Eating out with friends

eshebam Posts: 40 Member
How do you do it? Eating a flimsy salad seems like a short term choice - but all the meals are so high in calories and sodium? How do you handle it? Last night I just had half portions of what I wanted, I still ate over 1500 calories!


  • jonraines32586
    jonraines32586 Posts: 15 Member
    I usually just do it then eat less the next couple days.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,988 Member
    There are lots of strategies: eat smaller meals earlier in the day if you know you're going out; ask for a carryout box to be delivered with your meal and set aside half of it for lunch or dinner the next day; get a little extra exercise in to "earn" some more calories; treat it as a maintenance day (i.e., decide you can have consume calories up to your maintenance level; skip appetizers and desserts; choose a plain grilled, broiled, or roasted protein with plain veggies -- most places will leave sauces off if you ask, if the food isn't cooked in the sauce; ask to substitute a non-starchy veg for fries and other starchy, calorie-dense sides). If eating out with these friends is a frequent thing, maybe you could research some restaurants that have more diet-friendly options, and suggest trying those. Or maybe even suggest that once in a while you do something active when you get together, instead of just going some place to sit and eat (e.g., taking a hike, going ice skating, going someplace with dancing, going for a bike ride, going bowling, etc.).
  • klyoung68
    klyoung68 Posts: 5 Member
    I have perfected the choice of choosing what I want to eat and then only eating 1/2!
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Plan ahead.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Planning ahead, making sure it's a gym day too or walk more to burn more kcals.
  • knowleka
    knowleka Posts: 16 Member
    If i know exactly where i am going in advance i check to see if calories are available online so i can pick food, also stops me being sidetracked having to go through a menu. If it's not available then either work best with what you know such as chicken etc or right it off and restart in morning. Also if possible why not suggest you all walk to the restaurant rather than drive, you burn some cals there and back then.
  • Farrah_N_Ohio
    Farrah_N_Ohio Posts: 4 Member
    I typically use the keto and / or Paleo restaurant guides. When in a restaurant I typically choose sea bass, Salmon, bison, filet, or chicken without anything on it (order it naked) along with a vegetable and/or salad. If you are in a restaurant serving hamburger, substitute the bun for lettuce wrapped. If I am ordering wings, I bring my own bbq sauce or rub. I always use olive oil instead of dressing. Eating clean is important to me so I try to use the Consumer Reports “Antibiotic Score Card” when eating fast food. Wine seems to be my’s hard to pass up so I limit myself to 1 glass or I drink a glass of water between 2 glasses/cocktails. I do not drink soda pop at all.
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Plan ahead as most have mentioned before. And offer to share. Sharing is caring and great for weight loss!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Most restaurants have low calorie options. And like others said, plan ahead. Go to the restaurant's website. Google the nutrition facts and choose your meal before you even get to the restaurant. If all else fails, a grilled chicken breast and broccoli is my fall back meal.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    edited February 2018
    I usually eat smaller meals earlier in the day as others have said. I don't think bread is "evil" or anything like that, I'm not on a low carb diet for example. But when I go out to restaurants I usually don't eat the breadsticks, dinner rolls, individual baguette, etc. Stick with red sauces (Italian and Mexican) rather than alfredo/queso/etc. I may get something kind of fat-laden and caloric like chile rellenos but then I just eat 1/2 of my rice & beans and no tortilla chips at all (I'm not a chip person anyway but it seems like whether you eat 2 tortilla chips or 22+ it kind of seems the same so I just avoid them).

    I am the person who will get a black coffee and a chocolate chip cookie or donut when going to coffee while others get Frappuccino type concoctions...I just stick with what I really, really like and want. I am not going to go out to a burger place and order the salad with grilled chicken. I'll order the mushroom swiss burger & eat it with no bun and steamed broccoli or green beans for my side instead of fries.

    I usually drink water even if my friends are getting alcohol. There's usually at least one other person doing this, I have noticed. Celebratory nights out would be the exception and then I stick to one or two craft beers I really enjoy.

