new to myfitnesspal...

I am new to this whole calorie counting, dieting AND exercise thing. I'm not sure I'll survive or if I'll actually lose any weight. But what the heck...I guess it's worth a try. :wink:


  • wendiebradley
    I am new too - been logging in a couple days, and I can say this is a super great way to track your food! I love that you can enter your recipes and then the serving size and see how many calories are in what you are eating. Good luck!
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    I've been here two weeks and the support from other members is outstanding. I sent you a friend request, and I suggest you get more. The motivation your friends provide, along with help and ideas is well worth its weight!
  • countinonme
    This is the most comfortable "diet" gizmo I have EVER seen! It works wonders for me... This weekend was kinda grrrrr I didn't get down a dang thing I ate.. My own stinking fault... Seems to work if you simply work it..