face breakout solutions for heavy workouts???? Ladies???

I've added C25K to my already aggressive workout schedule and my face is a little crazy. I've tried all the normal stuff...anybody have any tricks or products they use that are beneficial??? thanks ya'll!!!!


  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    I really would like to know this too. Over the past 2 months it has gotten out of control since I up-ed my working out.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Make sure your face is clean pre AND post workout, sweat clogs your pores!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I am a big fan of those neutrogena acne pads... I use them after every workout and it really seems to help.
    They also don't make my skin itch and they don't dry it out like some others. It's in a little orange/white jar.
    The neutrogena naturals whole line for acne, and the grapefruit body scrub are all my faves...
  • SweetStrawberry
    yeah my face breaks out anyways even if I'm not sweating profusely during my workouts. I agree with Lindsaylove07 I just been washing my face constantly and NEVER, NEVER whip your face with your hands I sometimes forget and it gets me everytime!!!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I drink lots of water then post workout I sit in the sauna until I work up a good sweat. I then get out of the sauna and wash my face well. Sweating rids my pores of the stuff in them and as long as I wash my face (I use Aveeno clear complexion, it's the only thing that works for my skin) then they stay clear. I usually have terrible acne and this has really helped.
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I am loving the ELF (eyes lips face) products. Zit Zapper is my favorite. I am already acne prone and it helps calm down the affected area and reduces the redness and swelling and for the acne that is super deep and puffy then it helps draw it up and kill it. You can find it at Target for a buck or get it online at their web site
  • HazelGal
    HazelGal Posts: 12
    I use Sea Breeze or the Generic Alternative. Any general astringent will do. In a pinch you can use rubbing alcohol, but I don't recommend making it the go to. It will dry out your skin something terrible. Basically I use it to also remove make up as well. Just don't soak the cotton ball or pad cuz it will burn your eyes. I use it after the work out and after my shower when the pores are particually open and welcoming a cleaning! Also you can boil water and place a towel over your head and over the pot, after you have turned the heat off of course, and make your own little face sweat house. A couple of mins of good sweating then wash with the astringent and woo cleanness! Make it a habit after work out or shower or any good sweat! Also get that make up off! Another good idea is those make up remover pads, but I have great skin because I have to use the heavy duty astringent. I was blessed with acne >_<
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I use a face scrub in the shower straight after my workouts, it seems to be working quite well.

    The pink grapefruit smelling one from dermalogical i think.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I am a big fan of those neutrogena acne pads... I use them after every workout and it really seems to help.
    They also don't make my skin itch and they don't dry it out like some others. It's in a little orange/white jar.
    The neutrogena naturals whole line for acne, and the grapefruit body scrub are all my faves...

    I may have to try those...I used another brand of the acne pads years ago (I think Dove made them?) and they weren't very harsh, but still cleansed okay. Psoriasis runs in the family, and while I don't have full-on psoriasis, I definitely have crazy skin...especially on my face. It gets very dry and flaky and sometimes very pink/reddish, and if I wash my face with a scrub or cleanser every day, it dries out very easily. Which sucks, because like the original poster, I've noticed that since I've been exercising daily, I have acne...something I've never had a problem with before. :frown:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If it just started, I would give it time. Your body could just be flushing out the toxins. I find that the more I workout and sweat, the clearer my skin becomes. Maybe your body just needs a little time!
  • charsauce
    I just wash my face before and after workouts, never wear makeup while working out, and drink plenty of water!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I follow the regimen at acne.org, it's very simple, needs nothing "special" and it works. :smile:
  • amayzingamanda
    amayzingamanda Posts: 254 Member
    I have some crazy skin (this was all before I started working out regularly). I started using Neutrogena Skin ID two years ago and never looked back. But prior to that I was always using Neutrogena cleansers. I just found they helped me personally the most. If you can fit it in your budget, I recommend trying skin ID. You fill out a survey thing based on where you live, where you break out, stress level, and how much you work out. I've had my regimen change a few times as I've made different changes in my lifestyle etc.

    But I digress... A lot of the comments in here are super helpful. Definitely wanna keep the face clean all the time. I go to the gym straight from work so I actually keep a pack of baby wipes in my gym back (they are way cheaper than makeup remover towelettes) to do a quick swipe if I have a lot of makeup on. Or use oil absorbing blotting papers. Use your favorite go-to cleanser or scrub after you work out as well. Bonus if you use one with salcyclic (sp?) acid or benzoyl (sp again?) peroxide. Those help remove excess dirt and oil without being super harsh on your skin.

    Whoever made the comment about using rubbing alcohol.....that's a TERRIBLE idea. Trust me i did it for a long time. It didn't help. It only "cleans the wound" so to say. It hurts too, especially if you had popped the pimple prior. It's just a mess. I would instead suggest taking a q-tip and dipping it in some peroxide and gently massage the more pronounced pimples. It will help dry out the pimple and make it go away faster. And if you use a product for spot treatment, one with peroxide in it is always a best option.

    feel free to message me if you want. I've got a few other tricks and products i use. And good luck!!!
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I learned some time ago that soaps and detergents were not for me. A while ago I came across the oil cleaning method. I prefer rose hip seed oil or grapeseed oil. Or if I want to get really and crazy I will dissolve some salicylic acid into the oil. Also asprin scrubs are very effective (mix some crushed asprin with some lemon juicer and/or honey, and/or brown sugar, or mix it with oil) apply for a few minutes then gently scrub off. I prefer to use a microfiber towel.

    But am allergic to sulfates, so there you go.
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    I second the oil cleansing method!!!
    1.) Oil cleansing method... I use half jojoba, half castor, and some patchouli and clove oil because they are antibiotic/anti-inflammatory oils. I do this every evening.
    2.) After cleansing, and every morning, I pour a bit of toner made from 3 parts vinegar to 1 part spring water, and a handful of un-coated aspirin. I keep it in an old toner bottle. I do not rinse this off.

    OCM alone didn't work for me, my skin needs both the toner and the cleanser.
    Note: YES... the vinegar smell goes away completely as soon as it dries.
    My skin is clear. I went from spending $200 a month in a last ditch oral antibiotics/topical retinA, to this...

    Also, a mask made of honey, lemon juice, lavender or patchouli oil and aspirin once a week or so works wonders. The essential oils are not "essential" but they do help. If you are trying to stay cheap though, you can leave them out without a problem.
    Hope it helps!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I used to have a lot of trouble with acne when I first started working out at the gym.

    I learned a couple things:

    A) I have to wash my face within 30 mins of working out - I use an acne facial scrub.

    B) I have to use one kind of cleanser (biore) in the morning and a different one (oil of olay) at night.

    C) Clearasil is a dream!

    D) If I don't drink enough water - my face breaks out. As soon as I up my water intake to my normal 80-100oz it clears right up.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Double post. Sorry. PC is acting up tonight for some reason.