Anyone doing Insanity?!?!

Hey everybody, I just ordered the 60 day program of Insanity by beach body.

Is anyone else doing this at the moment? I had it in the past and sold my set like an idiot. So I know from experience that it's going to kick my butt and I would love to have a couple friends in this community who are going to be going through it as well! Message or add me if you'd like a support buddy!!


  • tyranapookysaurus
    tyranapookysaurus Posts: 24 Member
    I will be in like four months or so. Gotta get through this pregnancy (2.5 months to go)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I did insanity a few years ago, love it! Love Shaun t!
  • knempress
    knempress Posts: 62 Member
    I completed it in June with great results. Did some other stuff for a while, and decided to have another go of Insanity beginning in January. I'm now on week 2 of Month 2 - still loving Shaun T!
  • jwcannon70
    jwcannon70 Posts: 28 Member
    knempress wrote: »
    I completed it in June with great results. Did some other stuff for a while, and decided to have another go of Insanity beginning in January. I'm now on week 2 of Month 2 - still loving Shaun T!

    I am also on week 2 of month 2 and I am loving the results. I have tried it so many times but I have never got this far. So close to the finish line.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Are any of you still working at this? I'm on Day 4, so a newbie to the program, and I've never completed anything like this before. It's kicking my butt but I'm excited to see results! My nutrition isn't spot on yet but not far off, and I've even got the hubby doing it with me.
  • knempress
    knempress Posts: 62 Member
    Almost done - 2nd time I've done it.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Nice going! Any tips?
  • knempress
    knempress Posts: 62 Member
    Diet is key to see max results. Keep at it and stick to the calendar as much as you can! I even sent in and got the free t-shirt. :)
  • jwcannon70
    jwcannon70 Posts: 28 Member
    I finished it and I am so happy that I did. Love the results. I am taking a week off and starting all over again.

    The one tip I can offer is do what you can do and do not worry what the fit people are doing on the dvd. I don't think I will ever be able to keep up with them for the whole workout. It is alright to take a rest. It took me some time to accept this but you will see a difference at how much more you can do even in a short length of time.
  • jefamer2017
    jefamer2017 Posts: 416 Member
    I am about to finish month one. I am going to start the first month over again next week because I am not ready for the intensity of month 2. I have completed it once before, but currently I am 12 lbs heavier now than I was when I did it the first time.
  • mjy7478
    mjy7478 Posts: 60 Member
    I love Insanity bought it about 4 years ago and lost a total of 30 lbs and I actually just started it back up it's hard but it is totally worth it. Your going to love it and just remember when you begin do what you can.
  • cc102296
    cc102296 Posts: 57 Member
    i did it twice through in 2014-2016 and once last year. im gonna start an insanity/lifting hybrid soon !