Fibromyalgia and weight loss

Does anyone on here have fibromyalgia?
Do you have any soft gentle fitness ideas for me, i am only 1st overweight but want to lose it sand keep up soft fitness regime I know it sounds weird but fibro is similar to M.e and had chronic fatigue. So atm I am bed bound for last 2 days with the pain. Any ideas of any gentle exercise please? Xx thank you in advance


  • ssanchezsp
    ssanchezsp Posts: 1 Member
    [ I am not English speaker so excuse any grammar error]
    Hi, I have fibromyalgia too. The first and most important thing for me was started to sleep better. I went to two different kinds of doctors: one is a Otorrino (looking for apnea problems) and the other was an Endocrine but in summary went to a specialist in sleeping disorders was crucial to me. Sleep well (7 1/2 to 8), wake up with energy is required for everything else, exercising, eat well. Still I am on the process but my life changed when I started to sleep more and better.
    Second, yoga helps a lot too, also meditation just for example focus in your breathing for 5 minutes (see for example this mindfulnes
    Examples of gently exercises are many on the internet, this is one:

    Hope this can help you.

  • ceecee134
    ceecee134 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for the advice...I did post a reply. Don't know what happened to it(but I am new today soo....
    Ha ha, I will try the mindfulness app now its 1.50 and I'm still not asleep hope this helps x
    Thank you again
  • knowleka
    knowleka Posts: 16 Member
    I have fibro, sadly sleep better is not a possibility, part of our exhaustion is because we don't dip intp restful sleep which cant be cured. However i have found that walking, marching on the spot is a good place to start, over time i have managed to run aswell. Just try one thing at a time, if it leaves you in bed then try something else next time, process of elimination really, good luck x
  • amks3818
    amks3818 Posts: 46 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and just try to move more each day. I like yoga when I can fit it in. I have tried to get more sleep but that doesn’t work for me. Sometimes it seems the more I sleep the more I hurt. I think that is because we don’t get into the deep sleep like everyone else does and I just toss and turn. The doctor has suggested sleeping pills but I am not willing to try those. So far no medications have helped me due to side effects. I have found that if I can fit in about 20-30 mins of exercise each day I feel a little better. Exercise can be in any form. Whatever your body can handle. If it is just walking a littler more here and there that is fine. You will find what works just keep at it.
  • TheFatBrokenGirl
    TheFatBrokenGirl Posts: 22 Member
    I have fibro and also a chronic knee condition that makes it dislocate regularly. I'm permanently on crutches but sometimes I do some gentle walking (with the crutches). I found that doing some wheelchair aerobics is good for me. You can find plenty of them YouTube. If a move is too difficult for me I just dial it back a bit so I'm not hurting myself. I also got a foot peddle so I can gently exercise the knee so it doesn't lock up. I'm good with my arms so I've added in some light weights too.
  • KelBlundell
    KelBlundell Posts: 47 Member
    Hiya, I have fibro too. I started cycling - just small amounts to begin with (and you'll know the flare up too much exercise can do!) I did it over the course of a year til I could do about an hour.
    Huge bonus - it means I sleep so much better, that alone makes it worth persevering with!
    Since then I've also incorporated light low impact aerobics and weights - I use FitnessBlender videos at home as no one can see me and I can go slow and build it up over time.
    Hoep that helps and best of luck!
  • KelBlundell
    KelBlundell Posts: 47 Member
    Oh - and linked to diet - since I quit diet sodas (pepsi max was my downfall) and cigs, I sleep miles better which all helps
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    My mom has fibro and greatly enjoys her aqua aerobics classes at the YMCA.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    I have Fibro, but is much better. Vitamin d, Epsom salts baths and a little cheese helped my sleep. Started with walking 300 steps a day. Now don't count steps, swim and yoga quite a bit. Took a long time to get here.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Like others have said, walking, yoga, swimming.

    I don't have FM, but I do have MCS, and there is some overlap, (as well as with CF), and I've been on discussion boards and gone to workshops for all three.
  • kristinawhitman
    kristinawhitman Posts: 1 Member
    I have fibro. I just started exercising 6 weeks ago, and am mainly walking. I decided that I have pain anyway, why not have it be from exercise instead of fibro? So I walk whether it hurts or not. My Fitbit has provided me with so much motivation. I started with a goal of 6k steps per day and increased it each week. Now I’m at 10k and going to 12k soon. My endurance has improved so much in just 6 weeks!

    I lift very light weights about 3 times per week and have already noticed increased strength, which is really exciting!!

