Looking for high cholesterol tips

I know about all of the foods not to eat - what CAN I eat that is not so boring for high cholesterol?

My cholesterol reads 250 and up at times. My doctor says because of who I am and my activities I should not worry about it. Basically says cholesterol pills are not always needed for everyone althou hosptial procedures and drug companies would not agree. I am not interested in big pharma opinions. I trust my old experienced doctor. My doctor does not profit from cholesterol pills I am in a country where I can buy meds over the counter with his assistance.


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited March 2018
    What foods can't you eat?

    I have always thought the keys to lowering cholesterol was more fiber and more exercise. I believe there is still some controversy between the need to lower saturated fats or not, but if you wanted to that would mean reducing fatty meat, butter, and full fat dairy, right?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Recent research is leaning towards high cholesterol being more generic than dietary related
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    So my cholesterol was 270 in November. I am 41 years old, female, within healthy BMI and active. I know some of mine is genetic but I decided to change my diet to a low saturated fat diet. Three months later I had dropped it by 30 points to 240. My doctor is not concerned as she sees my numbers going down and I don't want to be on statins either.
    So, the way I did the majority of my meal planning was through emeals.com. I had no idea where to start as far as "heart healthy" eating. I didn't have time to research either. So I signed up, it is literally $1 a week and in the app they push me weekly meals that I can choose from. You can choose from a myriad of options as far as "types" of plans (crock pot, low carb, etc). I went with heart healthy and they've been wonderful meals that I don't have to think about b/c they send me the recipes, ingredient lists, etc. I continue to lose weight and feel good while keeping active and I'm excited to see what my numbers look like in a year.
    So, with all that said try emeals.com if you aren't sure where to start. It is surprising what you can still eat and lower cholesterol.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    i stopped eating out and my cholesterol dropped...easy peasy
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    The amount of cholesterol ingested is a fraction of what your body produces. It is much more important to try and get down to a healthy weight and become active. Focusing on the food fat and cholesterol would be majoring in the minors when most of what you can do is lifestyle and body weight. genetics plays more of a roll than food ingested as well.

    So, East a well balanced diet, get to a healthy weight, and stay or become active, are you best bets
  • dbhDeb
    dbhDeb Posts: 200 Member
    some of cholesterol is hereditary; some is caused by illness/chronic diseases some of us have as well. Definitely does help to lose weight -- that is in control. my mantra on food is to keep it simple (and balanced) especially first starting a new program/lifestyle. Good luck! you can do it!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I switched to oatmeal and fruit & nuts for breakfast, cut out fast food and fries. I upped my exercise and cardio and dropped my bad 50 points. I also lost 50 pounds during that time so I have no idea what is the main factor is. I know its not fair but I apply for life insurance to get my blood work done. The insurance company asks who is my doctor and I don't have one. Then they ask when I last went to get a physical and I tell them for JV football. I am now 56.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I dropped my LDL from the 160s to 93...basically eating more vegetables and fruit as well as more fibrous foods like oats, legumes, lentils, etc. Started eating more lean cuts of meat (but I have bacon or sausage for breakfast every weekend pretty much), I eat eggs daily, more whole foods and home cooking in general, lost 40 Lbs, and regular exercise.

    I think it's likely that losing the 40 Lbs and regular exercise had as much to do with it as anything.