Knee Surgery

poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
I am having a knee replacement in 3 weeks. Any ideas on what type of exercises that can me accomplished??? LOL 3 weeks till total weight bearing and no swimming till the staples come out. Mannnn am i gonna stink or what??


  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    I had mine replaced two years ago. That was one of the best things that I have ever done. I had my knee done at 261 lbs, and after doing physical therapy for eight weeks, and really pushing myself doing the exercises they gave me to do at home, I lost 10 pounds. But, then, I got back into my old ways and went up to 285.

    As far as recovery, the best advice that I can give you, is to compare your improvement from week to week, not day to day, because you will have ups and downs from day to day.

    I just started walking for exercise a few weeks ago, have lost 14 lbs since then (as well as an 1800 calorie/day low sodium diet) and am now walking between 2 and 2.5 miles a day, for 35, 40 minutes. My new knee feels great, wouldn’t know that I ever had it replaced or ever had any problems with it.

    Good luck. If you need any support, give me a shout
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    Best of luck with yer knee operation..Please keep us posted on how it goes....Take Care!:flowerforyou: Amy
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Knee replacement - I'm 4 months post-op right knee and it is was a great thing. I'm 47, pain-free and doing great. I had an injury to my lateral knee - lost my meniscus and most all of the cartilage. Having TKR was a scary proposition, but honestly - was a breeze. Course, I'm stubborn, motivated and determined.

    First of all, you won't be stinking. I took a shower the next morning and every morning thereafter. Yep, a bit stiff getting the leg up and over the tub, but certainly doable. I walked down the hallway the first day with a walker; went home 2nd post op day. Walked in the house and was up cooking a meal by the end of the week (surgery was a Monday). Never used a walker or cane. Was driving at start of week 3. But yea, I'm a stubborn-butt and I just don't let much get me down. I've lost 27 pounds since surgery and my goal is 50.

    Exercises - find a good PT with experience with joint replacement. Do everything they tell you. I used a CPM at home. I had full range of motion by start of week 3. Moved into strenghtening at PT. Graduated PT after 5 weeks. Back to work in 4. Moved into fitness. I do weights and cardio primarily in the form of a bike. I also do elliptical. Strong quads are the key to a good recovery. Your PT will focus on that. I went into surgery with strong quads and now they are even stronger - oh yea.

    You won't be able to do high impact - jumping, running and there are some things that just put too much strain on the knee. Evreyone is different, but don't let the horror stories scare you - there are lots of positive experiences out there !

    Good luck and let us know how you do !!
  • watterstide
    i had both of mine done in the last 12 months.. you will be able to put weight on them not long after surgery. in fact they got me up and out of bed that night with a walker to go to the bathroom. my friend had hers done 12 days ago, and never used a walker, except the 3 days she was in the hospital. she has been using a cane since she got home. i used a walker for 3 weeks..each person is different. i was allowed to shower the next stitches, just glue and steri-strips. if you have someone at home to help take care of you..then this is a great time to eat better! my husband fixed me 3 meals a day..cereal with fresh fruit, salad with more fruit, and dinners were chicken and salads..i was so blessed to have him helping me. i had no junk food at pissed me off sometimes!
    the best exercise,other than what PT has you doing, is the pool at the gym. they had water aerobics..of course i could not keep up with them, nor did i try. but getting into that water allowed me to work the felt sooo good!

    PLEASE do all they tell you to do, and more. if you do, you won't be sorry. if you don' will loose mobility in your knees.
    the trick to getting the swelling to go down to keep moving your ankles up and down, wether sitting or laying down..this increases the blood flow,moves the blood. before you go in the hospital, make yourself a couple soft ice packs.
    1 part rubbing alcohol
    2 parts water. double or triple bag it with freezer zip locks. put in the freezer...they will be soft and last longer. they will be your best friends! lol

    I wish you well and a speedy recovery. don't give up with really takes a long time to fully recover. with me, i have fibromyalgia,so 6 months to be FULLY recovered. please stay in touch if you need some support..or just someone to talk to! Kim
  • samida
    samida Posts: 9 Member
    Hi - let me join the group of TKR people. Great advice from everyone. I had mine on May 24 (2011) and am back to work, driving, and doing almost everything.... but VERY slowly, in general, and with a lot of fatigue at the end of the day. I actually started a blog to chart my "victories" and it is SO helpful to look back to where I was a month ago on any one day... puts the progress in a new light!

    The blog is at

    I hope you come "visit" and add your comments - especially those of you who can give helpful advice!!!!

    p.s. Good luck to those of you with surgery coming up. Don't be afraid of it. The recovery is hard work, but worth it.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    ,so 6 months to be FULLY recovered.


    FYI, it took me two years to be FULLY recovered, when I could walk up stairs with cups off coffee in my hands without using the hand rail or spilling.