views on fathead?



  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Haven't seen it but know that I'd recommend it, haha. Gonna watch it tonight.

    I've been eating Primal , with about 60% of my calories from fat for over a year now. I've lost 30-35lbs and really toned up. I'm in the best shape of my life.

    Anyone who still thinks that fats cause the cardiovascular diseases we see today are just brainwashed by the misinformation that has been spewed by dieticians and doctors since the 60's. Luckily we're seeing this becoming more mainstream. It's understandable though that it's taking a while to change. Doctors have all been schooled in fat being the enemy (and a lot of big companies have a lot to gain from people's consumptions of grains)

    Also, I'd really recommend reading Gary Taubes if you liked this movie.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    And to add- I do think it's best to watch calories to some degree... BUT...

    if I eat 2000 calories a day of low-fat/high-carb food I am hungry all the time and have no energy.
    if I eat 2000 calories a day of high-fat/lowcarb food it takes longer for hunger pangs to come around and I have tons of energy that is consistant.

    to lose weight eating low-fat/high-carb foods I have to eat around 1500 cal a day.
    eating high-fat/low-carb foods, I average about 2500 cal a day and have been losing.

    of course, this is my own personal experience. i can't speak for the bodies of others.

    i'm a girl who likes to eat, so I'm gonna eat at a macro-ratio that lets ME consume more cals and still drop pounds :):)

    I get what you are saying because I'm a high protein person myself. But the Fathead diet wasn't even low carb, was it? Wasn't he eating the bun with each meal?

    Although I'm a high protein person, I still do eat a moderate amount of carbs... but even I would have trouble meeting my daily macros if I were to down a burger along with the entire bun.

    I might just have to watch it again sometime.
  • Dkenny74
    Dkenny74 Posts: 26 Member
    I have used the concepts in his "Big Fat Fiasco" video to lose 9lbs so far. It makes since. I also don’t listen to any government recommendations. They are to prone to Lobbyist like the soy industry.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    And to add- I do think it's best to watch calories to some degree... BUT...

    if I eat 2000 calories a day of low-fat/high-carb food I am hungry all the time and have no energy.
    if I eat 2000 calories a day of high-fat/lowcarb food it takes longer for hunger pangs to come around and I have tons of energy that is consistant.

    to lose weight eating low-fat/high-carb foods I have to eat around 1500 cal a day.
    eating high-fat/low-carb foods, I average about 2500 cal a day and have been losing.

    of course, this is my own personal experience. i can't speak for the bodies of others.

    i'm a girl who likes to eat, so I'm gonna eat at a macro-ratio that lets ME consume more cals and still drop pounds :):)

    I get what you are saying because I'm a high protein person myself. But the Fathead diet wasn't even low carb, was it? Wasn't he eating the bun with each meal?

    Although I'm a high protein person, I still do eat a moderate amount of carbs... but even I would have trouble meeting my daily macros if I were to down a burger along with the entire bun.

    I might just have to watch it again sometime.

    He keeps his carbs under 100g per day which is pretty low carb.

    He had a macro ration of 54f/25p/20c.

    So I just posted earlier saying I hadn't watched it yet, but I just finished. I thought it was great. Especially the ending I thought was good.

    I didn't like that he was only eating fast food with barely any veggies, but I like that he explained that we should eat more veggies and fruit and that he was only making a point with eating only fast food.

    I really hope more people take the time to watch this.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member

    A 2011 study published in the Journal of Agricultural And Food Chemistry stated that Vegetarians tend to have a lower body weight, less incidence of high blood pressure and lower overall cholesterol *** but have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease ***[/b].[34]

    Is this a typo? Doesn't really help your case if it isn't. (However, I wouldn't be surprised if they had lower risk of CVD because I think that vegetarians generally live healthier lives. Don't know too many smoking/tv watching vegetarians. They're generally a lot more health conscious)

    Either way, I think you put too much faith in government guidelines.

    I've done what's likely seen as the ideal diet by those who believe in all the conventional wisdom (the Eat Clean Diet) for about a year and a half. I've done low-carb high/fat (natural foods), for over a year now, and I can say hands down that I feel better and look better than I ever did with Eat Clean.

