Day 1

Hi. I’m Mary and definitely new here. At age 57, I’m really focused on reaching my health and dropping those horrible habits that have been holding me back from reaching that goal.

Today is day 1 of that challenge, a day that marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. And it started with me feeling physically awful because of what I’ve done over the past few days.

My health is directly impacted by the unhealthy relationship I’ve had with Facebook and my eating, causing me to spend endless hours scrolling through and responding to posts that are taking away from me really living life. As a result, I’ve given into my cravings for sweets and crappy foods, only to find the next day I literally feel hung over, shaky, and in a brain fog. That’s where I’m at today.

Last night, me, a cupcake with Ben and Jerry’s American Cone ice cream, along with Facebook sat down and binged. This was after having a pretzel for lunch and a serving of Big Bowl’s Orange Chicken for dinner. The sugar rush hit like a freight train and today I feel like I drank a bottle of wine, and I don’t drink!

So, as of today I’m changing that and I’m determined to live my life in the present, no longer looking for some meaning or affirmation in friends or news posts. And I’ve come here to ask for support in that journey.

Today is my day 1 of many. I’m well aware this won’t be easy. Thank you for reading this and just being there.



  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    Hey Mary I am 57 also. We are too young to be wasting our lives! You deserve better than junk food & Facebook.
    You can do this!
  • SoleTrainer60
    SoleTrainer60 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Mary, I will be 62 in March. I do not do facebook. My kids have told me that I would enjoy it if I tried. I am not to good with computers in the first place.So I haven't tried it yet. LOL After saying all of this, I have found that when we eat healthier, we feel much better. I don't always eat right, but I try. My husband is doing this along with me. Which helps me alot. I do get a lot of exercise, because I love to walk and jog. I wish you well on your journey to a new life style. I am very proud of you for choosing this new healthy lifestyle. It will help you so much mentally and physically. :)
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    Maybe you could switch your Facebook time with reading books or listening to audiobooks on Audible or Overdrive.

    All the best in your journey, Mary!