucks and it seems like it takes forever, but the boost in confidence is incredible and it gives you strength! Good luck!! Never give up! You've got this :)
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I've found that if it's in the house, I'll eat it. So....I just don't buy it. If it's not available I can't have it. Then make sure that you do buy healthy food to replace it. Try fruits and veggies for a snack instead.
  • A lot of my success is because I have several friends who are also using MFP to lose weight and improve their lifestyle. These are people I've known for years, so our relationship is strong enough to withstand some nagging or teasing of one person falls off the wagon temporarily, but we also encourage each other and watch each other when we're together. If you have anyone you can count on to provide support, see if they will join you, even if they only need to lose 5 pounds. Otherwise, keep posting on here and I guarantee you will get many motivational speeches much better than this one :-)

    Hang in there- you're worth it!
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    step one: stop saying "can't." Lose that word from your vocabulary.

    step two: do not allow the mirror to define how you feel about yourself.

    step three: start small. exercise for 20 minutes. doesn't matter what you do; jog in place, walk around the block, just do something. if you don't want to do 20 minutes, say, "ok, 10, and if i really want to stop, i'll stop." you won't want to stop.

    check out hussman fitness and mindless eating. both have websites; mindless eating is a great book. take what you want and leave the rest.

    gather information. research. breathe, move, and sweat.

    good luck.
  • I tried putting a photo next to my bed and on the fridge of how I used to look and how I look when I am slimmer and happier, unfortunately no-one else can do it for you. Sometimes you've also got to take a step back and be grateful for what you have, a successful life, a new guy, and with a whole lot of will power, the figure that you want.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    There's really not a whole lot that any of us can do to motivate you, it has to come from within yourself. Maybe you're putting too much pressure on yourself? I struggled with my weight for years, starting around the age you're at now and after many attempts I realized that I had to be realistic. Low carb, diet pills, low fat/high fiber, etc just didn't work for me. I love food so I would make myself crazy trying to deprive myself of the things I loved thinking that would make me skinny.

    But take a look around at your friends and family that don't have weight problems - I bet they pretty much eat what they want, right? Sometimes they're just blessed with wondeful metabolisms but most of the time, at least in my experience, the difference is that most of the time they're making really good food choices and being really active. It's just that when you see them at functions they're enjoying whatever because they know it's not a big deal since they're eating right most of the time and exercising.

    So I guess the lesson here is, don't be so hard on yourself. Take baby steps and try to improve one thing a week. Like, this week, start tracking consistently. Next week, try to meet your calories at least 5 of the 7 days. Then the next week, start getting active. Get your boyfriend involved too - go for walks with him and try to get him to choose more healthy choices when you guys go out for dinner or whatever. Plan as much as you can and pack your snacks and meals for when you're at work.

    Hope that gives you a good start... You can do it, just believe in yourself and get going!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Camy chick is right Just make small changes and gradually they become habit and you can make bigger ones.

    Remember you are not defined by your size. You are an attractive intelligent woman (you must be if you have a raise a new bf and going to college). So remember who you are and take those little steps and you will make it.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    You can do it!! But the only person who can is YOU! No one can make you...

    If your heart isn't in it - it's difficult, but the one thing I would say is take it one small step at a time. Try and do everything at once and you'll give up after a couple of days because you'll feel tired, hungry and miserable.

    For example...I adore food...so I know I'm never going to be able to starve myself, or stick to 1,200 calories - so my main goal is epic workouts! Sure, now I am in the MFP mindset, I eat well too...but to start with - I continued with my regular diet and just made sure I worked out so hard I had enough calories to "stay under." Perhaps this will work for you, or perhaps the reverse - you can't be bothered or don't have the time to exercise but are happy to control your eating?

    Once you start to see small changes you will get the motivation you need and then you will want to do everything right!!

    It sounds like your life is pretty amazing at the moment...so don't let your weight be a downfall. It's easy once you take that first step! Good luck!

    Totally agree. YOU need to WANT to do it. Try visualise what you see yourself looking like, maybe stick a picture on your fridge or in your purse of when you didn't like how you looked to remind yourself what you want to move away from. Try not to cut any foods out or you will end up binging, just portion control and exercise (I'm sorry but that needs to be a significant part of your weight loss)

    Good luck I'm sure you will fly once you get your head in the right place to start xx
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Start by making small ACHIEVABLE goals. One good food choice per meal. Advance as you can. The most important thing is you gotta START. And KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Do NOT dwell on your failures. I try to think of it in baseball terms. a great hitter only gets a hit three out of ten times, and the very best only hit 4 out of 10 times. They stayed in there, maintained their focus and kept swinging. Good luck!! There is no easy or quick way to get where you want to be. You gotta keep swinging!!
  • You CAN do this! I have been in a slump lately too! As of TODAY I am tracking my calories again and I am GOING to get the rest of this weight off!! You have plenty of support on here, talk with your boyfriend and tell him you need his support too. Find something that you really want and make that your treat when you get to your goal! It is hard, I have a difficult time too. Make sure to give your self a cheat day every now and then, it is actually good to have a cheat day once in a while. You are not alone and tell yourself you "CAN"! Telling yourself you can't makes it harder.

    Good Luck!
  • m012192
    m012192 Posts: 45
    thanks guys.

    starting a healthier lifestyle tomorrow. i used to LOVE going to the gym, hitting the elliptical and stairmaster. now i just feel like i can barely get out of bed.

    new mentality, new behavior. i AM doing this. i went from 236 to 180 before, I can go from 210 to 180, or hopefully 165.

    have a wedding on september 10th w/ the boyfriends family, i want jaws to drop.

    this is a reality check, need to change my habits.
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