A 22year old girl, wanting to loose 58 pounds, and in need o

Ok, So i am 22 and I really am in need of some help or advice!
I keep going of track, one day ill be really good then the next Ill eat stuff that I shouldn't off!
I want to do exercises at home, but once I am home from work I cannot be bothered! I am always tired, and can't be bothered to do anything! It is really stressing me out, and i go of track when i am with friends of my fiance, Ill just forget my diet and think oh this half a pizza won't hurt! I really want to do this, and know I am the only one who can, but yet I am still struggling!
Is running good for you? I do not enjoy the gym and would love to go swimming but hate my legs and stomach and arms!
I am quite stuck and need help !
I want to do this, but need to hear it from someone that does not know me !

Sorry for the essay !



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You are making excuses. Yes running is good for you.
    I don't know if you are ready. But when you are you will do it. It's that simple. Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as just starting to eat healthy. Instead of eating 4 slices of pizza, have 1 slice and a big salad with a LITTLE dressing, no cheese or bacon. Eat whole grain carbs, Lean proteins, lots of fresh veggies, fresh fruits. Watch Portions! Buy a food scale and educate yourself on what a serving size really is.
    When the student is ready the teacher will come!
  • mcguink
    mcguink Posts: 15
    Hi HayleyMarie, firstly congrats on your engagement, you certainly don't look like you need to lose 58 pounds.
    I'm similar to you in that I'm exhausted when I get home from work and often don't get home until 8pm as I have a wonderful but extremely busy job. However, I do find that if I get changed into my work out gera as soon as I arrive home I am far more likely to get my jiggly thighs out the door to do some exercise :-) and that really is the hardest part, once you're out and exercising you feel all the better for it.

    If you're not a fan of gyms, why not try Zumba or another non-traditional type of exercise. I'm an ex-dancer and gymnast and absolutely adore Zumba, and believe me you don't need to be super coordinated to enjoy and benefit from it...as my self-professed 'clumsy' friend keeps telling me. It really is a lot of fun.
    TBH when it comes to exercising I think you should try several things and see what you enjoy and what works for you, for example cycling, running, walking, dance etc.
    On the swimming front... I say if you want to do it...go for it...why not go with a friend or family member for support? I know what you mean about the self-concious thing, I'm the same when it comes to bathing suits, but once you're in the pool no one sees you :-)

    Best of luck,
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    First of all your young, you have that to your advantage. Get into good habits now! Its OK to splurge one day a week. I call this my cheat day. Its the day I do a swan dive off the bandwagon :smile: . The rest of the week, you need to stick to your calorie intakes. The weight WILL come off. If you exercise, it may come off slower because lean muscle by volume weighs more than fat by volume. My experience is that you work out and you hit a plateau - and then WHAM - the weight comes off like crazy! You have to stay focused. If you splurge twice in one week then you need to work out harder and longer to burn off that splurge. It makes you think twice about that cake or cookie.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a 19 yr old college student and am always looking for friends around my age. :)
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Running is great for you. I cannot do it. You could look into biking to and from work (I am looking into it). If you have Time Warner Cable they have Fit TV on demand which is a great variety of work outs. If you have a Wii Active 2 is awesome. But honestly you have to step it up and decide to try. I am 23 and I wanted to lose 47lbs, now I am 23 and want to lose 35.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    You are making excuses. Yes running is good for you.
    I don't know if you are ready. But when you are you will do it. It's that simple. Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as just starting to eat healthy. Instead of eating 4 slices of pizza, have 1 slice and a big salad with a LITTLE dressing, no cheese or bacon. Eat whole grain carbs, Lean proteins, lots of fresh veggies, fresh fruits. Watch Portions! Buy a food scale and educate yourself on what a serving size really is.
    When the student is ready the teacher will come!

  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    There are lots of days when I do not want to exercise and I am really tired. I am a Mom of two teenagers and I work full-time. Exercise when you get home even when you are tired, you will feel better afterwards.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    It can be done! I'm 22 and had 65 pounds to lose, notice I said HAD, I now have 20 pounds to lose. I've lost 44 pounds in 6 months. You have to make the decision to lose the weight yourself. No matter how much your friends or fiance tell you that you need to or should. You won't do it til YOU want it so bad yo ucan taste it.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Hey there! You can totally do this! I don't exercise really due to an injury but I do try to get in a mile walk every single day. It's 20 minutes out of my day that I just relax and enjoy my music and myself. i think once you stick to it and stick to it hard for a whole week you'll break that mindset of oh this wont hurt. I've never done a full week without cheating until my first week with this healthy habit change. Once i did that i felt I could do anything. Just work REALLY hard to stick to it for a week and exercise when you can...try a morning walk or something! You'll be able to do it! I've lost just over 20 lbs in 2 months! You can AND WILL do this! you just need to find your inner motivation...and when you lose that we'll be here to kick your butt back into a motivated state again!
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Double post
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Lol, I just reread we are really similar. I just got engaged as well.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Running is great. Once you start, and get past the hurting, you will look forward to it, and have more energy.