    As for a vegetarian diet; no thank you. Humans got to where we are by eating meat, why would I stop?
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member

    A 2011 study published in the Journal of Agricultural And Food Chemistry stated that Vegetarians tend to have a lower body weight, less incidence of high blood pressure and lower overall cholesterol *** but have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease ***[/b].[34]

    Is this a typo? Doesn't really help your case if it isn't. (However, I wouldn't be surprised if they had lower risk of CVD because I think that vegetarians generally live healthier lives. Don't know too many smoking/tv watching vegetarians. They're generally a lot more health conscious)

    Either way, I think you put too much faith in government guidelines.

    I've done what's likely seen as the ideal diet by those who believe in all the conventional wisdom (the Eat Clean Diet) for about a year and a half. I've done low-carb high/fat (natural foods), for over a year now, and I can say hands down that I feel better and look better than I ever did with Eat Clean.

    As for a vegetarian diet; no thank you. Humans got to where we are by eating meat, why would I stop?

    My general impression of vegans and vegitarians is that they seem to be more conscious of what they put in their bodies. Therefore, they probably aren't prone to binges on Cheetos, Little Debbies and packaged/processed foods like Hamburger/Tuna Helper. So, if they are avoiding a huge percentage of processed food, and filling up on low-carb foods like vegetables and salads (yes, veggies have good carbs), then I wouldn't be surprised that they have lower body weight, lower blood pressure, etc. Remember, low-carb does not equal grossly huge amounts of protein. That's just my analysis, I'm no scientist.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    so i just went over into my ER and asked the ER Doc and two nurses..they said..high fat and cholesterol are contributing factors to heart disease.

    Umm... no, high fat and cholesterol are not contributing factors for heart disease. There is a ton of (new) research done on this topic, and a lot of them conclude the contrary, that high fat will actually lower your risk for heart disease. Total cholesterol, and even LDL is NOT a good risk indicator for heart disease. HDL, and Triglycerides are much better at predicting the risk for CVD.

    Edit: I just want to add... If you ever get suggested to go on a Statin, do your research first! Statin drugs have a ton of side effects, and don't even have any benefit for most people. The only people who have shown to have any benefit were older men who have already had an event, and even then, the effect was VERY minimal. Woman should not be taking these drugs!

    Just wanted to rant. *sigh*
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    so i just went over into my ER and asked the ER Doc and two nurses..they said..high fat and cholesterol are contributing factors to heart disease.

    Umm... no, high fat and cholesterol are not contributing factors for heart disease. There is a ton of (new) research done on this topic, and a lot of them conclude the contrary, that high fat will actually lower your risk for heart disease. Total cholesterol, and even LDL is NOT a good risk indicator for heart disease. HDL, and Triglycerides are much better at predicting the risk for CVD.

    Edit: I just want to add... If you ever get suggested to go on a Statin, do your research first! Statin drugs have a ton of side effects, and don't even have any benefit for most people. The only people who have shown to have any benefit were older men who have already had an event, and even then, the effect was VERY minimal. Woman should not be taking these drugs!

    Just wanted to rant. *sigh*

    Also thought I'd jump in to say that even old research shows this. It's just finally starting to be accepted though, which is nice.

    It'll take a while for the medical community to jump on board since all they've ever been taught was that fats caused heart disease (and it takes a big person to admit to themselves that all the advice they've given in the past was wrong).
  • jessikas5
    jessikas5 Posts: 28 Member
    I just watched it yesterday, it made a lot of sense! My mom takes a statin and has terrible memory problems, I'm making sure she watches it!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    So, we thought my mom had a stroke a few months back, but it turned out, she's been having seizures, probably for the last few years. She take's cholestrol meds. I can't get her or my step-dad to listen to me, but I think they need to talk to her doctor about taking her off the cholestrol meds. I think it's that medicine that is causing her seizures. I'm not a doctor, I have no proof. But, from what I can see, my mother has seizures, memory loss, stress, etc. and I think it's from the statin drug. Now, they have put her on a medication to control the seizures. One of the side effects is fatigue. So, where does it end? Will they give her a medication to control the fatigue? And what side effects will that create? I strongly feel that she can control the seizures, her cholestrol, and everything else, maybe even shed a few pounds, if she'd just change her diet. It's very frustrating to me!