A 22year old girl, wanting to loose 58 pounds, and in need o



  • smokesone
    smokesone Posts: 20 Member
    feel free to add me:smile: as a friend If you need the support to do this.
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    If you want the brutal, honest truth, here it is: You're not committed enough yet. It's not enough just to "want" this -- you have to sit down with yourself and decide you are going to do it. No excuses. It's got to not matter if you're tired -- you exercise anyway. It's got to not matter if you're self-conscious about your body -- you exercise anyway. It's got to not matter what your friends or your fiance is eating -- you stay on track and be accountable to yourself. Until you truly decide that you don't just want this, you're going to do this, nothing will work. That's the harsh truth.

    It might help you to write a letter to yourself. You don't have to share it with anyone. In it, tell yourself all the reasons that doing this is important, and then commit to doing it. Plan exactly how you're going to achieve your goal (decide ahead of time what you're going to do for exercise and when you'll do it). If it helps you, fill out your food diary a day ahead of time and try to stick to your plan.

    The good news is that you CAN do this. But you've gotta get tough with yourself, honey. I believe that's the only way.
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    Agree with Saltorian.

    Also...make goals. Set your self things.. when you lose ___ LBS, you get to get a new shirt. When you lose ____ you get to get a pedicure! Whatever, just throwing that out there. I had a goal (my daughters big party) and now that is over I am not as motivated. I am trying, just not as excited to dive in. So.. find something.. maybe it is your wedding, maybe it is by your next birthday.... so your focused and have a reason for your head to go for it!
  • texakin20
    texakin20 Posts: 98 Member
    And I got a $10 Jillian Michaels DVD and I can stay inside my house, in my AC, and do it at my own time.. when I want. Another idea! :)

    oh and her DVD's will kick not only your butt.. but all parts of your body! LOL
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i just joined a YWCA to use the pool. i got a bathing suit that sucks in my belly and some swim shorts to cover up a little. at the YWCA, it's all senior citizens, or other women who feel the same way as you. it's definitely a good environment to be in a bathing suit cuz you don't feel self conscious at all.

    i HATE exercise, but swimming is definitely what's working for me. GOOD LUCK!!
  • gingermelv
    Another person with advice! I totally understand what you are going through - my weight started creeping up after uni and then I got pregnant and it really soared. This site is great for a start - even if you just use it at first to be more aware of what you are eating. It'll make you think about it if you log your food. As for exercise after work, it is horrendous but what works for me is just thinking I'll go out for a walk, stick my ipod on and nike app and before I know it I have jogged 5k. If you have an iphone, there are some great apps to keep you motivated and / or get you into running - nike app, couch to 5k, couch to 10k. Also, I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD - you feel a bit silly at first bouncing about in your house but it is 20 mins of circuit training, burns 200 cals and is really good. Hope that this helps. Add me as a friend if you want - a lot of my friends are also doing to 30DS. Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself. You have to start somewhere - take photos of yourself (horrendous, I know) but in a month take them again and I bet you'll be really chuffed xxx
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    It's definitely difficult when you're young and spend a lot of time with friends. Alcohol and going out to eat can do you in, for sure! I come from a family who goes out to eat every single night and have friends who go out to drink and eat almost every single night (and I've noticed most are overweight). Also, most of my friends are guys, and they think you should be able to eat whatever they do. It's all about making healthier choices. Go for a side salad instead of fries. Drink a light beer or vodka tonic instead of your regular choice. Even these small things will help. Most importantly, start tracking what you eat. It makes you aware of what foods are better, and will start to influence your choices without you even realizing it. Additionally, it'll let you know when you have a little more room to splurge. If you've had a really good day, you know you can afford that piece of pizza at night! And don't be afraid to say, "No, I'm not hungry" or "No, I don't want to eat that". You may get a little slack for it, but in the end, you'll feel better for doing so!
  • Fit_ClaudiaQ
    It can be done! I'm 22 and had 65 pounds to lose, notice I said HAD, I now have 20 pounds to lose. I've lost 44 pounds in 6 months. You have to make the decision to lose the weight yourself. No matter how much your friends or fiance tell you that you need to or should. You won't do it til YOU want it so bad yo ucan taste it.

    Well said! I'm 24, trying to 90 & already half way there...you need to want it really bad! Find the motivation...you can do it!