losing that last 15

sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
edited February 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
I've lost 133 lbs now and I have just 15 to go until my ultimate goal. These last 15 just don't want to come off! I went back and added up my calories and I am eating too much. Guess I got sloppy.
I tried exercising more but then I feel so hungry. Is it better to reduce calories and keep exercise the same or should I ramp up exercise and just deal with the hunger? Right now I only walk about 1/2 hour daily. Nothing too strenuous.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    The lighter you get, the slower weightloss becomes. But it will come off given sufficient 1) calorie deficit 2) time.

    You shouldn't feel more hungry, unless your goal weight is underweight or nearing underweight.

    You just have to log more accurately and be more patient.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    Sounds about right. It might just take more time. The smaller I get the more difference each pound makes though.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    edited February 2018
    Congrats on your progress, WOW! Really amazing work.

    The last 15lbs are notoriously tough to lose! You really need to buckle down on accurate logging (with a kitchen scale) and stick to your deficit every day. It's slow, but the more accurate and consistent you are, the better the results will be.

    For hunger - focus on low-calorie, high-volume foods like veggies, fruit and lean proteins. Cut back on high-calorie, low-density foods like nuts, creamy sauces, fatty meats, desserts, chips, etc.
  • MindyAmy
    MindyAmy Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats on the massive weight loss! Triple digits losses are truly inspiring!

    I'm right there with you... down to the last 15 and it is just kicked my *kitten*. I just couldn't stay focused and motivated with the lack of results so I'm just now getting back into the swing from a 4 month maintenance period. The time off from heavy exorcise and counting has allowed me to put things in perspective. I've since recalculated my goal, set a new plan and I'm ready to kick these last few pounds off. High protein from lean meats has helped me considerably. Tuna and sliced lunch meats have become a staple go to snack. Best of luck with those last few stubborn pounds.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I've lost 133 lbs now and I have just 15 to go until my ultimate goal. These last 15 just don't want to come off! I went back and added up my calories and I am eating too much. Guess I got sloppy.
    I tried exercising more but then I feel so hungry. Is it better to reduce calories and keep exercise the same or should I ramp up exercise and just deal with the hunger? Right now I only walk about 1/2 hour daily. Nothing too strenuous.

    How much more? And what were you doing? Walking 1/2 hour per day is pretty moderate so just upping it to 45 min. if you can should help without causing you to be any hungrier.

    Have you adjusted your calorie goal lately? Is it a manageable number? Yes, it will take time to lose the last 15 lbs but you've been wildly successful so far! Keep it up!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Congrats on the loss! That's impressive. I found that the last 10-15 will only come off ME when I eat at a small deficit and exercise like it's going out of style. Once I get there it is easier to maintain but it also takes me about 1lb of loss a week and I can't get much more than that. I literally have to run like crazy during the week and eat very well to get to that goal.
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    Congrats!! I am working on the last 10 and it's slllllooooowwww! It's hard not to get frustrated! I was losing 2lbs per week for the majority of my 60 pound weight loss. My deficit is now set to lose .5lb per week because I know more loss is not sustainable long term. Still stinks when you don't see the weight flying off anymore! I am just plugging away and when I get tempted to eat less/work out more I remind myself that this is for life, and good habits for maintenance. Just have to trust that this works! And it sounds like it has definitely worked so far for you!
  • ITUSGirl51
    ITUSGirl51 Posts: 192 Member
    How many pounds did you setup MFP to lose?

    I’ve lost 61 lbs. If I set my goal to lose more than 1 lb a week I would be starving and exhausted. Even that is too low in calories for me to enjoy life so now I’ve just upped my daily calories by an additional 100 and hope to lose .75 lbs a week. It’s been working. That’s about 3 lbs a month. I have 4 lbs to my goal. When I get there I’m going to up it another 100 to take off two more lbs for a buffer. Then I will add another 100 to see if I maintain. I feel like slow and steady will let me keep the weight off.

    Use the last 15 lbs to ease into maintenance.
  • Biker_SuzCO
    Biker_SuzCO Posts: 54 Member
    Congrats on the loss! That's impressive. I found that the last 10-15 will only come off ME when I eat at a small deficit and exercise like it's going out of style. Once I get there it is easier to maintain but it also takes me about 1lb of loss a week and I can't get much more than that. I literally have to run like crazy during the week and eat very well to get to that goal.

    Me too. That’s why I am waiting for better weather to go for the last 5-10 pounds.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I logged my calories yesterday and it was 1900. I updated my goals and tracked today. I ate 1400 and I think I can live with that. That supposedly sets me on losing a pound a week. We'll see.... I am hungry some but I can live with that. I think I'll up my walking to 45 min if that's the recommended amount. Couldn't hurt. I don't want to exercise hard because I want to eat everything in sight. I figure I'll wait until I get to my goal and then play around with weight training/cardio and calories. I am currently 5.6 and 150. Healthy BMI now. But I'd like to get to the 130s before stopping. My goal was 139 but then I read that A BMI of 22 is optimal so that would put me at 133.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I logged my calories yesterday and it was 1900. I updated my goals and tracked today. I ate 1400 and I think I can live with that. That supposedly sets me on losing a pound a week. We'll see.... I am hungry some but I can live with that. I think I'll up my walking to 45 min if that's the recommended amount. Couldn't hurt. I don't want to exercise hard because I want to eat everything in sight. I figure I'll wait until I get to my goal and then play around with weight training/cardio and calories. I am currently 5.6 and 150. Healthy BMI now. But I'd like to get to the 130s before stopping. My goal was 139 but then I read that A BMI of 22 is optimal so that would put me at 133.
    Well done, and I love your attitude! Some hunger is normal, even at maintenance, and you'll become used to it. Keep in mind that the optimal BMI is a function of body composition and liveable lifestyle. A muscular body looks way different than a "skinny fat" body of the same weight and height. But a lower weight/body fat percent also takes more effort/willpower to maintain. So you have to decide which pounds the "last 15" are.