Slimming world opinions good and bad

I’ve done really well up until recently and have this mental block with it and just struggle to lose the weight
You are made to feel if you stop going you will put all the weight back on and basically fail
So again this is a psychological barrier as I have thought about doing it using this app
Get weighed at the gym but want to change my focus to reducing fat and dress sizes rather than the scales
•Love exercise
•want to lose another 5 stone

What’s people’s thoughts and need some support in my journey
Cheers all


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know a few people who got on really well with slimming world, both losing and maintaining. I however am an MFP fan.
  • nuttyhayles
    nuttyhayles Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for reply
    I’m steering more towards MFP