Looking for support 30+ friends

Hey everyone! looking to build my friends list. I have about 30-40 lbs to go. Multiple autoimmune diseases, fibro, geek, nerd, gamer, homeshooling mom here. I've lost over 60 lbs so far.


  • jlouber
    jlouber Posts: 11 Member
    I am down 50 lbs with 30ish to go. Celiac, migraine, reactive hypoglycemia, and IBS are my biggest medical struggles (luckily all currently managed with diet) and I identify as a nerd :smile:
  • okiemom79
    okiemom79 Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hey there-Norepinephrine and jlouber. I'm down 30 with about 25-30 more to go. I've got ibs and migraines as well and I identify as a nerd, too. I also homeschool my kiddos! I can't seem to find 'the' diet for to help manage my bloating! What has helped yall?
  • okiemom79
    okiemom79 Posts: 5 Member
    Not sure how to add friends on here without doing it through Fb so feel free to send me a fr!