10000 steps when weather is bad



  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    My husband and I do mall walking when the weather is bad. Once we started doing it, we actually noticed that there's lots of people there doing the same thing. We never noticed when we were just shopping around but there's always a few older folks in workout gear doing laps. Target or Wal-Mart work pretty well too, just lap the store.

    I do the Target thing during my lunch hour when the weather is bad. Sometimes I'm surprised that security doesn't stop me because they think I'm casing the joint. :)

    Normally, I walk outside for my exercise but I also do Leslie Sansone walking dvds in my apartment (usually pacing my apartment to the beat while doing computer stuff on my tablet) or listen to my mp3 player while pacing my apartment to the beat. I also catch up on the week's prime time tv I haven't watched yet or catch up on netflix on my tablet while pacing my apartment.

    Basically, when I'm home, I barely sit down.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I hit the $10/month gym I have for the sole purpose of crappy weather cardio lol
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    How cold is it?
    It has been cold and snowy this winter here, I still am getting over 14,000 steps per day. If you are bundled up for it, it isn't bad. My dog loves the walks. We have been getting highs in the low 40's F this week, and the snow is melting, but there is still about 8 inches on the ground. Sloppy walking this week. I live in the country on a gravel road.

    Also this. I mostly just hit the treadmill in the rain but I'm in Ontario and have had 15K steps daily on my 30 minute commute to work. Neck warmer, mitts, a down coat and boots!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited March 2018
    How do you get your 10000 steps in when its bad weather? I aim for 10000 steps a day minimum and have done for over a year. Its become a habit now and I feel bad if I don't hit the 10000. I know the odd day doesn't really matter if I don't hit my target but I kinda enjoy my daily walks in my back yard. I have been trying to walk around the house more last 2 days as weather is really bad but I nowhere near hit 10000. I'm lucky if I manage 5000. What do you guys do when its bad weather and you can't get out?

    I aim for 8,000 to 10,000 steps too for general movement...but if the weather is bad and I can't get out, I'm not going to worry about it...I also do moderate cardiovascular exercise 4-5x per week as well...steps are just kinda gravy. I'd either get on my bike trainer or get on the rower.
  • xxrowanxx
    xxrowanxx Posts: 5 Member
    Besides house chores, I kind of pace around the house for my 10000 steps. I'm in NY, so I'm stuck indoors often 8n the winter.
  • Lesscookies12
    Lesscookies12 Posts: 140 Member
    Maybe walk up and down the stairs? Why go outside of the weather is bad??
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    There is no bad weather, just poor gear.

    Nothing wrong with a rest day once in a while.

    Or....strength training day! Get in some yoga too!

  • nsprieg
    nsprieg Posts: 24 Member
    Local mall and people watch!
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    If you can get out of the house but don't want to walk outdoors go to a mall or large store (I like Target or Walmart because they're both pretty large and walk every isle. I can easily get 4000 steps this way and sometimes will do it more than once/day. I have bursitis (sp?) in my hip and walking for too long is quite painful. I manage a good 10-12k/day just doing that if I need to.

    If you can't or don't want to leave the house, there's a pretty popular walking program online. I can't think of the woman's name but I bet someone here has already mentioned her.
  • Frankie_Fan
    Frankie_Fan Posts: 562 Member
    I do the Leslie Sansone walking dvds. She also has a YouTube channel, I think its called Walk at Home.
  • layladrew26
    layladrew26 Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2018
    I had a rest day in the end. There was no way I was venturing out. It was icy and windy. Still did 4000 steps so no big deal. Thanks for all the ideas.
  • speedingticket
    speedingticket Posts: 73 Member
    My gym is closed due to the weather today, expect others may be too (I live rurally so most people can walk to work, I assume thats why its closed- yesterday they had trouble with the cold stopping the automatic doors opening).

    If anything I prefer walking in extreme weather (well, not that British weather is ever that extreme, went down to -6 yesterday, warmer today at -3). Aslong as you have enough laters and good footwear, its fine. If its slippy and youre off work, walk to the closest park and do some igloo building, or something. The snow and ice is less treacherous on grass, and you dont have to be actively walking- just being on your feet and keeping active is whats more important.

    Other options- deep clean the house/flat. Thatll keep you moving and burning. Shovel some snow. Follow along to some body weight stuff on youtube.
  • speedingticket
    speedingticket Posts: 73 Member
    Cant walk** dang.
  • jennygutt
    jennygutt Posts: 41 Member
    I jog in place on a daily basis. Every chance i get. Watching tv, folding laundry, cooking. All the time. I get an hour in and its a sweat session at night watching tv. I dont half butt it. Knees in the air..lol
  • layladrew26
    layladrew26 Posts: 111 Member
    I live in the uk also. Weather has been awful. Not used to snow and ice as past few winters have been more rainy and windy. The pavements outside are treacherous. Back in work today so *had* to walk. Back to 10000. Thanks again guys lots of good ideas there.