Teaching the next generation

My daughter wanted microwave popcorn today. We have been teaching her how to pay attention to portion sizes, and eat healthier foods before eating the treats (she's 8). So after making her have lunch first, she ate her share of popcorn, I had some, and I reminded her to stop now.
Originially I was going to suggest bagging the rest to save for later, but didn't get the chance, as she looked down at the third of a bowl and started to worry about "wasting" the hot popcorn. So I took a different tactic and instead of suggested she save it for later I laughed and reminded her that we are not short on popcorn, we have never been short on popcorn, and throwing away a few bites of food is much preferable to "wasting" it inside her body, if she isn't hungry, and overeating would make her stomach feel bad.
It just hit me how much of an evolutionary trait that is. She has NEVER been food insecure, and she if she doesn't finish something she likes, she can always save it for later.
Humans are weird. Lol


  • Jenniferakajacel311
    It's something we grew up with in a privileged world. "Finish off your plate" or you sit there until you do. I remember from an early age having to do this and it stays with me still. Thankfully we can adjust this for our kids and begin to teach them healthy portion sizes, measurement with scales, spoons, cups, and to read nutrition labels. It's a lot more than we ever had to do growing up but the very fact that food is so much more tempting now is difficult to ignore.

    Way to go, Mom!

  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    It's a touchy subject. I still have hang ups regarding throwing away food. I think there is no real answer. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't when kids are involved.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    I was also raised to not waste food, but luckily, we live in a rural area and any "extra" food goes to our chickens, or our pig, or Rosie (the dog) so nothing is really going to waste. We just say, "Oh, well, so-and-so will enjoy this." I've also taught the kids to take smaller portions- they can always go back for more if they're still hungry.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    My grandparents were depression kids, so my parents were both raised to militantly avoid wasting food, and that cascaded down to me. Those who threw away food were shamed - "you aren't leaving this table until you clean your plate!", which years later was followed by "why are you getting so fat, do you lack self-control?" to a lot of people in my family. On top of that, I spent several years in the Army, with the "take what you want, but eat what you take" mantra, so if you were caught dumping food in the trash you would catch hell.

    Yes, it is bad to waste food, but it is much worse to eat something for the sake of eating it when you are no longer hungry. I make one attempt for my kids to finish their food, encourage them to be more aware of how hungry they are before they order next time, and then leave it at that.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I truly wish I had been taught to eat until I was satisfied rather than eat til it’s gone. It might have saved me 30 years of being overweight.