    You have a fiance? I thought women are supposed to go all crazed about that. I suggest every time they go for pizza, freak out and say something about you need to fit in a dress. If they are all guys, they won't know what is up. Just watch the salad dressing, it might be better to eat the pizza.
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    Do you have a Wii? There are lots of great fitness games that help if you want to do stuff at home. Walking is also good, do at least half an hour per day. Don't be afraid to go to the gym, there will be lots of people there to lose weight and get fit, there's not just muscle men and fit people there! And allow yourself to have treats in moderation, if you want a pizza just make sure you choose like a healthier option like Dominos go for Veggie Supreme regular crust. Don't call it a diet, it's just a better way of living and if you don't allow yourself to have treats you'll go mad! And drink plenty of water, at least 8-10 glasses per day, even get diluting juice or flavoured water to vary the tastes.
  • denise007
    denise007 Posts: 55 Member
    If your profile pic is recent then I have to say there is no way that you need to lose 58lbs!!! My only advice to you is that you need to be kind to yourself - it sounds like you are very hard on yourself and the way in which you are treating food is more like a drug than nourishment - you have really good advice from other posts about watching portions and allowing youself a little of what you fancy - nyt ultimately it comes back to treating yourself with kindness and doing what is best for you!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    Changing your eating habits are never easy in the beginning you body starts to the crave the food that you are trying to cut back on because it has gotten use to all the foreign preservatives and such. It's like detoxing from anything else. Working out is all mental if you don't really love what you are doing then you probably won't be motivated to do it. When you find a workout that you are usually more enticed to do it no matter how tired you may be. It really only takes about a month to make something a habit and the first week is always the hardest. Once you start to workout the tiredness will subside and you will feel lazy whenever you don't workout. Like the person above said though there is a mental aspect to it also and if you aren't ready you will always make excuses about why you can't do something. If you need additional support feel free to add me as a friend.

    Good Luck.

  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Take it easy on yourself and look into a group setting. Most running groups and walking groups have weekly training, usually 3 days a week. This may give you a commitment to get to the workout. I prefer to run with a group, if it was just me, I too would sometimes make the excuse not to go, you know the drill, "I'm too tired, I'm hungry, I don't want to go" these words keep you from your goals. Try this week, to check into it and seek out a buddy who maybe already running/walking, and join them. It is a start, but a good one! Good Luck! Ciao
  • Hi Hayley!
    Dont beat yourself up over what you have eaten in the past, just start a new day today and try and stay positive and tell yourself that you CAN do it.
    You say you dont like the gym, but maybe you will enjoy the classes? great way to burn off mega caleries and have much fun doing it! I recently rejoined and so far have started going to Body Pump, Circuits, Zumba! all really good fun and you can burn off over 500 caleries in an hour, so if you do slip up just work that extra bit harder in a class the following day!
    Try and drink plenty of water, get a good nights sleep and eat lots fresh fruit, salad, veggies, fish etc, its simple really eat well and regular exercise! i know, not always that easy tho, this will also make you feel so much better, you will have more energy and wont be feeling so sluggish.. Running is great for you too, just take it steady to begin with and build it up or take long walks
    I want to lose three stone and very determinded i WILL do it!
    Good Luck
  • Thanks everyone for the comments :D! I know i am making excuses, and I will do this! I just need to start this properly ! Your all making amazing achievements and I need to kick start this! I will do it, I just need to stop being so negative and go for the positive! Thanks everyone! :D
  • I'm a little new to losing weight myself, but as far as the eating thing goes, moderation is way better than cutting yourself off from junk food entirely. Like if you get pizza with your friends, maybe limit yourself to a slice or so, and get a salad to eat with it. If you're heading to someone's house, maybe eat something healthy before you go so that you won't be as hungry when there's junk food around. As for the exercise, you have to find something that you enjoy doing. If you think swimming will be fun, great! I know it's easier said then done, but don't worry about what you look like in a bathing suit, you're there to have fun and get a work out, and people aren't going to care what you look like, especially if you swim at a gym pool. Another tip for exercising is to get a buddy you can work out with, whether it's a friend or a family member, you can push each other on days when you don't feel like it. If you have a dog, taking it for a walk is another great way to burn calories, and you can go as slow or as fast as you want. Running is a good activity, but at least I've found that you kind of have to work yourself up to it, like maybe start out walking/jogging, and then as you get used to that, start adding in some running. Good luck, and I hope it works out for you.
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    YOU just have to want it. YOU just have to say I will log EVERYTHING I EAT EVERYDAY and try that for 2 weeks. Yes you will have to pass on that extra side of pasta, or pass on the ranch dressing cause you know it has to much fat in it and will throw your "total" over for the day. LOG LOG LOG. Then when you exercise you will see you get to eat those calories back. And that is exciting. You want a bowl of ice cream.. go jog 30 minutes.. burn ___ calories off and get your bowl!

    You just have to start. Start every day recording. You would not have ate 1/2 a pizza.. if you would have picked up your phone and logged 5 slices into the food tracker and seen that was more than your allowed (for example). I have an application on my phone I can scan bar codes and what I eat will go into the food log easily! I usually log before I order at food places so I know what has what for calories.

    Bottom line.. you know you need to. YOU have to if you want it. That was why I came here. To have strangers motivate me. To have others inspire me to be where I want. To get ideas. To set goals. Challenge myself. I have a bet with someone I have never met face to face on MFP, and plan to follow through if I lose. So try and give your all. Stay focused. When you lose that few pounds and someone comments how good your looking it will be WORTH that month or two sacrifice and it will make you want to keep going!!

    I will add you to my friend list. Good luck!