breakfast, lunch and snacks for working individuals??

here is where I go off track EVERY time....I have no idea what to make for meals! I skip breakfast, over eat at lunch and dinner and never have food at the house. I go to the grocery store and am totally overwhelmed. I need some ideas for easy, quick fix meals that I can get every week at the grocery store. I know people who plan out an entire month of meals but I just don't have the time or frankly desire! help!!


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Wow...I can really help you out with this, but right now isn't all that great b/c I need to get some sleep! What I will tell you as quickly as possible is that what I do is on the weekend I will make a double batch of eggs with some kind of meat and veggies, just a big scramble. Anyhow, that usually gets my hubby and I two breakfasts each for the first two days of the week. Then I often do greek yogurt with fresh fruit and meusli, or sometimes just peanut butter on a bagel thin. Protein in the morning is KEY for me! It keeps me from snacking most of the day. As far as lunches go, they're either leftovers or some kind of tuna salad I can make in a batch or we like quinoa salads too. For dinner, my big help is to also prep things for meals later in the week on Sunday evening. I will cut up bunches of onions and peppers and things I will be using throughout the week and store them in the refrig. and use as needed. I do this with meat too, I will go ahead and cube it if I need it that way for a recipe. It makes it AMAZING to walk in the door and just start cooking! Check out my MFP blog for a few recipes that I have posted. I can give you more at some point too!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Have a bowl of Special K for breakfast with a glass of water and cup of coffee.

    Lunch - go by some Lean Cuisine/Smart Ones/Healthy Choice frozen meals. They are prefect postion size, with moderate sodium and great for lunch at the office. I actually have my coworkers salivating when I start cooking mine. Two ahve even started buying their own.

    Snack - buy baby carrots, grapes, strawberries, bananas, 100 calorie snack packs all of them are good.
  • Deadhype
    What I have found that has worked great for me is taking a meal replacement shake in the morning so I am at least getting 250 calories plus vitamins and then for lunch it's a easy sandwich for around 350 and for dinner chicken is easy and can be done in lots of different ways. Kraft Canada (assuming same in US) has lots of quick easy healthy choices we plan out our meals for about a week at a time max so hope that helps

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods.
  • tracyjo74
    tracyjo74 Posts: 4 Member
    i am big on having snacks on hand that are 100 calories or less at work and home. String cheese, sugar free pudding cups, fruit, carrots with a little dip, etc. I also make my own 100 calorie packs of cheeze its and pretzels. Quick meals- try purchasing frozen chicken breast strips for salads and wraps. To be successful you will have to plan ahead- however- you can always have some Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine in the freezer- just in case! Good luck!
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I've started keeping some healthy bread or english muffins in my office drawer, and some buttery spread and jam in the office pantry fridge. For lunch, I pack the bread separately from the rest of my sandwich so it doesn't get soggy and stale -- I hated bringing sandwiches before I realized that! Plus a few big tupperwares of veggies and fruit to snack on.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Starting to plan a whole month at a time is way to big a job anyway! So write down what you eat each day. Then when it is time to go grocery shopping, rebuy what you ate the week before. As you add different meals, write them down. Eventually you will have a months worth of meal ideas and more!

    As for quick meals, chicken tenderloins are my go to meal. You can grill them, bake them, pan fry them and it only takes about 20 minutes to cook. Add some rice and veggies and you are done. Then I take the leftovers for lunch the next day, or cut up some of the chicken and add it to a salad. Pork chops cook up fairly quickly too.

    Breakfast is more difficult for me. It's usually a yogurt and a piece of fruit or something quick like that. Snacks are the same thing, if I even eat them.

