New - Support Welcome

Hello. I'm new to MFP. I joined in July but never got started with it. I dived in last week and so far so good. My goal is huge and sometimes daunting but every day is a day. So far it's been easy to use MFP and my husband and kids think I'm addicted to my iPad cause I can't eat without it.

If you're looking for someone to cheer along - add me as a friend.


  • skinniemama
    I'm the same way. I am fairly new to MFP also. I joined in July so this is my 3rd week. So far I've lost 4.5 lbs and have 37.5 to go. My goal is to get back to the weight and size I was when we got married in 2003 before we go on our cruise for our 10th wedding anniversary! That gives me almost 2 years to drop the weight and build a little muscle to help me keep it off. haha What is your goal? You are right to take it day by day. The task doesn't seem so daunting that way, I think. Keep going, you can do it! :)
  • bomomar
    bomomar Posts: 94 Member
    He we have a group that has fun competition. We motivate and try to encourage. Check us out and if you like invite me as a friend. If not I wish you a lot of luck.