skinny cow?

Is skinny cow worth it? Or should you get there real stuff and eat in moderation? I just wanna know if skinny cow has those "bad diet chemicals" What should I watch out for in general with diet foods?


  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    personally I love it... However idk if its worth it
  • Many people swear by it (no offense to those who do), so the other day I had a hankering for ice cream and was faced with picking a single serving of skinny cow dulce de leche or a single serving of hagen daaz dulce de leche. The skinnt cow was like 150 calories vs. 220 in hd, so I figured I'd try the skinny cow. I took one spoonful and literally spit it out. To me it tasted like a weird chemical nightmare with the aftertaste of cheap pink cotton candy. Yuck! Next time I will save up 70 more calories and eat the good stuff.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I tried the caramel truffle bars,they are just ok. I like WW dark chocolate covered raspberry bars more. I probably will not do the skinny cow again but I will do WW bars and I love Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Cherry "Soy" Ice Cream!
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I like the Slim a bear (khlondik bars) better. They are 100 calories. The only Skinny Cow ice cream I have had is the Carmel Truffle. They do help with a ice cream craving. And were ok.
  • I love skinny cow there ice cream is very smooth and there candy is amazing!!!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    As far as the Heavenly Crisp goes, it's nutritionally the same as a Kit Kat. It's just half as big.
  • kayler00
    kayler00 Posts: 35 Member
    I love their Mint Icecream Sandwiches & their Cookies & Cream Bars. IMO they are much better than regular icecream!
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    I like the Slim a bear (khlondik bars) better. They are 100 calories.

    Love 'em, they don't taste diet. That being said I try not to eat them too much, I try to stay away from the evil diet chemicals as well.
  • I love skinny cow there ice cream is very smooth and there candy is amazing!!!

    agreed!!! yummy!!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I would take the real stuff in moderation any day. Every day, actually.

    Skinny Cow is full of fake junk. :(
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    I got really excited when my area started carrying Skinny Cow, after reading so many posts in praise of it. Once I looked at the list of ingredients, I put it back and have to say I've never tried it. Not for me, but to each their own!
  • Ladywaring
    Ladywaring Posts: 13 Member
    I don't know what Skinny Cow has in it. But chemicals and generally unhealthy things to look for are the things you can't pronounce and hydrogenated oils especially "partially hydrogenated". From all my health magazine reading those are the main ones I can remember. Corn syrup is still a 50/50 split whether people think it is bad or not. The things that end with "ose" are usually sugars, some artificial some natural. But in general, I think "healthy" diet foods are the ones you prepare yourself. Most boxed foods, ready to eat and frozen meals have preservatives and unnatural chemicals.
  • Thank you everyone for you comments!!!

    :) I've been reading them, they are helpful.