Giving up soda....



  • ammiyou
    ammiyou Posts: 1
    I was told by my chiropractor to give up ALL artificial sweetners. They are not good for your body. Since quitting diet sodas and teas, I am noticing a huge difference in the amount of aches and pains. My back doesn't hurt during the night and my bones don't ache all day. Replace your soda with stevia flavored water. It was very hard for me to do since I was at 4-5 dans of Diet Dr. Pepper a day. But soooo worth it, not just for the weight loss, but for the entire body. You Can Do It!!!
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    My husband and I went grocery shopping this weekend and didn't buy any soda. Normally we buy between 3 and 4, 12 packs. I drink 2 a day sometimes none at all sometimes more. I am trying to give it up cold turkey and just pound the water. This is hard for me, I mean I grew up in a household that always had Pepsi in the fridge. Has anyone out there done this, and did it help drop the pounds??

    The last time I gave up soda I lost 30 pounds in three months!! (I worked at a McD's at the time and it was at my fingertips all the time.) I was amazed at how much of a difference it made...

    Good Luck!
  • zadrii
    zadrii Posts: 21
    Great job :) And it's good for your teeth
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I feel you! Growing up I always had Diet Coke in the fridge, and that was just the way it was. When I was 17 I noticed how tired I looked, how greasy my face was, etc. and decided to cut out all caffeinated beverages and dark sodas. The important thing is to cut out the caffeine! If you feel like you really need it only allow yourself one caffeinated beverage a day. From there, then cut out all carbonated beverages-only allow yourself juice and water. Once you've accomplished that, cut out anything with sugar. Sugar free juices are good though. :) Good luck
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    The first change I made when I started losing weight was to give up soda. I generally only drink water. I rarely drink soda. (funny I should be posting this today. In pure frustration and rebillion I had a pepsi max and tuaca for lunch.) I drink water with all my meals and always in between. I dropped my first 65 pounds by giving up white sugar, white flour, and soda. And diet soda is no better for you.

    I had a 6 pack a day habit...and I kicked it cold turkey. I don't miss it at all. I used to hate water and now I crave it.
  • rbarwick
    rbarwick Posts: 2 Member
    I quit drinking soda about 6 months ago... I say "about" because I don't actually know the last day I had it. I know it was the early part of February and although I had tried many many times to quit, this is the longest I have ever gone, and I have NO desire to go back. I just woke up one day and decided I wasn't a soda drinker. It has been all water and crystal light (and some fruit juices) ever since.

    I grew up with a Diet Coke addict mother and I'm pretty sure I starting drinking it as a very young child... I never bought it in college because of economic necessity, but when I did go out to eat, I would get the fountain drink. When I graduated I went right back on drinking several cans a day... and tried stopping almost every New Years Eve since. Now I can proudly say ... "Oh, soda?! I dont drink that!".

    It has been the best decision I have made because although I have not seen a huge difference in weight it is motivating that I know I can make changes that last-- I'm hoping this will translate over to the new life style change I have started now :).
  • kayler00
    kayler00 Posts: 35 Member
    I am doing this now! And it's cold turkey! As you can see from my diary I had a 4oz glass of Diet Coke today. Diet Pepsi & Diet Coke are weaknesses! But I have just been drinking water all day every day and nothing else except a few ozs every week or so. It's hard but weirdly I do not crave it.
  • jenblowsbubblez
    jenblowsbubblez Posts: 112 Member
    I had the same issue!! I LOVED my diet mt.dew!! After a month I am to about a glass of it every 3 days. I had horrible headaches when I quit cold turkey. Also noticed the more I exercised the more I wanted water!! now if i dont drink water I feel dehydrated all the time.
  • I gave up soda when I started my diet and the first 2 weeks I lost 7lbs. I was shocked at how much I lost. Soda is very bad for you. I haven't had a soda since January.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I used to buy Diet Pepsi - 4 of the 12 packs at a time - being my beverage of choice (not a water drinker). I gave it up cold turkey and feel so much better. I drink flavored seltzer and unsweetened Celestial Seasonings True Blueberry iced tea. I use it in my water bottle for the gym. Best thing I every did.... initially I experienced some headaches but they soon disappeared. Give it up!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Good for you for giving them up!!!!

    I would drink two or three Pepsi a day. I had my last one on June 2 of this year, I'm proud to say. If I think about them, I miss them, but it hasn't been too hard. They were a comfort food for me......I could have one when things were rough at work and I felt better.

    I drink more water now and unsweetened tea with a bit of cranberry juice in it. The cranberry juice does have calories in it but it's better than the soft drinks and I don't put much in, maybe a 1/4th of a cup.

    I hope I can keep it up. Hope you all hold on to the motivation, too!!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    My husband and I went grocery shopping this weekend and didn't buy any soda. Normally we buy between 3 and 4, 12 packs. I drink 2 a day sometimes none at all sometimes more. I am trying to give it up cold turkey and just pound the water. This is hard for me, I mean I grew up in a household that always had Pepsi in the fridge. Has anyone out there done this, and did it help drop the pounds??

    I was the same way, I always drank soda and basically that was it. And now all I drink is water. Sometimes I will add some propel water flavors. But you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I've been off for a couple of weeks and I'm still getting headaches off and on, but YES I think it helps you lose pounds quicker.
  • I gave up pop in January.
    Went cold turkey.
    Don't even miss it a bit.
    I drink alot water now.
    And trust me you will see a big difference in your weight
    if you stop drinking it.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    When I was in my 30's, I gave up soda, increased my water, ate a banana or granola bar for breakfast (I normally didn't eat breakfast) , had cottage cheese and radishes for lunch, then ate a regular dinner. I treated myself to a Snickers bar once a week, and went for regular walks. At the end of a month, I had dropped 25 pounds. Sure wish it was that easy now!