Exercising In The Mornings

mrskimberlyhampton Posts: 8 Member
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Every night I tell myself I need to get up in the morning and run/walk before my kids wake up (before the hubby leaves for work) and almost every morning I turn the alarm off. I know, I know it sounds like I'm just lazy right? I am just so not a morning person but I always feel awesome after I exercise, and my kiddos don't like going for walks because they want to get out of the stroller. Usually, if I don't exercise then, it doesn't happen. So, what are some practical things I can do to prepare myself and just GET UP? What do you do if you exercise early?


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I give myself time to make breakfast, then I wait about 40 minutes, get some things done while I wait for my food to settle, then I just do it. I know if I put it off, I won't have the energy to do it and will have to wait 'til after lunch AND time to settle THAT to get my work out in. I have to be on a time crunch to get it done or I won't do it.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    how about you have something up that you can see whenever you open your eyes in the morning. a picture of the body you want or a piece of clothing you wish you could fit into
  • They make an alarm clock that progressively gets louder and wakers you up, set the alarm a walking distance away from the bed so you have to actually get up to turn it off. After you do so remind yourself why you set it in the first place, then remind yourself of how much you always regret turning it off after you think about it later in the day. Remind yourself of your fitness goals and try starting a small routine, wash your face-(I always feel refreshed after a good face wash with cetaphil), drink a glass of ice cold water and then go on your walk or run....I promise you will feel better!
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I work out with a neighbor in the morning before the kids are up. Knowing that she'll be at my door gets me out of bed.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Go to bed earlier?

    It's my belief that being a morning person (or night owl, or anything else) is a matter of building a habit more than any pre-programmed tendency. I have seen my husband go from being a late-night guy, to a morning person, to an up-all-night sleep in the day person, all based on his work schedule. It takes a few weeks to get into the new grove of things, but it's definitely possible.

    You may just have to bite the bullet, make yourself get up, and plan on taking a nap later in the day - when kids are napping, or even by instituting a mommy-needs-quiet-time. As you get used to it, you'll find yourself awake and ready to go before the alarm goes off!
  • mellymink
    mellymink Posts: 72 Member
    My suggestion would be to set up your workout clothes/shoes before bed and to set up your breakfast or snack, too. That way all you have to do is roll out of bed, get dressed, and go. I always find it's easier to get out of the cozy bed when I know I don't have to do a bunch of "little" things :)
  • DarleneT22
    DarleneT22 Posts: 224 Member
    I always set out my clothes the night before and I jog early in the morning with my best friend. I have to get up because I know she will be waiting for me outside. Maybe you can get a friend or neighbor to exercise with you. :)
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    Maybe you should find an exercise that you actually want to do. Or instead of run/walk, just walk with your ipod on a great playlist.

    Maybe exercising at night isn't the best for you. Are there other solutions?
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    Exercising in the early in the morning takes a lot of willpower.
    Maybe you should find an exercise that you actually want to do (like a belly dance dvd). Or instead of run/walk, just walk with your ipod on a great playlist.

    Maybe exercising at night isn't the best for you. Are there other solutions? Could you exercise when everyone has gone to bed? Could your hubby watch the kids when he comes home from work so you can walk?
  • JJasMyself
    JJasMyself Posts: 79 Member
    I have the same problem. I am NOT a morning person and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I get up in the morning with just enough time to get myself and my daughter ready to go to work/day care. And even that's a struggle. So that's why I have recently started working out after she goes to bed at night. You might want to try that! :)
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    I'm not a morning person either, but I know it will be way too unlikely that I'll get it done later...and since I like to eat, I keep reminding myself that if I work out, I'll be able to eat more. I do it simply because I know I'll need the extra 300-500 calories. HAHAHA.

    That was my initial motivation....

    Once you can force yourself to do it, it will get easier. I have been getting up and working out almost every morning for two weeks. I did exercise 11 out of 13 days...and I think maybe only 2 of them were not in the early morning.

    You have to figure out what the biggest motivation will be. My friend had gotten a slenderized photo of herself made and she put that somewhere she would see...and that was her motivation. She wanted to have that body...and that forced her to get it done. :)

    Hope that helps.
  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    This is going to sound really *****y and it is not meant to be...honest yes..but not *****y...but, stop and think...how has your program been working for you?
    You are obviously not happy with how you look or feel or whatever it is and unless YOU put YOU first then how can you expect anyone else to?

    How is it going to be if you become ill or worse and then your husband and children have to really be without you?

    You will feel so much better and be a better wife and mother...just commit to a little YOU time!

    Just my two cents...
  • Thanks everyone! I think I'll get some more workout dvds. I have found laying my clothes out helps.

    Have a great day :)
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