70 pound weight loss goal

Hey everyone. So I've started at 275. Started using mfp at about 272. I've never posted on here before but I've decided it's time to get outside my comfort zone a little. I have a goal of weighing 205 by August 24. (45th birthday.) I started out going to the gym and although I got stronger I wasn't losing any weight. So since starting mfp(about 3 or 4 weeks. I've been eating 1800 lowish carb calories. I am currently going to gym about 6 days a week doing weights and cardio. I'm down to 258 and still have a long way to go. I thought a few weight loss buddies would be good. Anyway if anyone interested.


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Sure, add me. Let me suggest you join a challenge. I've found the competition and mutual support helps a lot! My advice is use the MFP goals and calorie tracking. It's not about carb calories, it's about total calories. Your weight loss happens in the kitchen not at the gym. Of course you have lost 17 so you are doing something right!!
  • fhorn
    fhorn Posts: 28 Member
    I agree that it is total calories however keeping the carbs lower makes you cut out all the processed crap. Also I feel that keeping the carbs lower takes away my cravings for junk food. Thanks for the heads up about the challenges.
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Sound like you are doing great! Congratulations on your great loss!
  • Hi please add me. I have lost about 40 lbs. and I have about 40 lbs. to lose. I have been on MFP on and off. I find that being consistent and accurate in all my entries really helps me keep on track. I follow a vegetarian diet so I find if I am not careful I can eat a lot more carbs than I should.
  • ChristyClenin1
    ChristyClenin1 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a similar size to you and have similar goals. I would love to connect. Add me!
  • I'm interested add me I need to lose 60+
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    I'm looking to lose 70lbs too. Add me.
  • happylife2014
    happylife2014 Posts: 128 Member
    I love helping others stay motivated! We all need help in the motivation area sometimes!
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • fhorn
    fhorn Posts: 28 Member
    edited February 2018
    So I'm at 256. I have 51 pounds to lose in 28 weeks. Seems unlikely but I am undeterred. I track everything I eat and stay right at 1800 calories. I also go to gym daily. Why does your weight seem to go up so quickly yet go down so slowly. And yes I know its a survival thing but we need to evolve past that already. Lol
  • fhorn
    fhorn Posts: 28 Member
    Correction I'm at 252
  • paulra93
    paulra93 Posts: 14 Member
    Yo, brotha! Add me and let's keep eachother motivated!
  • fhorn
    fhorn Posts: 28 Member
    So I'm down to 251.2. Ive lost about 24 pounds. So I feel like my shape is about the same just slightly smaller. I wonder when you start notice a change in actual shape.
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Hey all! I have 64 lbs to lose...started the year at 250 currently 229.7 goal by the end of the year is 180. Goal weight is 165.
  • fhorn
    fhorn Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone I'm down to 248. I have lost about 27 pounds. I have another 43 pounds to lose. Has anyone tried those couch to 5k or 10k. I just started one but I'm not sure how it's going to go.
  • Frankie_Fan
    Frankie_Fan Posts: 562 Member
    fhorn wrote: »
    Hey everyone I'm down to 248. I have lost about 27 pounds. I have another 43 pounds to lose. Has anyone tried those couch to 5k or 10k. I just started one but I'm not sure how it's going to go.

  • shirlinedeepa
    shirlinedeepa Posts: 2 Member
    please add me am at 210 pounds and targeting 180 in 2 months. Need some motivation and exercise advise!
  • shirlinedeepa
    shirlinedeepa Posts: 2 Member
    fhorn wrote: »
    Hey everyone I'm down to 248. I have lost about 27 pounds. I have another 43 pounds to lose. Has anyone tried those couch to 5k or 10k. I just started one but I'm not sure how it's going to go.

  • dmcnur
    dmcnur Posts: 157 Member
    Congratulations on the loss so far. I needed to lose 72 pounds and have currently lost 42, so still a bit of a way to go. I am on very restricted carbs <20g a day, but am medically supervised. Showing good results with blood work as well.
  • fhorn
    fhorn Posts: 28 Member
    Ok trip to disney kind of disrupted my diet. I didn't really gain any but I didn't lose any either. I'm currently at 242. I have 37 to go. In trying to get back to the dedication I had pretrip. Today is first day back after two weeks. I was crazy weak at the gym too. I had the best of intentions but it is freaking hard to diet at disney. For one old habits crept in. That's part of the fun is eating. Oh well I'm back and looking for motivation.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Any 2 week vacation that results in less than 2 lbs gained back is a huge success and you didn't gain any which is quite an achievement. You should seriously be patting yourself on the back right now I mean who wants to go on vacation and be eating rice cakes? Phooey on that. Dieting on vacation is fanatical and that never leads to healthy things. I am not saying be stupid and eat ice cream 3 meals a day but nothing wrong with enjoying yourself in moderation which you apparently did.