Gastric Bypass Patients???

Is there anyone out there who has had GBP? When was your surgery? Have you met your goal?

My surgery was April 18, 2011. I have lost 51 pounds so far, and would like to lose another 50 by my wedding on December 31st!


  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    I haven't had my surgery yet, but I will have it by the end of 2011--hopefully in October.

    Congrats on the surgery and the weight loss!
  • DeandraLynn
    Yes, I had gastic bypass surgery in January 2006. Honestly, I didn't have a goal in mind, just knew I no longer wanted to be fat. Over the first year, I lost 105 pounds (starting weight was 244). At my lowest weight of 139, family members started complaining about me being too thin (funny how they never told me I was too fat) so I intentionally tried to gain 10/15 pounds back. Needless to say it is so much easier to gain weight than it is to lose; hence, why I am on MFP working once again to lose 25 pounds (much easier than 100+).

    Wishing you much success on your weight loss journey and many years of love and happiness in your marriage.
  • MzLori
    MzLori Posts: 17
    My surgery was June 8th I had the Roux En Y gastric bypass. I have lost 54 lbs to date and my goal is another 70 then I'll go from there. My doctor wants to see me at 174, start weight was 295. :( I am still healing from the surgery, (had a major hernia repair at the time as well.) Good luck on your continued weightloss. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you want to, we can support each other. :)
  • LadyKatarina
    LadyKatarina Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! Roux En Y Gastric Bypass LONG term post op, here. I had surgery April 20, 2001 (Celebrated my 10 year re-birthday this year with a fantastic Zumba class party with friends). My starting weight was 340, at age 20. I was down to 155 at my lowest weight about 7 years ago..and I have gone back and forth about 35/40 lbs up, back down, and back up some since then. It saved my life, and was the best choice I ever made. Today starts my most recent battle with the 25 lbs between me and my "comfortable" weight (I was there in 2009, then lost my willpower and had an injury since then.

    Gastric Bypass is a TOOL for weight does not fix the problems that started your obesity in the first place (as I've said all along, they did surgery on my stomach, not my brain) and eventually when you can eat "normally" again, you can regain weight. It takes work to maintain the healthy choices and lifestyle. Exercise is also important, whether it is walking, swimming, or other methods (Zumba for me).

    Good luck and congrats on your "Rebirthday" of June 8th. Celebrate that date every is the first day of the rest of your life.

    I'm an open book about my surgery anyone can contact me if they need a long term post op to talk to. :)

    LadyKatarina on MFP
  • schlabetsy
    Great to meet everyone and hear their stories. I'm celebrating my 10 years post op on December 22. I had surgery when I was 22 and it was truly a life saving decision. Best choice I ever made. At my largest I weighed 280 now I'm at 219, 201 was my lowest. The surgery helped me lose the 70 libs, but now I've got to diet like a normal person to get to 185. I'd be interested to know if anyone had any skin removal procedures. I never did, I never felt I was thin enough to get it done.
  • LadyKatarina
    LadyKatarina Posts: 28 Member
    Schlabetsy, I did, I had tummy tuck and breast lift two years after gastric bypass. I had to pay out of pocket, but it was money well spent. Unfortunately I never got the money to get the back done (lower body lift), but I'd still like to do that.
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    Is there anyone out there who has had GBP? When was your surgery? Have you met your goal?

    My surgery was April 18, 2011. I have lost 51 pounds so far, and would like to lose another 50 by my wedding on December 31st!

    Hey, surgery sister! I had my GB on April 20, 2011. I started at 290 and my goal is between 150 and 160; we'll see how it goes when I get there. So far, I have lost 79.6 pounds. About 25 of that was pre op due to the steps diet that I had to do. The better measure is that I have lost 37.5 inches since then.

    There is a thread dedicated to surgery support in here, you should find it and join us.

    Congrats and good luck!
  • schlabetsy
    Did you set a goal weight you had to hit before you got the surgeries? I went to a plastic surgeon and he said it wasn't worth it until after I have children. I might get the Mommy-gastric-bypass-makeover someday.
  • Dellonious1
    I had Gastric Bypass on August 23, 2011....Still in the different food stages. Lost 12 lbs thus Far....