Just Can't picture myself Skinny



  • ccjacks
    ccjacks Posts: 3
    I would like to know what physically fit people over 30 actually do to stay in shape. What do they eat? How much exercise do they really do? It's hard to see myself ever losing these last 15 lbs I wish to get rid of unless I eat salad all day every day. From what I have seen in gossip columns, movie stars like Jake Gyllenhaal, Jennifer Lopez & Anniston spend 3 hours in the gym getting their butt kicked by a physical trainer and eat next to nothing. I don't think the average person can make a commitment like that. Then the average person gets upset they can't look like Madonna at 50, and figures "Why bother" and goes back to bad eating habits.

    I think the best thing to do is take it one day at a time and make short term goals. Thinking you can't do it right off the bat is definitely sabotaging your progress. Maybe start by trying to get to size 16 first. That will build your confidence and when you start seeing results that will motivate you to keep going.
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    i totally understand, the last time i was skinny was back n like kindergarten-before school food got a hold of my thighs and stomach
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    Just to let you know I started at 210 lbs and wore a size 24 dress....now I'm down whatever my slider says and wear a size 10 to 12. YOU can do it....hang it there....we want things to happen overnight but I didn't get fat overnight and I didn't lose it overnight.

    Be positive and you will go a long way...Go for it because you are worth it!! Good luck.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member

    I can TOTALLY relate! I have always been the "chubby" girl but I am sticking with it. Even almost 50 pounds lighter, I still feel like the chubby girl! (OK-old lady) but I am wearing size 8 pants! It is a mental issue that you need to overcome in your head, but don't let your body and health suffer because of it! Believe me, 20-30 pounds from now you will be getting compliments left and right and you (probably) won't see it yourself, but just know that your health is TOTALLY worth it! You can do this! Don't wait until you are old(er) like me, there are too many cute clothes out there just waiting for you to show off your curves in!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    my parents and sister & i are all heavy
    I've tried to get my mom & sis to join mfp. my mom has thank God.
    But where the biggest problem lies is not in necessarily visualizing yourself skinny....
    it's in your mind, your thoughts.
    do you dwell on negative thoughts? are you surrounded by negativity?
    Our biggest battle with weight-loss is in our minds.
    if we believe in ourselves and stay positive it will come to fruition.
    yeah we may have bad days but that's not a failure.
    failure simply comes from not continuing to try again.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I agree with everyone... You can also try http://www.mymodel.com

    Here you can create a model of yourself and make her skinny! ;)

    Or I picked someone I thought would have a similar build and used a little art magic to give me a goal body. (See my profile shot).

    It's important to be able to imagine it. If you can see it, its possible. ;)

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I would like to know what physically fit people over 30 actually do to stay in shape. What do they eat? How much exercise do they really do? It's hard to see myself ever losing these last 15 lbs I wish to get rid of unless I eat salad all day every day. From what I have seen in gossip columns, movie stars like Jake Gyllenhaal, Jennifer Lopez & Anniston spend 3 hours in the gym getting their butt kicked by a physical trainer and eat next to nothing.

    I just want to point out that there is nothing in this that sounds healthy to me. Eating next to nothing isn't healthy and if coupled with an abundance of physical activity, you're just setting yourself up to really hurt yourself eventually. Healthy to me is eating well, but responsibly, and staying active. Movie stars live in a fantasy world, the rest of us live in reality.
  • Think about getting healthy. When skinny was my goal, it didn't work. When I decided I wanted to be healthy, something clicked in my brain. I log all my food and exercise. It does help. And I pick little goals. First it was to get under 180, then to 175, then under 170. This way I feel victorious fairly often. Don't forget that at times your weight may plateau, and you'll get stuck at the same number possibly for weeks, but keep at it. I was at 176 for 3 weeks which was extremely frustrating, but finally one glorious morning the scale read 175.5! I weighed myself three times to make sure. I took a picture and sent it to my best friend.
    Reject everyone else's labels and think of the one's you want to apply to yourself. The healthy sister, the tough as nails friend, the determined one? Pick a trait you admire, apply it to yourself and go for that goal. Good Luck. You'll be okay. Persistance is the key.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I was always the 'fat' one in my cirlcles, too. It was just the way it always was.... but now I am about to fit into a size 4 comfortably and I still don't see 'skinny'. I think that this is a very difficult perception to break because it is a lifetime of how it was. Don't worry about that too much. Just focus your energy on your diet and workouts and your family/friends will confirm and tell you....that you are no longer the 'fat' one of the group and you will feel.... FaNTaSTiC!!!!

