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What did you do to kick off your weight loss? (If you are 10



  • pinknsassyemt
    pinknsassyemt Posts: 68 Member
    Simple things like taking laundry out of the dryer one piece at a time to fold, park a little further away at the grocery store, walk in place during commercials, I do 20 squats everytime I go to the bathroom, I know it seems odd, but I just fit little things in here an there. Kudos for c25k, I haven't even considered tackling it yet. I get my exercise by normal means, and go to the gym 3 days a week. Keep up the good work
  • lakenleona
    lakenleona Posts: 22 Member
    Yay for you! I just want to say congratulations on your weight loss so far and that I'm proud of you for being determined and dedicated! You definitely CAN do this. I have about 80 lbs to lose, but I am just taking it 1 lb at a time and happy for any weight or inches that come off my body! Don't give up and when you get discouraged, this is definitely the perfect place to come and talk about what's getting you down, because everyone here just wants to build you up! Congratulations again and good luck on your journey! :)
  • ChanMay
    ChanMay Posts: 39
    Hi there! Congratulations to you on making the first move :) What about swimming or aquasize to help you for now? I have heard it is very easy on your joints. I would find something that you enjoy doing and doesn't leave in horrible pain (sweating and being uncomfortable is normal but you shouldn't be in agony!!) if not, you are not going to stick to it.
    I agree with the others who said to give yourself time! I have lost 30 pounds on my own so far and I have just started doing Zumba. When I first tried it, my body was just to heavy and awkward to do it. I felt as though I was going to have a heart attack!! So instead, I started walking to get myself used to physical exercise and to get some of the weight off. Now that I am a bit lighter and can move easier, I have joined the class and am loving it!
    The down side of exercise is that our bad habits may limit us to what we can do. Start with something you can do and keep pushing a bit harder each week! Before you know it, you will be fit and feel fabulous!!!
  • You did fantastic this week :)

    For me, it started with nutrition. I lowered my sodium in take and upped my water intake (a little over a gallon a day). That changed EVERYTHING. I eat vegetables like crazy and make sure I'm getting enough protein and fiber. I can't run right now, since I have very weak knees and ankles, but I started going on the elliptical and walking throughout the day. The most important thing was I started listening to my body. Once you understand when to push it and when to stop, it means you're not just communicating with it, but really listening to it and understanding what you need to do to keep on losing. After that, it gets so much easier!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i'm right there with you. it's like i woke up last week and realized that i need to lose 180lbs. when did THAT happen?

    so i'm on here and i joined the Y - b/c i'm strapped and if i'm paying money for something then i damned well better be using it. this makes sure that i get up early.

    i thought about the C25K, but honestly, i'm going from 0 and i was worried that i would get two weeks in and stop. so i walk on the treadmill. i have found that i can do the mile warm up and a half mile cool down with weight reps in the middle - or i can just do the mile and a half. i know that i could push it to two miles right now - but then i'll hurt too much and i won't keep it up.

    but you are doing it and for that you are my hero!

    for the joint pain - may i recomend Black Cherry Extract (they sell it at GNC), it's a natural anti-inflamatory. a lot of ppl take it for gout, but i take it for my joints and i can tell the difference.

    and, oddly enough, i find myself humming Dory from Finding Nemo. "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" when i want to just be DONE on the treadmill.
  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    last year, when I was at 250, my doc advised AGAINST trying to run. Being so heavy, my knees couldn't take it.
    I walk and walk and walk. I am determined to get back to the gym where I will work with weights some.

    But to start - - - I am concentrating on a healthy diet and walking 3 times per week. As I am able, I will increase that.

    For me, making VERY drastic changes throws me into some sort of mental breakdown. So I am going at this slow.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I stopped eating the mounds of free food in the work kitchen!
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    weight loss is 80% diet 20% exercise. i suggest walking or swimming. once you have the walking down it will be so much easier to branch out. i'm so proud of you!
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    I started at 312 lbs. I am giving myself at least 2 years to slowly lose this weight. My goal is to lose 175 lbs. Since starting, I vowed to just listen to my body. If I was hungry, I ate. If I had the energy to work out, I did. I just did it all sensibly. This is a lifestyle change, so if you slowly integrate the changes, it will all seem natural. It's been a little over a month, and I am down 18 lbs as of today.

    One thing I am doing is watching how my body responds to different macronutrient breakdowns. I found that carbs and sodium are like kryptonite!

    Best of luck to you. We are all here rooting for you.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    First of all, great first week! If you can't do the running on what is "supposed to be" week 2, I think it is great to do week 1 over again. Look how well it worked for you last week! Eventually week 1's program won't feel like enough challenge for you and you will be able to move on.

    If you aren't wanting to go to a gym (for cardio equipment, riding your bike and/or walking is a great supplement to your DVD.

    Whatever exercise you choose, it is better than not doing anything! Do whatever you like and can/will do on a consistent basis. Sticking with it is what works!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    remember...its not a race..its slow and steady..so what if you have to repeat some weeks..atleast you are sticking to it..any amount of exercise is better than nothing...
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    remember...its not a race..its slow and steady..so what if you have to repeat some weeks..atleast you are sticking to it..any amount of exercise is better than nothing...
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    Be careful with C25K at your starting weight. I say that because I tried it at 300lbs and I ended up with shin splints and plantar fascitiis (torn arch muscle), because my body couldn't handle the impact. I backed off and started with some lower aerobics classes, walking - trying to get faster each week and walking on higher inclines on a treadmill, and lifting weights.

    That helped. But I've been plagued by injuries, because I tried to start too fast too soon. So try walking at a rapid pace on an incline. You'll burn more calories and build up your muscles while you lose weight.
  • duckychic
    duckychic Posts: 57 Member
    Walking! When I was 335, I went for 3 mile walks, 3x a week. At first I was really really slow and it seemed that everytime I went for a walk it would get easier and easier. Just take your time and don't hurt yourself.
  • Thank you all for taking the time to respond and for your support. I really don't want to "quit" c25k but at the same time I don't want to hurt myself and then be unable to get any burn in. So I think I'm going to walk briskly a couple miles every other day (and eventually everyday) until October (and be down hopefully 50 pounds), and then maybe restart the c25k. I'm alreay feeling 1,000 times better than I was a week ago, but I know I have a really long way to go and I want to do it as safely as possible!