The Better Than Ever Challenge!



  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    great commitments! welcome to the challenge!!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Okay...challengers (thanx 4n6junkie for giving us a roadmap!!!)

    Monday - i hit my eating and fitness goals!!!
    Tuesday - i hit my eating goals, was short in my fitness goals
    Wednesday - i went over my eating goals and was short on my fitness goals (ouch!)
    Thursday - i hit my eating and fitness goals!!!
    Friday - i went over my eating goals and rocked the fitness(yay for fitness!)
    Saturday - i went over my eating goals and rocked the fitness(yay for fitness!)
    Sunday (my cheat day) - 300 over my cals, 50 under my desired fit burn goal...ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!

    So my week1 was a flop...but i still managed to lose 3lbs and i feel INCREDIBLE! i'm slowly but surely winning the fight against my craves (and my desire to lose weight overnight LOL!). i've started including my daughter in my journey and that feels great too! hope everyone is ready for tomorrow. Good luck ladies!!! i'm cheering for each and every one of you!!!
  • RealMeSomeday
    I'm rather intimidated by this but I think it's going to make me THINK before I do something stooooopid! Did someone say something about 90 days? Well, I guess I'll be just 83 but that's ok.

    For next week:
    1) I didn't participate last week
    2) I weighed myself this morning since I just joined MFP today. I will set a goal of losing 2 pounds which seems reasonable. One step at a time!
    3) exercise goal: I'll definitely add lifting to my list of things to do. 1, 2, or 3 times over the next week should be attainable!
    4) food goal: I promise to stay within my allotted calories!
    5) Boosting my metabolism might be tricky. I won't promise anything but I'll give it whirl.

    OK kids. Let's have a good week together! Good luck!
  • Lkszumla
    Lkszumla Posts: 10 Member
    SW 264
    GW #1 240 10-31-11
    GW #2 200 3-1-12
    GW #3 170 6-30-12
    I am usually TOO GOOD all day long, not taking in enough calories by the time I get home at night I am famished! I go crazy and graze from after dinner until bedtime. I will no eat anything past 8PM and I will concentrate on charting out a balanced breakfast, lunch and snack so I am not starved by days end.

    I will incorporate exercise time into my day 5 of 7 days this week. I will limit my processed foods intake, they are like a drug more I have more I want.
  • Skmellyg
    Skmellyg Posts: 158 Member
    1) evaluate how you did last week - what did you learn, good and bad about yourself AND this journey- Overall I know I could of done better. I only worked out 4 days out of 7. I didn't eat well, nor did I drink my 8 glasses of water. This journey is eye opening. I lost my job on friday and I have been realizing I have no will power. Something I want to change. I have realized that in order for me to be the person I know that I can be that I need to not only just lose weight but find out who I really am.
    2) taking measurements on monday!
    3) exercise goal: I will strength train my arms and abs this week. 3 sets of ten push ups and 30 ab work outs.
    4) food goal: my allotted amount is 1340. I shall do it!
    5) trick your body into burning calories more efficiently by boosting your's a website with suggestions

    Just wanted to say and be completely open. Losing weight is the main part of why I joined this challenge but also to to build my confidence in myself because I have realized I have none, to become a better me.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    i'm sooo sorry about your job! i can completely relate to the "finding myself" part...for me thats an ongoing journey. i'm glad you chose us to grow with...good luck with the challenge next week. sending you a huge hug!!!
  • futurekilousky
    Hey everyone! So while I was very dissapointed to find out my scale was inaccurate ( by 6 pounds) , I lost 4 pounds last week! So happy.

    With increasing my exercising, there have been a few days I have struggled to eat all my calories and I really don't want to go into starvation mode. Suggestions?

    As far as my nutritional goals with cutting down sugar, I feel I did really well. While there were a few days I went over, it was due to eating more fruit or protein shake and since I am not diabetic/ pre diabetic, having some fruit sugar is fine with me.

    I exercised quite a bit but had a hard time with Couch to 5k , was trying to do it but feel I am still not ready to move on to next level. So this is week 3 of level 1..