    Good luck with your meal planning!
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    Easy meals: greek yogurt with granola, flatout wraps with low sodium turkey and some lauging cow cheese spread, veggie burgers you can nuke in microwave, make a salad the night before, pre make some brown rice and mix in veggies and chicken (buy a big rotisserie chicken and cut up what you need)

    Snacks: 100 calorie emerald almonds, apples, almond butter, wholly guacamole 100 calorie packs with some carrots, fruit, veggies and dip

    If you plan ahead you can do it...Good luck!
  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    I would definitely suggest bringing your lunch and snacks. I bring my lunch almost every day- you can take a look at my diary if you want :). Most mornings I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast with a glass of Trop50 Orange Juice (only 50 calories, with a whole days worth of Vit. C and most of my calcium). Snack #1 is typically yogurt with a piece of fruit, Snack #2 is string cheese with a raw vegetable. Lunch can be anything you want it to be- Smart Ones meals are GREAT, cook a little more during the night time and bring leftovers, bring the ingredients to make sandwiches, salad, soups, etc. Have fun with it and good luck :)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I am pretty lazy... so when I cook, I make huge batches and put it right into individual servings I can just grab and nukes.

    Breakfast is easy! Cockpot oats! Quinoa, steel cut oats, protein powder, greek yogurt, soy milk, cinnamon, stevia, chia seeds and sometimes unsweetened cocoa....ignore it for a few hours, toss in 1 cup containers and top wtih walnuts...grab on the way to work.

    Protein shakes... I have about 10 24oz blender bottles so I always have at least one or two protein shakes a day... a good one (not the pre-made stuff) will have about 150 calories, 1g carb, 0 sugar, 27g protein... keeps you full all afternoon.

    I make ***** batches of stuff for dinner too... coconut curry shrimp, turkey&cabbage casserold, zucchini lasagne etc... and put right into servings so I dn't even have to cut it later.

    Lunch is easy... Thomas bagel things, sliced deli turkey, tomato slice, light mayo and some whole grain chips. Dn't even have to heat it up.

    I'm super tired or I'd think of more :)
  • uncbluci
    uncbluci Posts: 31 Member
    my "go to" meals-

    breakfast- 1 whole wheat waffle with 1 tbspn reduced fat peanut butter (quick easy and filling, i usually eat it on my way to work); oatmeal (quaker instant weight control ones are good, when im in a hurry i just bring the packet and make it at work); bowl of kashi go lean cereal; smart ones egg and cheese english muffins; jimmy dean turkey sausage egg scrambler

    lunch- whole wheat wrap with turkey and whatever veggies i have around; lean pockets for when im in a hurry/out of everything else; tuna sandwich; salad; soup

    dinners- stir fry with chicken, zuccini, broccoli and brown rice; chicken or fish on the foreman grill or baked with veggies (asparagus, salad, broccoli, whatever) and couscous or a sweet potato or brown rice; rice and beans bowl- just mix together everything you would put in a burrito (i do black beans, rice, tomato, avocado, little bit of low fat sour cream)
  • tssa
    tssa Posts: 93 Member
    here is where I go off track EVERY time....I have no idea what to make for meals! I skip breakfast, over eat at lunch and dinner and never have food at the house. I go to the grocery store and am totally overwhelmed. I need some ideas for easy, quick fix meals that I can get every week at the grocery store. I know people who plan out an entire month of meals but I just don't have the time or frankly desire! help!!

    Girl, I can't plan what to eat for a whole month either. Start small, plan a weekly menu. I've learned that if I plan what I'm going to eat for the week, it helps knowing EXACTLY what I'm going to eat, it makes me more accountable, and once you break down the ingredients of your meals/snacks, there you have your grocery list for the week. Presto! Plus, I post it on my fridge as a reminder. I found this great template that really helps me. Check it out:

    My meals are not extravagant to say the least. But you'll be surprised you can whip up a quick, healthy meal. On Sundays, I allow myself at least an hour to 2 hours to cook the main staple of my meals, be it chicken breast/thighs, which are really easy since you just season them and pop them in the oven, or whole wheat pasta, etc., etc. With the chicken breast you can just pair them with a quick spinach salad or slice it up and throw it in a wrap with some spinach, chopped artichoke and laughing cow. cheese. Here's what a normal, GOOD, day what looks like for me.

