Logged since Feb 1 but haven't dropped my calories down.

lumosloss Posts: 2 Member
edited February 2018 in Motivation and Support
Been logging all month!

Evidence of my overeating staring me in the face. But for whatever reason I am consistently eating around 1500 calories more than I should to lose weight.

Any tips and tricks or support for me on actually dropping the calories down and not just logging them? I obviously know I need to eat less. I'm struggling with actually DOING that.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited February 2018
    Eat less? Pre plan your day and eat what you plan...

    Cut portions a little. Remove unnecessary things. Choose lower cal options (low fat dairy vs full fat, non starchy vegies vs starchy etc)
  • lumosloss
    lumosloss Posts: 2 Member
    Eat less? Pre plan your day and eat what you plan...

    Cut portions a little. Remove unnecessary things. Choose lower cal options (low fat dairy vs full fat, non starchy vegies vs starchy etc)

    I mean yes obviously I know I need to eat less baha I'm struggling with actually DOING that
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    The issue is that if you can't decide you want it, nobody can force you but yourself to actually go through with it. You have to learn to cut back a bit.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited February 2018
    You have a good log now. Look at it.
    Where are most of your calories coming from?
    Are there things that could have been lighter? (could have been okay with less oil, less bread...etc)
    Are there things you are eating for the heck of it but aren't crazy about and are just taking the calorie space of something else you might like better?
    Are there times you eat out of boredom?
    Do you have lower days, if so, what did you eat on those days?
    Are there lower calorie foods/meals/recipes you are curious about?
    Pre-plan your day and see how you feel with that.

    Basically look at your log and think of things to change. You don't have to go all the way down to 1200 calories now, or probably even ever, but you do need to find a way to reduce your calories.
  • kaspan
    kaspan Posts: 27 Member
    Let me preface this by saying I am NOT the most experienced here, but maybe try looking for small wins as the above poster mentions. I've been really logging for about a month but when I started I knew that 2 of my needless calorie wastes every day were drinks. I drank coffee with a lot of milk and sugar (and 3 cups every morning). So I figured out how I could cut that down -- vanilla almond creamer (waaay fewer calories and adds a bit of sweetness) plus still a tiny bit of sugar. I'm never going to drink coffee black, but I can still enjoy it like this and save about 150 calories a day. The next thing was soda - I drank 1-2 cokes a day, so I replaced that with flavored sparkling water and more regular water with lemon flavoring. Those 2 things ALONE .... Save me a ton of calories a week. I did the math and realized that they could actually result in about 30 pounds of weight loss over the course of a year if I did NOTHING else. That was an eye opener!

    After the first week of cutting this stuff out and starting to exercise, I was sleeping better at night and waking up easier, so I have actually been drinking less coffee than I was and I don't feel the after lunch energy crash that usually makes me reach for a Coke anyway so it's an even bigger win for me that I didn't expect. And it didn't feel like a huge change all at once, but it encouraged me to look harder for more small and big wins in the rest of my diet as well by the end of that first week.

    Hope that helped? Good luck on your journey!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    1500 per day? How often?

    Where do you have your calories set?

    Are you currently gaining?

    Keep going. You can work through this. Add me if you want. Keep in mind, it’s Feb 15th.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    so you're currently gaining weight?

    i would start with eating at maintenance
  • JMcGee2018
    JMcGee2018 Posts: 275 Member
    If you open your diary, we might be able to see where those small wins the above posters were talking about possibly are and suggest some changes that might make eating less seem less daunting.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    You have to want to lose weight more than you want to overeat. Ultimately that's the bottom line. Would I love to drink 3 Dr Peppers, eat lots of Ruffles chips, and have a huge bowl of ice cream every night after eating a gigantic plate of spaghetti and meatballs? Yes.

    But I want to "not be obese" more than I want all of that. It's a challenge. It's simple thing to do but it is very hard...it takes commitment. If you don't have a commitment to losing the excess weight, it's not going to happen.

    Do it - or don't. It's up to you.

    In the words of Yoda - "TRY NOT. Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"

  • slossia
    slossia Posts: 138 Member
    If you can’t eat less then add more exercise in!! Not so much strenuous stuff but maybe more walking!!
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    lumosloss wrote: »
    Been logging all month!

    Evidence of my overeating staring me in the face. But for whatever reason I am consistently eating around 1500 calories more than I should to lose weight.

    Any tips and tricks or support for me on actually dropping the calories down and not just logging them? I obviously know I need to eat less. I'm struggling with actually DOING that.

    As mentioned above, prelogging is a good idea. Anytime I think of eating something that I suspect to not be 'affordable' in my daily calories, I log it then think "*kitten* that!" and delete it again. It's a good tool of dissuasion!
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »

    In the words of Yoda - "TRY NOT. Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"


    Gotta love a bit of Yoda! So true though.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    1500 per day? How often?

    Where do you have your calories set?

    Are you currently gaining?

    Keep going. You can work through this. Add me if you want. Keep in mind, it’s Feb 15th.

    Why is that important?
  • Divi46
    Divi46 Posts: 1 Member
    Perhaps you need more low cal snack options? I find having them on hand very useful.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    @aeloine It’s only 15 days. Calorie counting has a significant learning curve.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    @aeloine It’s only 15 days. Calorie counting has a significant learning curve.

    Ohhhh. I thought it had something to do with being the day after Valentine's and was VERY confused.
  • kpendleton19
    kpendleton19 Posts: 24 Member
    Have u tried Intermittent Fasting? IF helped me with really being mindful of what Im eating. I fast for 16 hrs and eat for 8 hrs. I drink tons of water and a cup of coffee with 1 sweetener in the morning. Sometimes hunger pangs are really just thirst. Ive lost 11 lbs since starting in January. Of course im still logging my caloric intake and stay at 1200kcal daily. I also workout 5x a week.