    I measured myself yesterday and compared the numbers to when I first started MFP( about a
    Month ago) and was happy to see I lost inches!
  • 4N6junkie
    4N6junkie's Week2 and beyond challenge: Don't be afraid to learn on others for support and encouragement. Thanks for all the love guys.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Great goals and commitments everyone!!!! @4n6junkie...sendn u nothing but luv, just like you always send us!!!
  • RealMeSomeday
    I made my food goal and tomorrow I had the strength training.
    It's only been 2 days.
    I got back into the pool today for my exercise.
    I hope everyone had a fulfilling day!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    my day was awful LOL! but thats okay! starting at 5am before work tomorrow...glad you had a good day!!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Happy Tuesday challengers! I've always heard lead from the front...but this week is a weakness for me. Any strength training gurus on the challenge team? I need help!!!
  • RealMeSomeday
    I have NOT exercised yet today so no weight lifting yet. The day got away from me! Frankly, things will be a bit different once school starts. My daughter isn't in camp and isn't in school yet so her days are higgeldy piggeldy and sometimes breaks up ym work day. I will go for a walk today shortly!
  • RealMeSomeday
    My thoughts on strength training: (I'm no expert but do have a lot of experience, despite my size...)

    What sorts of questions do you have?

    There are a lot of ways to go about it. Make sure you have a trainer show you how to use the machines. It's a must!

    I know about lifting from weight loss classes I took last fall and I from when I was a swimmer I lifted a lot. Nothing has changed much over the years!
    If I get into this, and because of YOU I might, but my routine when I was regular was arms one day, legs another, abs and resistance the third then repeat. This way, the weight training took maybe 30 mins and I could jump onto a treadmill or into the pool for a half an hour or so also and not feel sore ALLLL over from lifting.

    I don't know if any of this helps.....

    Good LUCK!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    @realme...thank you soooo much!

    found another website!!!

    hope everyones having a better week2 than i am! the 1st 2weeks have given me soooo much education. week 3 will be
    COMPLETELY different then what we've done so far. whew!!! learn and grow ladies learn and grow!!! am i the only one feeling
    frustrated, overwhelmed, tired and starving at this point?!?!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    This challenge is an ongoing journey for is only the 2nd week and already I've grown so much. I'm sure there are women here who have suffered the same and in some cases worse than my life case you thought you were alone, you're not. I blogged today and admitted the obstacles holding me back and faced head on the reasons I've been self sabotaging since my weight loss last week. I am posting the link here for us to share. I hope it doesn't offend anyone and I hope with all my heart that it fills you with courage and a renewed sense of fearlessness. We can do this...I believe in you and for the first time in a long time. I honestly believe in me too.
  • futurekilousky
    This challenge is an ongoing journey for is only the 2nd week and already I've grown so much. I'm sure there are women here who have suffered the same and in some cases worse than my life case you thought you were alone, you're not. I blogged today and admitted the obstacles holding me back and faced head on the reasons I've been self sabotaging since my weight loss last week. I am posting the link here for us to share. I hope it doesn't offend anyone and I hope with all my heart that it fills you with courage and a renewed sense of fearlessness. We can do this...I believe in you and for the first time in a long time. I honestly believe in me too.

    Oh wow you have overcome so much and are such a positive person! That is really inspiring and i feel I may share some things about my past and struggles I have had with weight and life in general.

    I can't imagine how difficult that was for you but I applaud you by overcoming it and being an amazing person! You are awesome =]

    I believe in you also!
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    This challenge is an ongoing journey for is only the 2nd week and already I've grown so much. I'm sure there are women here who have suffered the same and in some cases worse than my life case you thought you were alone, you're not. I blogged today and admitted the obstacles holding me back and faced head on the reasons I've been self sabotaging since my weight loss last week. I am posting the link here for us to share. I hope it doesn't offend anyone and I hope with all my heart that it fills you with courage and a renewed sense of fearlessness. We can do this...I believe in you and for the first time in a long time. I honestly believe in me too.

    You are truely an inspiration for all that you have overcome and this journey you are now on! You ARE amazing! 1 off week will not throw off this entire challenge! Remember it is about the big picture! :)

    As for me, doing great on the eating! Finding the energy and time to work out with a 10 week old son is hard! Ahhhhh!! Will get the hang of it soon!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    I know you all know what i'm about to say...LOL! but i'm gonna say it anyway. YOU GUYS SOOOOOO ROCK!!!
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member

    Found the above 12 week nutrition and work out fat loss plan! This may be a good plan for any one having problems sticking to a schedule to follow! I know I need a strict schedule to keep me and my husband on track and I have to plan ahead!