Starting my journey

Hi everyone. I am 21 and two years ago after getting married I really started to pack on weight. I'm up to 195 pounds and I hate myself. I really need to get it off! I love fast food and its a huge problem. I really need a motivation partner that isn't a part of my friend circle. I get really embarrassed talking to my friends about it. I work from home and am working on being more active.


  • mjy7478
    mjy7478 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm sure you'll kill it!!!
  • Sober_Is_Sexy
    Sober_Is_Sexy Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place for motivation :-) If you just cut out the fast food, I bet you will notice a huge difference in how you feel, and begin to drop weight without much effort. It is great that you're working to be more active! It is a lifestyle change for sure. You got this!
  • jaspreetkm
    jaspreetkm Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me as your friend if you like!
    It is best if you can stop eating fast food or eat it on one of days on weekend as a cheat meal but in moderation! Drink lots of water (at least 3L ) which will help you to cleanse your system and keep away those bad food cravings :)

    Little about me - I love tasty food and butter. Now I eat homemade food on all weekdays which really keeps me full and light on calories. But to keep myself Happy I still eat on weekend whatever I like to but in moderation. I am from North India and I really love those potato stuffed flat breads with lot of whipped butter which I can`t stop eating but I eat them on weekends(Brunch). Trust me it is working well for me!

  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Feel free to add me. I also gained my weight after being married.