    BREAKFAST: Multi Gran Cheerios or Cream of Wheat with Mashed bananas mixed in or raisins, 1 tsp of butter, and 2% milk.
    AM SNACK: Raw baby carrots or Greek Yogurt (Fage is the best)
    LUNCH: Spinach Salad (raw spinach, love it!, cherry tomatoes,a little cheese and low-fat italian dressing @ 1 TBSP) and a chicken breast
    PM SNACK: sliced apples
    DINNER: 1 1/2 Cup of Gazpacho (this is a cold soup that has cucumber, tomatoes, garlic, onion, cilantro pureed, with chopped pieces of the mentioned veggies in it, it soooo good and very low in cals) and a banana

    Here are some of my main staples:
    Raw spinach, I practically put it in EVERYTHING from my eggs to sandwiches, I actually rather it more than lettuce
    Ground turkey
    Jenni-O Natural Turkey burgers
    Deli-sliced Turkey, not pre-packaged ( Butterball has a great low sodium selection) This is great for Turkey Rollups: from the Biggest Loser menu - slice of turkey, garden vegetable cream cheese and....SPINACH. Really good AND filling
    Sandwich thins
    Green tea, a must for me
    Greek Yogurt, plain (sour cream sub) and w/ fruit
    FRESH salsa, adds a lot of flavor; you can find it in the produce
    Pre-sliced apples
    Laughing cow cheese
    Brown/Deli Mustard, it's really low and calories and healthier than mayo.
    Soy or Almond milk

    I really hope this helps. Feel free to add me.

    Good luck!
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    We keep Danimals drinkable yogurt or Gogurt (which is great frozen!) around for a quick grab. Also, I buy lots of veggies (baby carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) and then I totally prepare and measure them, and put them into snack size ziploc bags. Then I throw them all in the veggie bin so they are ready to be grabbed in a moment's notice. I also make my own turkey sausage, which is great to cook up and keep in the fridge as well. Sometimes for a quick lunch, I grab the Starkist Tuna lunch to go. (But take my own bread, and don't use the crackers or mayo). It works great in a pinch.

    Good luck! :happy:
  • jrn1115
    jrn1115 Posts: 35
    For breakfast I try to have either eggs or oatmeal (I seem to feel full with them compared to cereal)
    For lunch I've been eating Michelina's Lean Gourmet Meals, I LOVE the Macaroni with Jalapeno's or the Buffalo Chicken Snackers (These I have with a small side salad)
    For dinner I normally have a large salad or pasta with sauteed veggies.

    Hope this helps out!
  • HadraPriestess
    HadraPriestess Posts: 58 Member
    Friend me?! I really like that you gave a grocery list of your staples. That was a great response (and validation) of what you are doing for yourself!
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I have one of those infomercial machines, mother in law bought it for me, where you can put food in the "wells" set the timer and come back to it in a bit. I use it for breakfast every morning. Most mornings I have 2 eggs and 3 sausages with salsa on the eggs. Its great and the machine lets me put it in, cook for 10minutes and I normally have that going while I get dressed in the morning for work. For my lunches I bring easy but good foods like soups with low calories, hot dog, I have a subway close by so sometimes I grab a 300 calorie lunch from them.

    My breakfast choices:
    -small pancake, limited syrup (not often)
    -2 eggs, 3 sausages (most mornings)
    -bowl of cereal (1 cup cereal, 1/2 cup milk)
    -fruit with hot cocoa (not often but good if I need to shop)

    All my options are less than 300cals. My lunches are roughly same size calories wise but I switch it up a dinners are normally 500-600calories but I plan for them all day by eating limited amounts and eating healthy early on. I sometimes have soda or candy but limit myself when I take it...measuring out portion sizes now. I've lost 4lbs in the last 2 weeks so I'm doing something right. (I also drink 1-2 32oz containers of water per day with crystal light in it)
  • officernorton
    officernorton Posts: 38 Member
    I am in and out of my car 12 hours a day at work so I certainly understand how hard it is. I pack my lunch the night before so its ready at 0430 when my day begins. I have a cold lunch box and it usually consists of :

    Breakfast- bowl of vanilla light yogurt with 1/4 cup of bare naked vanilla granola and 5 blackberries

    Snack - fiber one bar

    Lunch- tuna kit and 1/2 cup fresh strawberries

    Snack- carrot stix with hummus for dipping

    Dinner - when I get home

    This is a typical day but I mix it up a bit of course- ALWAYS have it ready the night before so you can start the day ready and packed! :)
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I buy flax and oat pita pockets. Everything tastes great in them!!! LOL I put deli sliced turkey from Walmart in them, tomato, onions, spinach, whatever I have and either lowfat mayo or mustard.

