need friends who have quit/reduced drinking

Hi! I am looking for friends who have reduced significantly or quit drinking alcohol! Not necessarily friends of Bob; but people who Get It when I say I only had 2 glasses of wine and I think that is an NSV ;) .

I know it is not healthy and it sabotages weight loss but it is the hardest thing for me to quit.



  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I know what you're saying. Drinking days are definitely splurge days. Try not to have more than one per month!
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    I've cut down on alcohol dramatically and I don't miss it all
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I quit smoking, and that made me quit drinking (the two go hand in hand for me)
  • me! me!
  • meaning, i quit...about 1.5 months ago. amazing.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I just can't bring myself to do so. I know I need to quit or at least cut back, but I brew my own beer and I really enjoy it. And I have to sample what I make:)

    I have cut back, I guess. I'm back around 1-2 days a week drinking 2-3 beers versus the 5 days a week I was at :-/
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Since joining MFP in May I've probably drank no more than 3-4 times. Now when I do, I make sure it fits into my day by eating smaller meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and then saving the calories for drinks. :wink:
  • I have a glass of red wine in the evenings when kids are in bed and I can relax and enjoy my day. I will never give it up and Dr. Oz
    says that it is good to have a daily glass of wine or beer!!!!!
    IAMQUEEN Posts: 52
    I'm struggling with the same issue! I use to drink just about everyday however, I've cut back to weekends only. I want to cut back more :(
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    I really enjoy a glass of red wine either with lunch or in the evening with my meal (more usually evenings) but since being on MFP I've cut back a lot, not really by choice so much as not having enough calories left! So I have to plan for a glass of red now, but I'm sure it's helping my weight loss, when I've had a drink I often either don't lose or, worse, gain a little - even if I haven't blown the calorie allowance. At first I did miss it a bit but now I'm not so bothered, although I still REALLY enjoy it when I do :O)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Add me! I'm a homebrewer/beer lover and I won't ever quit drinking beers. But, I have cut back significantly over the last three months. I mean, several bombers and at least six to eight single bottles a week down to less than six bottles, and sometimes no bombers. (sadness)... but, I'm in 'get healthy' mode right now, with a ton of weight to lose. Maybe when I'm at a more healthy place I'll be able to add back some additional beers a week. I mean, I'd like to work out solely to drink beer, not work out to stop being obese, YKWIM?
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    thanks for the repsonse!

    so I went from red wine every night-- to white wine-- to beer, now trying to do NA beer...switching it up with regular beer to reduce the alcohol...maybe this week I can cut myself off completely...
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    thanks for the repsonse!

    so I went from red wine every night-- to white wine-- to beer, now trying to do NA beer...switching it up with regular beer to reduce the alcohol...maybe this week I can cut myself off completely...
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm already your friend. But I support all of it. I feel so much better since I reduced my drinking (no more headache). I never drank a lot. But I liked to have 2-3 glasses of wine or martinis, say 3 times a week. That's 600-800 cal depending on what I had. Can't waste that many calories on little nutritional value any more.
  • Me!

    The thing is I LIKE drinking! I like going out to bars. I like watching football with a cold glass of beer. And I like enjoying a glass of whiskey with a good novel. I like pairing wine with dinner.

    I haven't given myself a formal amount to cut back by or "quit" officially, but just the practice of logging everything I drink and thinking about how it's going to affect my calorie count for the day (especially because I'll probably want to eat something later) has helped me cut back significantly. And now whatever tolerance I had built up through college has officially disappeared. I'm a much cheaper date than I used to be!
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    My username is no joke.

    Some people eat healthy all day so they can have a cupcake or ice cream or whatever, I do so I can try to meet my macros and still have a few drinks.

    It was worse before I joined MFP. I drank twice as much and hardly ate anything.

    I am sure some of my MFP friends who never drink are aghast at my diary. But here I am losing fat and trying my hand at gaining some muscle.

    Please friend me if you like, anyone who might be interested in such a diary.
  • I gave up 8 months ago and for me it has been one of the best decisions in my life. I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and since giving up I`ve got into reading again big style and signed up for an open uni course and so many other things. I wasnt a heavy heavy drinker just a habitual drinker (red wine). I make a point of turning up for partys later these days so everybody is already in the full swing and I get drunk off the atmosphere but have the freedom to leave when I want.
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    Yeah I've had to give up my beloved wine as it was stalling my weight loss. I now only drink occasionally and I used to have a glass or two of wine almost every night. Now I don't drink at all during the week and only on the odd weekend. It was hard for the first couple of weeks but now I don't miss it at all surprisingly. I've lost much more weight than if I was still drinking the wine and I feel tons healthier and have much more energy. I'd definitely recommend it :).
  • loubabes1
    loubabes1 Posts: 19 Member
    Since January I have managed to (mostly) stick to one night a week. I had to cut out wine as it didnt go well with dieting (i.e. I became a lightweight!) so its just beer now. I do love it though - if I could make 1 thing calorie free it would be beer. :-)
  • loubabes1
    loubabes1 Posts: 19 Member
    Since January I have managed to (mostly) stick to one night a week. I had to cut out wine as it didnt go well with dieting (i.e. I became a lightweight!) so its just beer now. I do love it though - if I could make 1 thing calorie free it would be beer. :-)