Keto lunch ideas

I'm on the road for work and I'm tired of trying to find things that fit my diet at stores. Want to start doing meal prep and I'm looking for ideas to start using. Thanks


  • melipon2166
    melipon2166 Posts: 32 Member
    I am new to Keto, so I also would like new ideas. So far my lunches are usually chicken/beef patty, green veggies, jicama and cucumbers with lime and so on.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    pepperoni and cheese...hard boiled eggs with mayo...salad with meat/cheese...avocado and cottage cheese...

    most every sub and burger joint will let you order with "no bun"

    most chicken places offer a grilled chicken salad or you can get fried chicken and don't eat the skin since that's where the breading is located

    anyplace that offers breakfast all day will have omelets or scrambled eggs with cheese

    taco bell now has "egg" wraps that you can get instead of tortillas for your tacos or you can get their power items in a bowl and skip the beans/rice
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    I eat pretty much the same thing every day - egg salad (egg, mayo, mustard) w/2 pickles and a cheese stick. I'm pretty boring the only thing I change up is my dinner.
  • WendyJoy76
    WendyJoy76 Posts: 948 Member
    I like to make a big frittata in a large non stick skillet , wisk about 10 eggs , cut up some veggies and add some meat , pour the eggs in skillet and turn it on low and put a lid on it, don't stir, let it set, add some cheese and let it cool, then slice it into wedges and put in zip lock bags so its easy to grab in the morning :) lunch I will bake some seasoned chicken breast the night before, and cut it into slices to add to some salad.
  • sarajeanbeans
    sarajeanbeans Posts: 2 Member
    Here are some of my "go to" when I want to pack foods. Boiled eggs with mayo or ranch (nice that you can get them in packets). Thick ham slices with flavored cream cheese (onion and chive is AMAZING) - this has been my go to when on the road. Sides of pickles or pickled asparagus. Deviled eggs (if you have a way for them to not be a mess. Sliced chicken breast with bacon, avocado and ranch in a lettuce wrap. Jerky or pepperoni sticks. Crack chicken in a lettuce wrap (I cook mine in a crockpot with a packet of ranch an a brick of cream cheese) - its amazing for leftovers. I have also cooked it with a packet of enchilada sauce mix instead of ranch - gave it a mexican flair and then I ate it in a lettuce wrap with sour cream. YUM! Good luck! Oh - If you have microwave access - polish sausage with broccoli, mushrooms and bacon. I bake it on a cookie sheet and then put it in to go containers.
  • ZaftigBetty
    ZaftigBetty Posts: 86 Member
    Fast Food wise I enjoy a Chicken Bowl from Chipotle that is sans the rice and beans. Its a bit of cheat because I do add the pico which has the tomatoes and the fajita veggies which as onions. Its so good & filling though! Be sure to add the guac! Also, Zoe's Kitchen has a Keto Friendly menu. My favorite item is the Chicken Cauliflower 'rice' bowl.

    For food prep that is also a time saver, steamable cauliflower can make a delish base for a plethora of meals. You can dress it up in different ways too (add bacon& cheese/ garlic powder/ slap yo' mama'/black pepper, etc) and top it with shrimp (boil in kerrygold butter, some kosher salt, and water), or chicken, sirloin etc.

    I also enjoy a huge steak that is cooked rare (since I'll re-heat it over the next few days in a microwave) and eat it with cabbage that has been boiled in chicken broth and crushed red pepper until preferred desire or til its kinda transparent. Don't forget to sautee some mushrooms!

    Baked tilapia that is cooked in lemon pepper seasoning and add some cauliflower and/or peeled asparagus. I like to place my tilapia in separate foil pouches with a pat and a half of kerrygold butter and season them differently (lemon pepper/ garlic powder&Onion powder/ Montreal Chicken/ Slap Yo Mama with garlic power/ etc)

    Snacks are easy. Throw some sliced (from the block cheese) into a ziplock with pepperoni and salami slices or have a calabresse or prosciutto wrapped around mozzerlla cheese sticks. Keep another baggie with raspberries and blueberries at hand. Basically, make a meat,cheese, and berry platter to-go. Or another fave, Baken-Ets Spicy Pork Rinds! A bag can last three days for me.

    A dessert shake for me will include half an avocado, heavy whipping cream, and fresh berries. Sometimes i'll add Whole Earth sweetener to the mix if the berries are out of season or just not that sweet.

    For caffeine - A water bottle halfway down with 1/2 a Tablespoon of Cellulor 4, or a cup of coffee with a dash of heavy whipping cream, cinnamon (i'll add these to the cup and pour the coffee over them. Sometimes I'll add Whole Earth Sweetener to the cup as well.

    For booze, I like to muddle blackberries, whole earth sweetener, and some fresh squeezed lemon juice to my whiskey on the rocks. Also, a LaCroix and Vodka pair well together and are slightly more refreshing than just plain ol' vodka and club soda.

    Tired of water? Try a Spindrift (I've tried Cucumber, grapefruit, and raspberry so far. Cant go wrong with any and i'm not a big fan of grapefruit!) LaCroix and Perrier and delicious and help fix that soda craving too.