SO tired



  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    If this is something that doesn't change with either upping your vitamin D or calories then I would recommend not only getting your thyroid checked out but also having your iron and ferritin tested.

    The cause of fatigue is so hard to figure out. Am I dehydrated? Am I not getting enough sleep? Have I been overly anxious lately? Am I missing vitamins? do I have too little iron? Do I have too much iron? Etc.

    I checked my iron levels and they're fine. I'll call and ask what else the same blood test checked for.

    I do feel thirsty a lot, but I am drinking a lot of water.
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    HM2206 wrote: »
    I live in Norway and we have very little sunlight this time of year, so I have though of that.
    I googled foods with vitamin D, and I see salmon and egg yolks popped up, and I am eating quite a bit of that though. I used to take cod liver oil, maybe I should take that up again.

    It can be difficult to get enough vitamin D from food sources, and sometimes even if it seems like you’re eating enough, your body just doesn’t absorb it well.

    Having dealt with the deficiency, I will say that Vitamin D is NOT one of those where you take the supplements for a week and then suddenly feel all better. It can take several months for levels to return to normal - hence why the “try it and see if it helps” method isn’t really the best here. Get a blood panel.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Since you have upped your exercise and are drinking a lot of water you might have an electrolyte imbalance. You might want to consider upping your sodium if you have no medical reason not to. Just a thought.
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Height, weight, age, muscle comp, strength training and cardio routine, macros?

  • mfpfreedomnow
    mfpfreedomnow Posts: 52 Member
    When you change your diet and exercise routine, your body goes through such changes as hunger, tiredness and overall weakness or lethargy for a short period of time. Knowing what's causing it can help you stay calmer as you persevere. Checking in with your doctor is your best bet for reassurance as to what's causing the tiredness and what to do to stay on the healthy track. Good luck!