Would love some friends!

I am on a road of a healthier lifestyle! I am 21 years old and am really working on being a healthier individual, and hoping to lose about 50 pounds! I’ve recently changed my diet and lost about 18 pounds the last 3-5 months but have a long road ahead of me! I really would love any form of motivation or help from anyone, and I know having friends on here would hold me more accountable and it just makes this process a whole lot easier to have people who are going through the same kind of struggle! Thanks again!


  • MandyPie621
    MandyPie621 Posts: 27 Member
    Add me!
  • amlelas68
    amlelas68 Posts: 69 Member
    Accountability is huge part of any weight loss journey. I know for me when i have people that i have to be accountable to i am more likely to be more successful at this journey.
  • ayesha639
    ayesha639 Posts: 12 Member
    hey me too! lots of weight to lose and friends are the best way to stay accountable x
  • AnthonyByrne1101
    AnthonyByrne1101 Posts: 11 Member
    Im looking for friends to be stay accountable to on this :blush: anyone can add me for help :smile:
  • tahboogie
    tahboogie Posts: 4 Member
    You all can add me! I also need motivation!
  • CarmenQ110
    CarmenQ110 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm currently on my 100000000 diet lol you know what I mean. I started with 181lbs, I'm 5'5-5'6. Every time i get down to the lower 160's, I ended up gaining all the weights back. I'm trying Intermittent diet for the first time. I'm now 173 after 3 weeks. I'm 38 pounds away from my goal
  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    You can add me, I have had a lot of success with mfp and I use it to get back on track when I derail from time to time
  • mpressey8558
    mpressey8558 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! Trying Keto for the first time and I feel great. I hope everyone else is doing great!
  • Flereous
    Flereous Posts: 9 Member
    Hey I'm eating keto too! Add me as a friend pot favor!
  • ndagiremutebi
    ndagiremutebi Posts: 7 Member
    I will add you!
  • erikaelise97
    erikaelise97 Posts: 14 Member
    Add me! I'm 21 this year and definitely have a similar mindset about this! I've got about 20lbs left to lose, maybe more if I succeed at hitting that goal!
  • ellenmlove
    ellenmlove Posts: 11 Member
    Add me too. Accountability and support seems key!