Best routine for losing weight at the gym.

I've been going to the gym for 3 weeks now and I've increased to 4 times a week. I've tried a variety of machines. Does anyone have an idea on which combination of machines would work the best to help lose the most fat over time. I'm looking to get the most from my experience.


  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Just so I can be a bit more helpful.

    If you want to get in better shape I would pick one of the novice full body programs from that list and do it for at least 3 months. This will give you a solid purpose while in the gym. I prefer barbell type programs but any on that list would work to get you more fit.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Both of those^^ are what you need to know. There is no exercise that helps to lose the most fat. That is mostly diet.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    Calories In and Calories Out. Regardless of which machine you use, record what you eat, record what you burn exercising. If your calories out exceed your calories in on a daily basis you will lose fat over time.
  • ijsantos2005
    ijsantos2005 Posts: 306 Member
    Came for the fork put downs and table push-a-ways.