Introducing myself! Looking for supportive friends!

Sara from Dallas! Young 30 something, recent bariatric surgery patient, ready to put the weight behind me and live life to the fullest!!! I’m a positive and happy person! And would love to meet like minded people!


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Hi Sara!
  • MikesterAZ
    MikesterAZ Posts: 67 Member
    Add me!!
  • HalaMadrid94
    HalaMadrid94 Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me Sara! (: I'm 23 & I'm looking to lose about 140 lbs!
  • bxbenedict
    bxbenedict Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Sara! I am one week gastric sleeve post-op and I am so excited to be on this journey! I am a bit older than most of you, but this became my opportunity to save me from myself. When I was in my 20's and 30's, bariatric surgery simply did not exist. Looking forward to seeing you on this page!
  • Msfocus4175
    Msfocus4175 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! Add me
  • puzzlehead5
    puzzlehead5 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Sara. Congrats! You’re on the right track. Keep it up.
  • eluvscats
    eluvscats Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm getting back into myfitnesspal after a while (lost about 70 pounds, been maintaining since) and will be losing another 50. :)
  • Jenniferakajacel311
    You've got this, Sara! Congratulations on the surgery and now on to the recovery and the rest of your life :smiley:
  • Amanda_Please88
    Amanda_Please88 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey! My name is Amanda and I am always on MFP! I post often and even have an active blog that I post in at least once a week so keep an eye out for that if you decide to add me! :) I am a great weight loss buddy so if you ever need anything I am only a message away!