Egg and Grapefruit diet week 2

Hi Everyone

im into the second week of the egg and grapefruit diet and i feel pretty good :o) my diary is open for anyone who wants to see what iv been eating the last 7 days. im just repeating it again this week.

I dont have scales so i cant tell you what iv lost in weight but i certainly have slimmed. my trousers are baggy and my belly doesnt bulge over anymore. my face has slimmed too.

i must say that i did get grumpy the other day cos i was sick of salad for both lunch and dinner but its only for 2 weeks.

iv not had the urge to snack either surprisingly and i think its due to all the protein im eating. it really opens your eyes up to the sorts of things that i used to have for breakfast on a weekend or portion sizes that you think are correct but infact are waaaaaay off!

ill deffo be trying to based my regular eating habbits around this diet. maybe not so many eggs and incorporate some chicken but otherwise its not been too bad. i feel and look better than i have done for at least 2 years :o)


  • What happenes after diet? Are you going to eat like this your entire life?
  • lyngoode
    lyngoode Posts: 197 Member
    Very interesting diet
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    I think I would lose the will to live but if it's working for you and you're enjoying it then good for you. I feel long term it would be incredibly difficult to maintain though and careful you're not just losing muscle and water as opposed to fat.
  • xxamzxxx
    xxamzxxx Posts: 23
    must be some sort of detox,if its for weight loss then its just going to pile bk on afterwards just be careful hun x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have just had a quick look in your diary, and it seems that you are eating under 1000 cals per day...

    what happens after the 2 weeks?
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    no this diet is meant to only be for two weeks. it was given to me to kick start my metabolism because no matter what i was doing my body wasnt waking up to the fact that i wanted to slim and therefore this was given to me to try and it works!

    i wont be on this diet for the rest of my life, but i wil certainly eat a lot better and eat a lot more like this. i may do this diet again every few months just for that boost. my body needs.

    basically the meal plans are laid out already so you just follow them, where there is no amount next to a certain food you can have as much of it as you like, so you can fill your plate up with salad and tomatoes etc.

    iv also not had any bloated or upset stomaches (i suffer from IBS)

    i am expecting some weight gain when i stop doing this diet but only a pound or two where im going back to eating normal foods again but to be honest i can have steak and i can have toast so im not really fussed if i follow this diet again. its sooo easy and i havent really done much exercise either.

    some people think this is another fad diet but its what i needed to do to get my metabolism going. and im happy with the results. lets see what the end of week 2 will bring :o)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Not to be judging I know we all have our lower days for cal intake, but over 7 day time frame your averaging 927 cals a day. That isn't including what your burning through exercise. That seems low. If your doing this diet to make the scale move down, maybe you need to eat a little more.

    As we all know, what works for one obviously doesn't work for all. Good luck and I hope this " 2 week diet" jump starts your goals :)
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    What happenes after diet? Are you going to eat like this your entire life?

  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    How does a severe caloric deficit "kickstart your metabolism?"
  • This is a very old diet plan. I remember my Mother using it to "kick start" a diet as far back as the 60s. If you have the will power, and no allergies to eggs, it really seemed to do the trick! I am not so strong willed. When you return to "regular" eating, keep up the high protein, low carb plan. Don't leave out carbs all together - it's bad for brain function AND you end up gaining the weight back even when you meet your goal and feel you are in the maintenance stage. Best of Luck!!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    How does a severe caloric deficit "kickstart your metabolism?"

    i have no idea. but it was given to me by a Dr. also my own nutritionist has had a look and tweaked it a little.

    like i said i havent really been exercising since starting this because i know i should eat more when i work out.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    some people think this is another fad diet
    Those people are correct.

    You feel thinner because you are eating barely anything. You could do a diet of any food and have the same effects if it cuts your calories that much every day for 2 weeks. Like the special K diet, or Atkins. You feel better because the foods you're eating are very plain so of course you wont get bad IBS symptoms.

    If you want to drop a ton of weight quickly fine, but don't kid yourself that it's egg and grapefruit doing it. What's doing it is that you're eating barely anything.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    some people think this is another fad diet
    Those people are correct.

    You feel thinner because you are eating barely anything. You could do a diet of any food and have the same effects if it cuts your calories that much every day for 2 weeks. Like the special K diet, or Atkins. You feel better because the foods you're eating are very plain so of course you wont get bad IBS symptoms.

    If you want to drop a ton of weight quickly fine, but don't kid yourself that it's egg and grapefruit doing it. What's doing it is that you're eating barely anything.

    actually im eating quite alot. its not just egg and grapefuit,, thats just the name of the diet. im having toast, im having fish and even steak and lamb chops. i can have yoghurt etc. if i ate larger quantities of it them im sure it will bulk up my calories. theres a lot of fruit and veg in this diet too. special K diet just gives you that one cereal for 2 weeks as atkins is no carbs at all. this allows all foods and carbs you just have to be strict to it for two weeks. im not depriving my body of anything. i feel better than i have done for a long time. Im sure a doctor wouldnt give me a crappy diet to stick to and if its been checked by a nutritionists then iv had two professional opinions which im happy to go by.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    some people think this is another fad diet
    Those people are correct.

    You feel thinner because you are eating barely anything. You could do a diet of any food and have the same effects if it cuts your calories that much every day for 2 weeks. Like the special K diet, or Atkins. You feel better because the foods you're eating are very plain so of course you wont get bad IBS symptoms.

    If you want to drop a ton of weight quickly fine, but don't kid yourself that it's egg and grapefruit doing it. What's doing it is that you're eating barely anything.

    actually im eating quite alot.

    I looked at your diary and in terms of calories you are not eating a lot. You are often eating dangerously little. You rarely break 1000 calories and have had days in the 700s and 800s. That is not eating a lot by any standards...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    This diet isn't jump starting your metabolism. If anything it's making it slower. If you want to jumpstart your metabolism, you have to eat more and better foods. You are eating less calories than our basal metabolic rate. You will lose weight because you are losing a lot of muscle. Read the link below. If you really want to know somehting that will increase your metabolism... it's simple.. muscle.

    These foods are great for you, but you need larger quantities.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member

    If your nutritionist approved it I say go for it :)

    Where did you find the plan? Or was it custom built for you?

    it was actually given to me by a GP but its a common diet i believe. this is after i begged and cried for them to give me something and not just fob me off with eating 1200 cals cos i actually needed someone to tell me what to eat. before i started it i had it checkout out and modified slightly and im happy with it :o)
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I am glad you have found something that works for you. I couldn't do it. Hope it works the way you want it to.
  • way to go girl, whatever works for you! I don't think I would have the willpower and neither would many other people, so hell yaaaaaa for you!! :)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    why do people do this to themself????
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If your nutritionist tells you to only eat 800-900 calories, fire them. They are a moron and need to educate themselves.

    This can help.