Question For The Ladies ;)

I love love love losing weight however seeing as I hardly have abum as it is I hate losing that !!!! I have heard the hype about the squats, the lunges, the glute exercises but honest have any of you tried and succeeded ???

I neeed to grow a tush = )


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Yes yes yes. They help build up when done properly. get the form down then add resistance to help build
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    You can't GROW a tush, though I'd be more than willing to share some of mine if I could ;)

    However, there are a lot of butt exercises you can do to tone what you do have. Having a toned butt can definitely make up for not having much to speak of :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes! I was complaining about my *kitten* getting flat with age. 10 weeks into Turbo Fire (which includes squats) and my butt is back!
  • dylinsmommy08
    dylinsmommy08 Posts: 3 Member
    I am right there with you on that! If you find out let me know but I have also heard the Yoga helps you get a booty~
  • slimothy89
    You can't grow a tush lol. People say that if you do the squats and lunges that it will make you look bulky. It will, but it goes away. Its toning muscle, and burning fat.

    If you want to grow some can get implants! LOL. You can always eat fatty foods, and hope they stick to your booty, but in the end...its' not healthy.

    Oh! You don't want a butt. I have a butt, and I wish it would go away! Its harder to lose when dealing with weight loss.
  • laurenpence
    Ha ha I a white girl that has worked my butt off then built it back can be done. The key is variety, working all the different muscles in the butt.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    YES. thats what kim kardashian does! i swear, she should have a booty workout video she would make so much money
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    I was gifted with a nice bubble butt, so no issues w/me.... but my sister has a flat butt. she lifts weights now too and yes! she added to her behind by increasing her squats and lunges and such... so it can happen... she has a nice little tush now. lol
  • ShannonPuentes
    ShannonPuentes Posts: 18 Member
    LOL, yeah the tush is important. We definately need to keep the curves in all the right areas. Lunges and squats will work well for this. After you increase your endurance, try holding weights while doing them. Oh- and according to my trainer, the deeper and slower the lunge- the more effective it will be.

    Trust me on this will feel the burn a few days later so take it slow in the begining! AND GOOD LUCK! :)
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    True you can't grow a tush, but you can help life it! Since your glutes and thighs are the biggest muscles in your body, it makes burning fat a little easier. So... Do those squats, lunges, everything else that helps with that butt of yours!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Squats and lunges have been the best thing for me. And tennis, cause of the jerking back and forth motion. I have also done climbing stairs two at a time. But I have no butt, and doing these things, I now have one, I feel it when I'm walking, and some of my shorts this summer I'm not able to wear because my butt has made them too tight for me, haha.
  • slimothy89
    Damn..I didn't even see everyone else reply about the booty. LOl. You don't want the butt! It's just like hving big will cause back problems. LOL

    My butt is squats needed. Lunges make it look better, but the swelling goes down. Trust me. Its just like doing 300 crunches, or ab workouts a day, and then two days off the swelling from overworked abs..goes down.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I agree with this, cause adding tennis has been the biggest thing for me, and I know I'm using lots of new muscles in my butt.It was after I started tennis this summer is when my pants and shorts became too small cause I have put so much on my butt.
    Ha ha I a white girl that has worked my butt off then built it back can be done. The key is variety, working all the different muscles in the butt.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    If I'm not mistaken, the "gluteus maximus" is the largest and strongest muscle in the body. Doing exercises that build that muscle, will make it larger... within reason. On the opposite side, if your "booty" is a bit big (like mine), doing those exercises will also burn a lot of calories, ridding my booty of it's excess fat - including in that area - and making the muscle that's left nice and firm! :) So, yes, exercising the muscle will make it larger, but your bum's fate is also somewhat genetically set. Seems like everyone has some muscle in their body that just won't build as well as others. However, I don't really see a down side... those exercises burn a lot of calories and build the muscle you would like to build. So, even if it doesn't increase it by much, what have you got to lose?
  • nothankscake
    lol Kim Kardashian DOES have a booty workout video.
  • MisszObrien
    LOL Does she reallly ?
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Squats, Lunges, stair climber all work the booty. It doesn't make it bigger since you are a woman but it will make it more perky. I have had all of them in my work out regime since I started working out 1.5 years ago.