Binge eater in need of friends to stay accountable

I’ve been a binge eater for years and I’m really trying to quit alcohol, exercise more, and stop the binging. I underestimate how much I eat and it’s time to track. I would love to have motivated people to add, my username is @saladspin :)


  • Oatlover25
    Oatlover25 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I’m in the same boat and have been trying to stop for years! I have slowly gotten better but after seeing my nutritious yesterday I’ve decided I need to hold my self to account more during binges! Hopefully seeing the calories go up as I eat will tell my brain to stop it! Food is everywhere and people don’t understand how you can have a negative relationship with it! Just stop eating!! But it’s more complex than that! I hope you manage to beat it, and im happy to be that friend to hold each other to account!! X
  • Brittanyloses
    Brittanyloses Posts: 15 Member
    binge eater here! I was reading online that it takes 21 days to form a habit? pfft who knows right? I also read online that the more you eat of something, the more you crave it? Anyway, so I decided I was going to go 21 full days without binging, without cheating, without eating crap. I'm on day 4 (and ive been VERY good) and I've already lost 4 pounds. probably water weight? but I'll take it!!! I'll send you a friend request! feel free to message me! You can snap chat me too if you want :) mrsbrown822
  • breathefire
    breathefire Posts: 35 Member
    in ED recovery so i feel you! the balance between not restricting and not bingeing is hard.
  • karr6
    karr6 Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2018
    Needing support here too! Its a daily struggle and I need to focus on takin it day by day. It seems the calories just go over and then i give up for that day☹️
  • I binge eat too, especially late at night on chocolate and sweets. I have a really bad sweet tooth!!!
    I'm trying to break the habit but man it is hard.
  • Drakebalrog
    Drakebalrog Posts: 8 Member
    If this isn't me. I gave into my cravings too much even when i wasn't hungry at alllllllll. I just need to be more disciplined when it comes to what I eat. Doesn't mean I can't eat nice things but it feels good to be in control of what I eat and how much.
    binge eater here! I was reading online that it takes 21 days to form a habit? pfft who knows right? I also read online that the more you eat of something, the more you crave it? Anyway, so I decided I was going to go 21 full days without binging, without cheating, without eating crap. I'm on day 4 (and ive been VERY good) and I've already lost 4 pounds. probably water weight? but I'll take it!!! I'll send you a friend request! feel free to message me! You can snap chat me too if you want :) mrsbrown822

    Awesome. I'm on day 5 of intermittent fasting although I did relapse and had white bread and hot chocolate on day 2. GOODLUCK
  • EmilySueGermain
    EmilySueGermain Posts: 12 Member
    yaaaaassssss! And oh the guilt! I feel like I've failed at life, and I never want those I love and admire to be disappointed so I hide my struggle. I down play my's a never ending cycle it seems! Accountability is something I am seeking as well! I need a tribe y'all!
  • MadisonJay64
    MadisonJay64 Posts: 125 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I've struggled with binge eating my whole life. 50kgs down but still struggling with it, would love to support eachother! It doesn't get easier, we just get stronger :)
  • Feel free to add me!
  • AnthonyByrne1101
    AnthonyByrne1101 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    Sometimes I just cannot stop eating, good to have buddy to keep us in check, feel free to add me
  • heatherpb01
    heatherpb01 Posts: 12 Member
    Agree with EVERYTHING everyone has said above! Binging is a tough thing to tackle. But with help, it's all possible. We're seeking the dopamine rush food delivers...temporarily. Let's all cheer each other on. We can do this. :smile:
  • ClayBengal
    ClayBengal Posts: 124 Member
    Feel free to add...binge eater and drinker here. Have had it under control with keto but hoping to keep It up.
  • Imogenrose1862
    Imogenrose1862 Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hey! Add me if you like :) I really struggled with binge eating (and drinking) a year ago, but atm am doing fine (would also be good to have some accountability though!). I've lost 10kg (22lb) since my highest weight, so it's definitely doable to break the habit! Anyhow, good luck!
  • bradandjenny7
    bradandjenny7 Posts: 28 Member
    Food glorious food, it keeps us alive but will be the death of us also. Only just new in here & just seeing what is in all that I’m eating it’s a real eye opener. Everyone that knows me knows my Hangry stage as I love my food, finding it so hard to eat less. Good luck honey!