    Taking half of my food home has never worked well for me. I'll just eat it at 9 pm hovering near the fridge. Pointless. Occasionally I might bring something home to my husband.
  • abirdintherain
    abirdintherain Posts: 73 Member
    I plan ahead, if I can. Eat lighter through the day, have a game plan for what I'm going to order. I also like having leftovers for lunch the next day!

    If I don't have time to plan, or if there's no nutrition info available, I just indulge and enjoy myself and get back on track the next day. Life happens and I have to just go with it, otherwise the stress will knock me down. Weight loss doesn't mean you can't just have a nice dinner date with friends or family!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    jesspen91 wrote: »
    I am saddened by the people suggesting ordering plain chicken and veg. I wouldn't pay restaurant prices for something I can easily cook myself. The sauces and flavourings are what makes eating out a treat! Having a treat every now and then is not going to throw everything I. Do a workout in the morning and just try and enjoy yourself.

    I agree. I know some people really just stick with things like plain chicken and vegetables for their meals (whether at home or out) but I can't do that. I do have some things I'll eschew though (like bread & alcohol) simply because I dine out at least a couple of times every week, so I can't just completely go all out. But I agree completely, a restaurant meal is a nice treat and needs to be something I can't make easily at least something I don't cook at home.

  • tmaths
    tmaths Posts: 58 Member
    In all honesty, just take it as a " I deserve this" meal.

    You'd have to severely overeat ( 3500 cal ) to gain weight, so there's nothing wrong with going 500-1000 over your daily, as long as it's not all the time.

    Once in a while with friends? Go nuts!

    I do a 1800 cal intake each day, but I alreayd know when my bday hits, ( it's a friday ) I'm stuffing my face with an XL pizza, and then monday I'll get back on track.

    Life's too short to not enjoy yourself. You work hard, you deserve to treat yourself.
  • TheMerryMermaid
    TheMerryMermaid Posts: 69 Member
    I guess I'll just ask this here on this thread because it's relevant. I'm going to Rome next week and I'm planning to check-in to MFP daily, so as not to stop my streak. I want to experience the flavors of Italy, but I don't want to eat with wild abandon and come home ?lbs heavier! Any suggestions on tracking foreign restaurant foods?
    BTW, I'm eating a ketogenic diet - low carb, high fat and under 1200 cals for everyday eating.
  • eshebam
    eshebam Posts: 40 Member
    thanks for all your responses! I have settled in the "I deserve this" and "I'm gonna eat half" department.

    I tried to just go all out and eat what I would normally eat when out with frinds last week. They all ordered delicious fatty food so I knew I'd be upset with (the only) low cal salad - so I just chose what sounded good - burger and fries. Then dessert came -_- and I ordered some of that too - I felt so terrible. I was overful, and mad at myself for giving in - it just didn't seem worth it.

    So I'll stick with things that are good as leftovers so I can do the "half" thing - and I'll probrably revisit my stance after a bit, to try to see if it has affected my goals.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,185 Member
    I also find it helpful to decide what I'm going to have ahead of time. I make much better choices when I'm in my office looking at a menu online than I do when I'm hungry, sitting in a restaurant, smelling all the tasty food and watching plates of tasty vittles going by. Then when I get to the restaurant, all I do is a quick check to make sure the online menu was current and order according to plan. Very occasionally I'll get derailed by a nightly special or seasonal item, but that's pretty rare. Then I'm definitely in the "eat 1/2" camp. Best part of that is that I don't have to cook the meal I go out for OR one of my meals the next day! Anything to avoid the kitchen, lol....
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    It doesn't happen very often for me so I just eat/drink what I want, in moderation, for that one meal and enjoy it since it's a rare occasion. Like everyone else has mentioned I plan ahead. I eat less that day and also less that week if it is planned a week ahead. I also check the menu/calories ahead of time.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I would eat lighter during the day so I have extra calories. When we eat out I don't necessarily choose the healthiest thing, I choose what I feel like eating but I have planned for it. What I do is usually share the side or if I feel the portion is too much I will leave half of it.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Plan ahead. Know where you're going to eat and research the menu. Have a snack or small meal a little before so that when you get there, your hunger is already suppressed (stay within caloric goal for the day). Drink water before you eat. Surround yourself with friends who are supportive and don't mind you ordering something that keeps you in line with your goals.