Not sure if anyone will ever notice...

I have lost 19.6 lbs since Oct. and have 15-20lb more to reach my goal. Noone has noticed! I am overweight but not obese with an average frame (5ft 7 in and down to size 12 pants from size 14 pants) I just wish people would notice. Then again, I am a pro at losing weight. I've done this song and dance (losing 20 + lbs) at least 3 other times in my life. I've been a size 8 once or twice in my life but just for a hot second. I am just not a pro at keeping it off. I have realized the thinner I get the more I sort of hate my body. It sounds crazy but I notice more of the imperfections. I realize I do have control as I lose and feel down on myself for not getting down to a size 4. I guess I just notice the flab more. But, when I am bigger I just give in and think that it is just the way I look and I might us well make peace with it. When I am thinner I have more responsibility. This time it is different. I am not doing this just for vanity. I am doing it for health. I will reach my goal weight. I just want people to notice!!! It would be motivating.Thanks for reading. I'd love to hear from you if you have something to say.


  • StevefromMichigan
    StevefromMichigan Posts: 462 Member
    Hi Tracy. For me, it took a loss of about 30 lbs before I got the first comment on my losing weight, so hang in there! Are you doing any strength training? Adding some muscle tone will give you a more fit look once you shed the extra pounds. Keep at it - you're heading in the right direction!
  • Tracy430
    Tracy430 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you! You are absolutely right about the strength training. I haven't been a fan in the past but it is necessary to tone.
  • cornplastic
    cornplastic Posts: 11 Member
    I don't like it when people say, "Oh, you've lost weight!" It makes me feel self-conscious. Since I don't like it, I don't do it to others. Most of my friends don't talk about others' weight either for fear of making someone uncomfortable. Maybe those in your life are the same way. It could be that they notice but don't want to make you feel self-conscious.

    Are you wearing clothes that fit? Nothing clingy or skintight, just well-fitted? If you're wearing balloony peasant tops or roomy sweaters, it might be hard for people to see you. My weight fluctuates (independently of anything I'm doing, it seems), so sometimes I put on something only to realize it's pretty loose. Since I don't have a full-length mirror at home, sometimes I don't figure it out until I catch my full reflection sometime during the day. Is it possible that you might also be wearing bigger clothes than you realize?

    I'm envious of your 5'7''! :) I'm 5'3'' on a good day. Almost everything has to be hemmed; even my leggings and gym pants.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Sometimes people are hesitant to comment on someone's weight. You're doing this for you, so remember that. It might be a good idea, since you've always regained the weight, to start planning for maintanience. There are several threads running on how to do it. Get some ideas and be prepared. I agree with strength training if you're not doing any. It may help you like your body. Look up the "sexy pants" thread--it is a sticky. There's great info there.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    It sounds as if you are being too hard on yourself. True it is nice if someone notices you are looking better, (healthier) but you're not doing it for anyone other than yourself. I wonder where you are on your bmi range. I know there is a great variance in what is considered a good weight. I would love your extra 4 inches in height. I'd not expect to ever be a size 12 (UK), even at 5.3 but I'm on the older end of things.

    You cam make it different this time using mfp, once you have achieved your right chosen weight, you will be able to use the system to maintain, you will learn what you need to do to keep within 7 lbs or, which ever number you permit yourself to be, of your chosen weight, keeping yourself in line. Please concentrate on nutrition rather than just being thin. Thin very often is not that healthy as one may think because nutrition is lacking. Achieving the best, healthiest you is in my view where you need to be.

    All the very best You can and will be able to do it this time.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    A 20 lbs difference isn't much, especially in the Winter when you wear more clothes... plus people who see you all the time probably haven't noticed as it was gradual.

    But a lot of people will never say anything either. Not sure why.
  • ITUSGirl51
    ITUSGirl51 Posts: 192 Member
    I’m 5’8” and only a couple of people noticed when I lost 30 lbs. I’m a yo-yo dieter so I’m always up and down. So I pretty much look the same to people. It sounds like you may be the same.

    Everyone noticed when I lost 60 lbs. When I tell people how much I’ve lost they don’t believe me. They think it was 20-30 lbs. I show them my before picture and they are shocked I’ve changed so much.

    I totally understand the feeling of not being good enough. I can wear a 8-10 pant and 12 dress and I should be thrilled after starting at 18 pant and 14W dress (which is like a 20). I think my after picture looks like some people’s before picture. So that can be disappointing. I will never be skinny.

    I think I can maintain where I am now (still want to lose 5 lbs), so that’s what’s important to me. I can walk 5 miles and don’t feel like I’m going to die. My feet no longer hurt. I also don’t snore anymore. I can go clothes shopping and actually find things that look good on me. I went yesterday and tried on size 8 pants just to see is they would fit. I bought a few, some were still snug in the waist. Sales clerks say “can I help you”. They were showing me new arrivals. That never happened when I was heavier.

    Just keep reminding yourself where you started. Look at your before picture. Where you are is a lot better. No one is perfect. You just need to be the best version of you and still have a happy life. Trying to be perfect and skinny will not give you a happy life.

    BTW...I’m saying all this to myself too.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I think sometimes people are afraid to mention it even if they do notice, because some people take offense at those types of comments, or are embarrassed by them.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Sometimes people don't comment. I notice people who have lost weight, but usually don't say anything because I know some people don't want anything said about it. If they were to talk about it and tell me "hey I have been dieting and lost ___" I would say wow awesome I can tell congratulations. Some people just won't say anything because they know weight is a sensitive topic and don't want to offend one way or another.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Even when people notice, they may not say anything, especially if they do not know you well enough to know if you will be embarrassed or made uncomfortable by the comment. What if you lost weight due to an illness? It's a general rule, especially in the workplace, to avoid commenting on a person's appearance, even if you are trying to be complementary. Remember that you are doing this for you and no one else.