Keto poop?

Today is my 5th day on keto and feel like poop. Head is pounding.. not sure if it’s keto flu or just the flu or what? I’ve seen things online to help it ..but I wanna know what helped you guys? And what symptoms did you guys have? my symptoms include small fever, pounding head, ears hurting and no energy. HELP!!


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    edited March 2018
    Are you getting 3000-5000mg of sodium per day? "Keto flu" is a misnomer commonly used to refer to electrolyte imbalance. Fatigue, foggy head, headache, light-headed. Some people even get nauseated. Keto flushes out water once glycogen stores are depleted, leaving less sodium on hand for the body to use. Kidneys during ketosis tend to continue to excrete more sodium than normal. Soon electrolytes are imbalanced, you start feeling like reanimated roadkill, and you start to flush the others. It's a keto-thing. Get your sodium up and keep it up and your body will preserve the other electrolytes.

    At least 2 salty drinks per day. Either salty broth/boullion or homemade Gatorade (I call it Ketoade) which is 8-12oz water, quarter tsp salt, Mio or Crystal Light. Mix , chug. You'll seriously feel better within 30 min.
    Track your salt. Feel better. :smile:

    This of course assumes you have no medical reason to avoid salt. If you do, then you need to reevaluate your plan choice by consulting your physician.
  • Mikelamela
    Mikelamela Posts: 4 Member
    Wow thanks for all the info I definitely need to start tracking my sodium because I’m sure it’s low especially compared to those numbers. And super excited to try that ketoade! Thanks again
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    I'm on day 3 and yesterday I had weird flu like symptoms, so I did some research, added in some extra fat today and guzzling down the water, and I feel just fine. :) I also bought this stuff called Ultima Hydration Powder from Amazon. There's 6 different flavors and they replenish your electrolytes. So far the lemon and the cherry pomegranate are really good! And definitely Keto (no carbs, sugar). Friend me?
  • Mikelamela
    Mikelamela Posts: 4 Member
    I’ve never heard of ultima hydration powder but I will definitely look into it. I ordered kettle and fire broth hopefully comes in today or tomorrow. Good luck on your journey!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    Mikelamela wrote: »
    I’ve never heard of ultima hydration powder but I will definitely look into it. I ordered kettle and fire broth hopefully comes in today or tomorrow. Good luck on your journey!

    No offense meant, but that Ultima stuff is good on potassium but pitiful on sodium (if I'm looking at the right thing it's just 55mg of sodium per serving), just like Gatorade and Powerade are skimpy. It's more cost effective to make your own with Mio or generic, and you'll actually get the right amount of sodium. Ketoade or salty broth will have over 500mg. You could drink your daily need of water with the Ultima or Powerade Zero and still not make much of a dint in your sodium needs.