Starting from scratch

This is my story: In 2016 I was diagnosed with a chronic heart condition, something I have to learn to live with for the rest of my life. There are small lifestyle changes I can make but I will never be able to perform how I used to. Previous to 2016 I was the fittest I have ever been in my life, I was healthy, I was happy and I was active every single day. Now I can barely walk up a flight of stairs. My heart is relatively stable now and I have the ability to exercise moderately again. I need to get my body back on track I need to get happy again... I need to lose at least 20kgs to get back to where I was.
I have zero motivation most days but by writing this I am making a commitment to myself that I will try my best and push myself to get my confidence back. I am 27, I work two jobs and I am a sole parent so I am forever putting other priorities in front of my health. I can no longer afford to do that, I need to focus on myself.


  • nataliea810
    nataliea810 Posts: 7 Member
    I’m sure you will do it! Good luck
  • AAScores
    AAScores Posts: 38 Member
    Keep at it! We are at our best to take care of others when we take care of ourselves too! You can do it!!
  • Andy19662018
    Andy19662018 Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2018
    I am new to all of this...never had a need to keep fit or watch my health. But at my age and new job sat down all day and my history of depression and a breakdown in 2016 I find myself here. Your health us so important...30 years in the same job I love eventually broke me, so I started from scratch with a new job. 3 children and my wife are my life and my inspiration. Keep at it...ĺand if you need help or motivation say hi. If not good luck.
  • VolsG8rH8r
    VolsG8rH8r Posts: 47 Member
    I admire your courage! Getting back in shape after such an event must be mentally exhausting as much as it is physical. You are doing for the right reason and use your child as motivation. They're happy when you're happy! So get to it! :)
  • EMNxx
    EMNxx Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone!
    Such kind and encouraging words!
    I honestly didn’t think anyone would read this let alone take the time to comment so thank you
  • sendtoharvey
    sendtoharvey Posts: 135 Member
    you can do it. best of luck!
  • lornam11
    lornam11 Posts: 14 Member
    I’ve had bad health for years and am also going for a fresh start