Looking for friends and motivation

A few months ago i was really active with this program and lost ten pounds, but life got to me and i quit. I really don't like the way i feel anymore and it's time to finally stick to something that works. I just need a little help.

I still live at home with the parents and work a part time job. I've been really depressed about my situation, and the only way i will feel better is if i ACTUALLY DO something. Now that i have a lot more free time I can work out, and plan smart balanced portioned meals. cause i did just finish culinary school.

My main problem is keeping motivated, and that will take time to fix. Changing my whole way of thinking. I know that i will not be perfect and i will stumble, but if i have people here to keep me going and positive, it will be easier for me.

Please add me as a friend! And i love to swap recipes!


  • bomomar
    bomomar Posts: 94 Member
    He we have a group that has fun competition. We motivate and try to encourage. Check us out and if you like invite me as a friend. If not I wish you a lot of luck.

  • kim22561
    hello I'll be your friend :laugh: I have been using recipe books called symply to good to be true these are fantastic as it tells you exactly how many cals per serve they were written by a lady who struggled with her waite and endorsed by Diabetes australia and a dietician they are available online good luck ......Kim