
I am "Rainbowtink". Yesterday was my first stay. I'm still fumbling through. I am very excited to be starting this journey and hope this time my enthusiasm stays. I believe I have adult ADD and have a tendency to stop things just as soon as I start. I'm looking forward to reading any motivational advice you can give me. :0)


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I have ADHD. I have made this my obsession/hobby. Trying to get all the numbers in my goals to zero while getting the correct nutrition and still eating a lot of food. To me it is like a puzzle I just have to figure out. Good Luck.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Why, hello! :) You've come to the right place. MFP is full of people ready to motivate and give lots of advice. Feel free to add me! Also, I have a support group you're more than welcome to join. Just look for it in the forums, it's called hm_day's Support Group. There are people with all different goals who are willing to give all sorts of help :) Welcome!
  • swimnurseteacher
    Every day is the chance to start again fresh. I am just starting to see some success and I hope to keep it going. Good luck to you
  • Afaida
    Afaida Posts: 142 Member
    Good Morning and welcome to a new you. I started on mfp 3 weeks ago and I just love it and best of all it's working. I just want to wish you luck on this adventure. You've picked an awesome time to start as the stores are full of amazingly well priced and delicious fresh fruit and veggies. Take advantage and enjoy!