
I’m struggling to maintain. I lost 3.5 stone on slimming world. Further 1 more stone with MFP total 4.5 stone. I’ve now become more active with my fitness and building up to complete my first 10K run. May not be a big run for some people but is to me. But up until November last year I had never really been to a gym. I find it hard to choose the right foods that are healthy to reach my calorie intake and always way under each day and struggle getting a balance with macros. And never eat back my extra exercise calories. How have people over come this. I’ve spoken to my slimming world consultant with bad advice and that it’s my body telling me I need to loose more weight or have extra HeB and HeA which I have tried. I’m 5ft 10 and weight 12st 5.5 pound. I’m also never hungry at end of day. Should I reduce my weight more? Or stay wear I’m at. Any help would be great. Many thanks.


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited February 2018
    How do you feel at your current weight? for your height that sounds a healthy weight imo.

    You should be eating back your exercise calories. Also 'right foods' sounds like you are making this harder than it should be. Eat foods that fill you and that you enjoy but aim to eat at the maintenance calories MFP has given you and yes, eat those exercise calories back too just like MFP 'tells' you. (it adds your exercise cals burned to your pre-set cals).

    Macros aren't the be all and end all, for me I only pay attention to protein and aim for 0.8-1g of protein per pound of my weight.

    Congrats btw on your weight loss :smile:

  • PeterAllan3450
    PeterAllan3450 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you. And your probably right I am making it harder then what I should be.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I'm not familiar with Slimming World, but it seemed to be initially helpful to you, but probably not helpful as far as maintenance goes. What did you eat on that plan? Types of food and calorie goal? Can you just adjust your current diet based off of that?

    Sounds like the "consultant" isn't very knowledgeable so it's best to educate yourself. Maintenance is a trial and error thing for a while. Just be consistent and track your progress. See what works and what doesn't.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    You should be eating back most of your exercise calories and the calories MFP gives you. You need it to fuel your workouts. If you undereat, your body may end up burning muscle for fuel, which isn't what you want. As said above, to some extent it's trial and error, learning how many calories your body needs to maintain your weight. I found that MFP's numbers were too low and I continued to lose weight when I didn't need to. Eventually I figured out what I need for maintenance, given the amount of exercise I do. (I'm also a runner.)

    Healthy eating means different things to different people. To me it means eating mostly unprocessed foods, so things like meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and dairy. I eat a mixture of "healthy" foods and the sweets that I love, as well as the occasional beer. I focus on calories more than macros, but try to make good choices most of the time while still allowing myself some freedom to eat what I want that doesn't fit my definition of 'healthy'. I generally avoid deep fried foods, because I don't find the taste worth the calories. I also limit restaurant meals because they tend to load on the oils, adding a lot of extra calories.