    I like brown rice and make a dish where I satee in Smart Choice butter (just a dash of butter) onions, bell peppers, sometimes celery then add four cups water and two cups rice. When the rice is soft I add a can of stewed tomatoes (I like the Italian kind) and a half a can of tomato sauce. I use this to stuff bell peppers with. Then the peppers go in the veggie steamer till a fork will go in easily. Makes great, low fat stuffed peppers.

    I always have left over rice from the stuffed peppers (intentionally) so eat it in a pita pocket for lunch for the next few days. Yummy. Pita pockets are soooo easy to put just about anything in. The rice mixture actually has a better flavor to me the next day. (The great cook David Wade said that everything is better after it's been in the refridgerator because that is where the flavors "mingle.")

    I eat a lot of cottage cheese and fruit so those are staples.

    I eat a lot of salads so always have tomatoes, cucumbers and onions around. I can't eat the fat free Ranch dressings so my splurge is real dressing but try to go easy on that.

    I bought frozen chicken breasts lately and can fix those so many ways.

    Boiled eggs are a good filling protein too. I boil four or five at a time and keep them for the next few days for breakfast or to go in a salad OR eggsalad in a pita pocket!!

    Okay..did I mention I REALLY like the pita pockets!!! Only 60 calories (but can be high in sodium so read the labels).

    I try not to snack a lot but Blue Bell has some strawberry and peach and lime fruit bars on a stick that are only 70 calories so I snack on those.

    I keep tangerines in the fridge for snacking on, too.

    Frozen vegetables can be good to keep in the freezer for those times when you've run out of fresh ones and can't run to the market. Broccoli and cauliflower, brussel sprouts (if you like them) are good to steam.

    I also make gumba out of frozen okra, a few potatoes, canned tomatoes and lots of garlic and onion. VERY low calorie and great with brown rice.

    My meals are not huge in variety but I like it so I guess that is all that matters.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Check out these websites:


    Planning a few days ahead is really all that is needed (maybe a week at most). Beyond that is just nutty. If you plan too far ahead you're not taking advantage of all of the great local produce that is in stores during the growing season (like right now).
  • sarahsmom89
    I never knew about this until the other day, but my local grocery store (Jewel) is taking me on a nutritional tour tonight (after work). I will learn how to show the store to select healthy foods for weight loss and I am diabetic.

    My other suggestion is go to your favorite bookstore and purchase a couple of healthy living style cookbooks. Then sit down and plan your meals for the upcoming week. Make a list from the recipes and only shop for those items. It will help put some structure into your meals and your life.
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    "KISS" = "Keep It Simple Stupid" I make my lunch for the week on Sunday. I chop carrots and celery, put lettuce and tomatoes in baggies, keep low fat salad dressing at work, make a couple of turkey or low fat cheese or peanut butter sandwiches, and throw in yogurt and fruits. That lunch bag for the week goes in the fridge and I am all set for lunch.

    For breakfast, I line it up the night before in the fridge after setting up the morning coffee. This is often a Jimmy Dean's D-Lite breakfast sandwhich, only 260 calories, low fat and whole wheat English muffin. I wash some fresh fruint and leave it in the fridge so that is fast and healthy and easy.

    Dinner -- again KISS. A simple salad with vinigrette and a simple frozen veggie from the microwave. Throw a piece of fish or chicken (frozen or thawed) in pan with a little ollive oil. That's dinner. Or make scrambled eggs for dinner. I keep frozen Kashi dinners available. Make a fresh salad and throw protein on it like low fat cheese or deli turkey.

    Snacks are easy - yogurt, fruit, raisins, nuts, Skinny cow ice cream treats.

    Keep it fresh and simple and straight up most of the time. It works.