What do you say to yourself?



  • radbikerchick
    radbikerchick Posts: 39 Member
    Sometimes with workouts if I feel like I don’t want to go for a run for instance, I will tell myself to get out there and do a really minimal amount to at least say I did something. Then sometimes once I am out there I discover I have energy or desire to do more. Just having done something makes me not despair...

    Other than that big capacity to accept that I will fall down but am rresilient enough to get back up again. When I fail I tell myself, “Rad Biker Chick, I love you and I forgive you” as corny as it sounds, which doesn’t exactly make me feel better but it fends off the negative thinking anyway so I end up kind of feeling neutral.
  • radbikerchick
    radbikerchick Posts: 39 Member
    Also, I find that a lot of negative feelings can be addressed with a nap.
  • Mikkimomof6
    Mikkimomof6 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't have anything to add here..everyone has given great answers. I like to think of where I might be if I hadn't had the good days I DID have...every one of them counts. You can absolutely do this.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    You haven't failed until you stop trying.
    So what if you have to try again?
    Every day is a new day.
    Better a small step than none at all.
    This is the one body you get, so be kind to it and take care of it.
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    I keep telling myself that I've got this and one bad day does not ruin all of the progress that I have made! And if I don't feel like working out or unmotivated I just tell myself that I can do this, even if I only workout for 30 minutes or so, at least I did something
  • walktalkdog
    walktalkdog Posts: 102 Member
    There is a reason you keep trying. You don't want to be overweight. I have lost the 10-12 pounds several times, but have always gained it back after I've stopped paying attention. This time I told myself (when I was at my high weight), look, you aren't feeling alright being at the weight you are or it wouldn't bother you. So, this time I remind myself that it is a long term effort, and once you've lost the weight, you have to continue logging and being hyper aware of what you are eating. Because for me, maintenance is much more difficult than losing, and losing isn't all that easy!

    What has really helped me:
    1. Bought a food scale.
    2. I weigh myself every day and use an app (I use Libra). This doesn't work for everyone; I think this is a very personal issue. But for me it keeps me on track if I'm 2 pounds up from the day before.
    3. Eat back your exercise calories - but you may have to experiment and determine how much - 50% to 70% is mentioned on here that works for some people.
    4. Go on a week long diet break every so often - it helps psychologically - at least for me. I'm on a .5 pound loss per week which is a 250 calorie daily deficit. For a week, eating 250 extra calories each day really makes me feel better, then my motivation is renewed to go back to the deficit.
    5. Be selective about who you share this journey with. Not everyone is supportive, and some people say hurtful things, maybe without meaning to, but still.
  • broth8438
    broth8438 Posts: 6 Member
    I have incentivized the process.

    I will need a new car in about 10 months. I would like to lose 75+lbs and could easily lose 100 or so. For every pound I lose, I’m going to allow myself to spend $1000 on a new car. I’m a 50 yr old man and knee deep in my midlife crisis (lol) and want a two-seat sports car convertible that is FAST!

    When I want to fall off the wagon, I just think of myself tooling around in a shiny new Convertible and I easily find the energy and will power to turn away. Maybe not for everyone, but I found what motivates me! Find what motivates you and keep it front and center!

    Good luck!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    When I finally got on the fitness wagon again, it was as simple as I made it a priority. Not something I wanted, not something I was wishing for, not something I was doing to reach a "goal" - it was a priority, and that's all there was to it.

    There would be times when it would suck and I'd just have to "embrace the suck."

    Also, don't go with an all or nothing plan. Build up your fitness slowly - give your body time to adapt. Allow and plan to have your favorite foods as part of your diet. If you have trigger foods, find an alternative that can help with the cravings (for example, soda was really hard for me to give up until I realized that it was the bubbles, not the flavor, that I loved so much - got fizzy waters, and soda was easy to cut out).
  • PrettyandFocused
    PrettyandFocused Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all! New here and struggling:( how do I stay focused and motivated after falling off the wagon so many times? I am constantly doubting myself and thinking that I am kidding myself for even trying.

    I say a lot. I ask myself is any of this worth it? What more do I want to lose weight or to sit on the couch? I ask myself if those extra calories are worth the time it takes to burn off in the gym?
  • beachme14
    beachme14 Posts: 24 Member
    Loved reading these!