Kitchen Scales- Pro or No?

I was at Ross the other day when I saw a kitchen scale for sale at about 15 dollars. I knew this was a good price for one, and I remember that when I was on weight watchers they really encouraged the buying of a kitchen scale. (Of course, theirs were the best.) This morning I was discussing with a friend the actual purpose of a kitchen scale (neither of us own one) and we concluded that the only thing we could really use it for was weighing meat products.
I’m never satisfied with a face-value answer.
Tell me, MFP, what’s your opinion? What do you use your kitchen scales for?


  • Johnsweaver
    Johnsweaver Posts: 46 Member
    I find myself weighing stuff in lieu of using measuring cups. IMO it's more accurate and yields one less measuring cup to clean.

    If I want 2 servings of cottage cheese, I put my bowl on the scale, tare it, then scoop from the container into my bowl for 225 grams.

    Also, it's handy to work backwards. IE, put the jar of peanut butter on the scale, tare it, then scoop out until you get -56 grams for one serving.
  • Richard170
    I use my scale all the time for portion control.

    quantitative > qualitative
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    I LOVE my kitchen scale! I recently bought a digital scale from Walmart and I use it for meat, fish & potatoes--all who's calories depend on their weight. It's really been helpful in keeping my coutning accurate. It's def worth it.
  • rtoledo71
    I've had my digital kitchen scale for over 6 years and it's the best thing I ever bought. Being accurate with your portions is important, IMO.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    I am pro. So worth it when you can get them for cheap. It really teaches you portion control.

    I weigh just about everything. I weigh veggies, rice, fruit etc Also, use it to weigh stuff so I can ensure my serving size is correct. Can’t tell you how many people log they had ½ cup of rice when it was really like 2 cups.
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    PRO! We use ours ALL the time - my husband uses it to bake bread (easier to measure stuff on it and use only one container), I use it for cereal, for portion control, to see if the box is accurate in serving size, just for fun even.

    I really really recommend one to everyone trying to eat healthier and for $15-20 they are really not that expensive. We didn't really know why we'd use one either, but I think we probably use ours 10-20 times a day now!
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I use mine all the time too. Especially if you log all your food on here.

    Havbe you never wondered "I wonder how many oz's (or g's) I put in that recipe). I don't care so much about how much I eat at this point so I don't weigh everything, but some things sometimes leave me curious as to how much I eat. Llike meat, I had no idea of the size of my portions. I thought I was eating like 4-5oz, but I was eating 8oz (so almost double).
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I weigh and measure everything I eat, so I use my scale a lot.
  • ReginasHorror
    ReginasHorror Posts: 423 Member
    Thank you guys! I'll let my friend know, maybe there's a scale in my future!