    Get a Fitbit and GO FOR IT!!!
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I do moderate weight training (15 to 25 lb dumbbells max) with dvds and YouTube videos at home as my energy levels allow. I lift heavier with machines using the Jefit app at the gym. Nothing crazy, I have lumbar spine issues as well. I do daily cardio for stress relief, again mostly videos or dvds- spinning, step aerobics, sports drills. At the gym I incline walk or jog, use the elliptical or the arc trainer. All according to my energy levels. If I'm tired I back off intensity or rest.

    What also helps is splitting my workouts into a morning and night session. The exercise for stress relief is a huge help. I used to binge eat to the tune of 3000+ calories on bad days.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I don’t have fibro but I do have CFS/ME. I used to love to lift weights but I can’t do it anymore. I can walk and do yoga. You might start with restorative yoga and some easy walking. I’m sure you know all about how discouraging a flare up can be so take it easy at first and figure out what your limits are. Gently push them just a little at a time.
  • ceecee134
    ceecee134 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all, i think i replied to you individually (i think! I pressed quote.... Then after i wrote to you, i pressed done) but it didn't now I'm unsure if i did reply. #confused
    Anyway, update: I've bought a 1.5k weighted hoola hoop to help strengthen my back and core. And have found yoga exercises for fibro from 5 mins and upwards, so I started that this morning and I've seemed to not overdone it atm... will continue on the 5 min one and then build up next week (if ok, if not, I'll reduce it again)
    Believe it or not 2 years ago I WAS working ft with under 4year old running and playing and making things, doing observations etc and I played ladies premiership rugby training twice a week and travelling all over, north to south. Can't believe that I can't even have a shower get dressed, dry hair and be knackered for the rest of the day now! #housebound
    But I'm determined to get fit and hopefully have more energy and less pain x hope you're all well and not in pain xx
    Ps someone mentioned something about having cheese and it helped.... how is it the fat content in it? X :)
  • ceecee134
    ceecee134 Posts: 8 Member
    Why can't I see my replies to you all, is this working?
  • ceecee134
    ceecee134 Posts: 8 Member
    When u press quote does that mean that you can see what I wrote individually to you, but no one else can? I can't see if I've posted it!!! Grrr this app is confusing! Lol :#:#:p
  • ceecee134
    ceecee134 Posts: 8 Member
    I have fibro. I just started exercising 6 weeks ago, and am mainly walking. I decided that I have pain anyway, why not have it be from exercise instead of fibro? So I walk whether it hurts or not. My Fitbit has provided me with so much motivation. I started with a goal of 6k steps per day and increased it each week. Now I’m at 10k and going to 12k soon. My endurance has improved so much in just 6 weeks!

    I lift very light weights about 3 times per week and have already noticed increased strength, which is really exciting!!

    Get a Fitbit and GO FOR IT!!!

    Kristina that's amazing! I do hope you see this as I've replied so many times to peeps but not seen it, it's not like Facebook, I've just found the post button at the bottom on my phone and thought If I pressed the Done button that would do it grrr
    Anyway wow that's amazing! Are fitbits expensive? I want one, now I'm actually in the mood to get fit and diet etc I'll just try this. You're right, yes you'll still be in pain whether or not anyway x I've bought a hoola hoop that's weighted 1.5k, it folds away too thought that would help strengthen my back and core and started yoga for fibro sufferers that I've found on YouTube... so fingers crossed ill be walking further with the doggy seeing add we have lovely views and beaches here,i can't exactly stay housebound x
    Hope you're well x and how great, just off to shop on eBay now lol
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    I have replied three times and keep hitting "done" instead of "post reply" and lose my reply. So...I have ME/CFS but not fibro, and working on breaking the push/crash (flare) cycle. I do walking and restorative movement and stretching. I wear a Fitbit, and I have a basic model, the Flex2. I am slowly losing weight and mainly I want to stop crashing and be able to improve my activity tolerance. I can be bedbound for days in a crash. I would love friends who understand this.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    You can do this! I have fibro too. the trick is to find something that's not going to leave you sore. for me, it's recumbent biking. if I walk on a treadmill, I'll be sore for a week but if I use the recumbent bike, I'll have no pain whatsoever either during or afterward.
  • MissyK222
    MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
    I do! Please anyone feel free to add me.
    I have gained 35 pounds since being on different meds, not excercising much and being depressed (I eat tons of sugar when I get depressed) I hate it but I am determined to lose this fat!! Would love any advice or tips anyone would like to share with me. tootles fibro warriors!