Suffering with food cravings at night.

So Ive noticed that I generally get hungrier at night, since I sleep late due to work (past half midnight). Now that I exercise I get ravenous and want to eat more than usual! So I noticed a pattern of eating after 7 non stop and a a pull towards carbs totally ruining my 1200 calorie restriction. :( Its really difficult and I dont want to wake up everyday and start from square one all over again. What can I do with food?
I really want to sort all of these issues out so I can stick to this program and give myself the figure and health I deserve. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    I always make sure I have calories left over so I can have a couple night time snacky poos. I can do really well during the day, but at night I always want more!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I agree - or exercise more so you can eat more later! I know I want to exercise for at least an hour on Fridays, for example, so my husband and I can go out to dinner that night. =)
  • Lauren38570
    Lauren38570 Posts: 239
    Yeah , I usually make my diary out a day ahead of time and log what I plan on eating then if there is something I do or don't end up eating I just add it or take it off of it.Some good things I like to snack on is some fruit , almonds , yogurt or one of my slim fast shakes.Occasionally though i'll have some popcorn
  • Argh! I hear you! I have always, always, always had problems with cravings right before bed. I started to do a little research though and here is what I found out about cravings and why our bodies have them:
    1...Our body is telling us that we are in need of some type of nutrient, vitamin, or essential functioning food. OR
    2... Our body is craving food out of habit because we have given in to it late at night.
    I know that my body operates with a very distinct system. I began to understand that if I ate better through the day then my night time cravings would diminish. If they didn't , I would try a couple things.
    Drink an entire glass of water before you fall asleep. Sometimes this tricks your stomach into thinking its full.
    Or, you can always munch on celery or lettuce before bed. Very little calories and it helps your body thinks it filling that craving.
    Lastly, make sure that your meals are placed at the best times of the day to ensure your success! If you go to bed at your last meal at seven and do whatever you can to kill those cravings before you get them! hope that helped! :D
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    What are your meals looking like? I find if i skip breakfast or have a small lunch i want to eat more later.
  • Another thing to consider is TOO much calorie restriction is a BAD thing. If you are restricting your calorie intake too much, and forcing your body to do triple the amount of work...then you are shocking your body. Usually, your body will let you know its hungry and you shouldn't deny it, just be smart about what you give it lol :P
  • Lauren38570
    Lauren38570 Posts: 239
    I'm in the same boat as she is I am up really late so late night hunger hits me too , I just try to find something healthy
  • temptress75519
    temptress75519 Posts: 35 Member
    I have the same issue. After dinner when I have extra time awake I have to fight to stay away from the kitchen. Its just a habit to snack. What I do is I stick to fruit and Popsicles (40 cal fudge pops). My fruit is oranges because they are the most filling. You could try keeping foods that are low in calories that you can eat more of and not blow your day.

    But definitely stay clear of bread/carbs after dinner. Bread makes you hungry/want more. Find something that you like and isn't a carb. Even chocolate is better than bread.

    Try eating your last carb at the start of dinner at 7, but finish your meal with something like fruit or veggies that you enjoy. This takes lessens that craving for more bread because you are enjoying something else.

    Get sugar free popcicles and when you feel like you need something else reach for them. They are doing wonders for me.

    My last suggestion is to stay busy. I notice when I am sedentary I start looking for snacks, but when I am busy cleaning or reading or whatever I don't think about it and I don't have as many cravings.

    Feel free to add me I'm here anytime you need! You can do it!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    make your evening meal later
  • 25andfit
    25andfit Posts: 7 Member
    Argh! I hear you! I have always, always, always had problems with cravings right before bed. I started to do a little research though and here is what I found out about cravings and why our bodies have them:
    1...Our body is telling us that we are in need of some type of nutrient, vitamin, or essential functioning food. OR
    2... Our body is craving food out of habit because we have given in to it late at night.
    I know that my body operates with a very distinct system. I began to understand that if I ate better through the day then my night time cravings would diminish. If they didn't , I would try a couple things.
    Drink an entire glass of water before you fall asleep. Sometimes this tricks your stomach into thinking its full.
    Or, you can always munch on celery or lettuce before bed. Very little calories and it helps your body thinks it filling that craving.
    Lastly, make sure that your meals are placed at the best times of the day to ensure your success! If you go to bed at your last meal at seven and do whatever you can to kill those cravings before you get them! hope that helped! :D

    great advice! thanks
  • epoint
    epoint Posts: 88
    I have trouble enough sleeping without adding hunger to the mix, lol! I always eat a snack before bed -- these days it's usually strawberry Chobani yogurt. It didn't affect my weight loss at all (I'm on maintenance now), although when I was counting calories more strictly I just allowed for the extra calories in my daily allowance.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I eat dinner at about 8 and then leave a couple of calories for a snack around 9:30. I find that I binge if I stay up after 10, so around 10 I start heading to bed. I don't know what your work schedule is, but if you are finding that the later you stay up the worse it gets go to bed earlier and wake up in the morning and excercise then. It seems this is pretty normal, and you may need to just adjust your schedule to accomodate it. I actually find that if I give in to those late night hibernation cravings I'm hungrier in the morning.