    All the best!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I can really relate to this and even so close to my halfway point, I still have days when I feel just like this. I've always... *always* been heavy. I'm still obese and have almost 30 more lbs to lose before I'm not obese. *sigh*

    Anyway, when I'm feeling my fat girl blues, here's what I do about it:

    -Hit the Success Stories hard on this forum. I don't always respond, but I read/view most of these on a regular basis. Seeing someone's before and after picture of 100+ lbs weight loss makes me feel like I can do it too.

    -I spend some time on http://www.mybodygallery.com I usually go through my start weight all the way down to my goal weight viewing pictures for every 10lbs of the way. It really helps me SEE yes, it can happen. (Still believe size Medium is illogical, does not compute, *head explodes*, but Large is actually in sight right now.)

    -If I still have the blues after this, I look at old pictures of myself versus more recent pictures.

    -I pay it forward. Sometimes reading posts on this website remind me that I'm not alone in feeling how I do, seeing myself how I do, and struggling. Making posts like this helps me too. It reminds me of what I've accomplished and that I can help someone else feeling this way too.

    -Still feeling blue? I talk to one of two friends who always know what to say to pick me up.

    -And last, but hardly least, some days I do this first... I go exercise. Nothing like a brisk walk to clear my head of nonsense. I always feel better afterwards if for no reason than I DID IT.

    I hope some of this helps. :smile:
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I hit my goal, and still don't see myself as "skinny" I need to do a lot of toning....Take a peek at my profile pics...When you look at those, there is a big difference. Now to get that through my head! BTW I went from an 18(really a 20) but in denial to a size 10 (so far). YOu can do it, take ONE day at a time! :)
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I know how you feel. My sister has always been thinner than me (significantly) but I made a game of it I guess you can say. Shoot to prove people wrong, prove to YOU you're wrong. You CAN be thin, you CAN be healthy and you will. Just stick with it!! You will get there!
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    You are not alone--by any means! I've always been the fat sister, friend, wife. But, I've decided to change that FOR ME. First of all MFP has been a great help. The support and friends I've found here are priceless. Second, set small goals for yourself. Don't try to picture yourself thin right away. Set it as a goal, but start with seeing yourself a pant size smaller, or just 15 lbs lighter. Then, when you reach that goal, celebrate your success and set a new goal knowing you can reach that one too!

    If you want a friend that has been/is in the same place... send me a request!
  • Pridgenization
    Pridgenization Posts: 65 Member
    JUST HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!! I have a similar problem. Well, part of my problem is that i wasn't always the fat person. As I gained all of this weight, I kept seeing my old 150 lb self (delusional, I know). Now that I am losing some of this weight, I can see myself getting to 160, but I can't see me getting under 150, like I need to be. But, I have faith that if I keep trying that I can get there. You do the same. 5 lbs is kind of hard to really see but have you ever seen the equivalent of 5lbs of fat? Its huge. Hang in there for a few more pounds. You will start to see the difference. You should feel better and stronger. Clothes will start to get baggier and you will get all of thsoe fabulous compliments. Then, maybe that will help you to keep going. Just hang in!!!!!!:wink:
  • I struggled with the same at first. It had been so long since I was at a healthy weight, that I couldn't imagine myself ever being that small again. I started the weight loss in the fall of 2008 at 198 lbs. I had a few set backs along the way, but currently, I weight 111 lbs. I couldn't be happier. I made it my focus and just knew that I could do it. You just have to believe in yourself and make it happen! :) Good luck to you!!!! It's so worth it in the end! :)

    HT: 5'2"
    SW 198
    CW 111
    GW 105-110 :)
  • I think everyone's biggest fear is the unknown. I think in this situation, the unknown can be turned into excitement! Although it would be nice to see the thinner version of yourself, isn't it sort of exhilarating and exciting to meet that person that you work so hard to become EVERY day!?
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    I totally know what you mean! I've struggled with being the "fat" sister for the past 13 years or so! I started at a size 14/16 (weight 201) and now I am a size 8 (weight 146). I still view myself as I was before I started my weight loss. It takes some time but you have already started with the 5 lbs! That's great!

    When I am struggling, I like to look at forum postings and can see that I am not the only one with these problems and feelings. Also the before & afters help motivate me!

    Here is a posting with my story...

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