What to do with a 3# cauliflower???

thesweetpea59 Posts: 40 Member
There was a 3# cauliflower in my CSA box today; I love cauliflower, but if I eat too much at once I pay a digestive price! I think I'll make some cauliflower soup and I love it roasted with parmesan. Ideas please on what to do with a cauliflower half the size of a basketball.


  • rockymir
    rockymir Posts: 498 Member
    edited February 2018
    I steam it, then cut it in small pieces, season with olive oil, salt and pepper.
    Otherwise you can think of cauliflower frittata (add some black olives and steam the cauli in advance but don't overcook it, just a bit).
    Or you can make cauliflower mash, exactly as if it was potatoes.
    Or there's a cauliflower pizza crust but I'm not an expert on this one.
    I use steamed cauli like pasta, basically steam, cut up and top with pasta sauce.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Combine your ideas - roast Cauliflower soup is delicious, and the roasting adds an extra flavour.

    Cauliflower puree is yum, and Cauliflower "rice" is quite nice (I use it in a fried rice kind of dish, with other vegies, spices, herbs, meat, egg etc)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Cauliflower is great with curry, add it with other veg for a tasty meal.

    I also adore cauliflower fritters but they are sore on the calories.

    Cauliflower rice? I've not used it that way myself but I hear its a good substitute for rice.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Soup is awesome and I really love it mashed with some cream cheese or laughing cow.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Cut into pieces, blanch and freeze. In case you are unfamiliar with blanching, see http://www.pickyourown.org/freezing_cauliflower.htm
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited February 2018
    Here’s an attractive way to roast a whole cauliflower. I’m betting a wedge of this would make a great soup.

  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    Cauliflower pizza crust, Cauliflower 'potato' salad, cauliflower cheesy breadsticks, all the above posts:)
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    I literally eat a pound at a time. Roast it with S&P (I find oil unnecessary), add in parm. Eat it like pop corn, pulling it apart with your hands while you watch a movie!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Cut into bite size chunks toss in oil/salt/pepper and bake in oven then spread lots of Franks Hot Sauce over it toss back into the oven on broil for a bit to crisp.
    I use a whole head and I never get leftovers for work between my bf and his younger brother.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    edited February 2018
    I love ricing cauliflower and mixing 50/50 with cooked quinoa in a skillet until it's nice and toasty (about 20 minutes) kind of liked fried rice. Top it with a well sauced protein and some roasted veggies and greens it's a wonderfully filling meal. Last week I went for a Cajun feel with this https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/cajun-shrimp-skillet that paired perfect with the quinoa/cauliflower blend.

    ETA: I'm sure it would be great without the quinoa as livingleanlivingclean mentioned, I just like the extra protein from the quinoa.
  • blackcatfitness
    blackcatfitness Posts: 57 Member
    You can make buffalo wings out of them :) put them in oven for about 35-45 min to crisp up then toss in a bowl of hot sauce and tada- you have 'wings'
  • missmelis98
    missmelis98 Posts: 31 Member
    I make a marinade of soy sauce, sriracha, honey and fresh garlic. Toss in the marinade and roast. So good. Hot and sweet.
  • mikhnpaitsmum
    mikhnpaitsmum Posts: 119 Member
    Go for the wings! I always have to male double as my kids go nuts for them:)
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    Cauliflower cheese
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    Cauliflower hummus! Swap the cauliflower in for the usual chickpeas... absolutely delicious.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited March 2018
    Cut it up and freeze it and cook and eat it when you are able. makes a great addition to baby purees if that's your thing lol.

    Go to a potluck and bring a cauliflower dish.

    Invite a neighbour over for dinner and serve a cauliflower dish.

    Assuming you are trying to use it before it goes bad and don't want to eat that much yourself. Bonus, it lasts a long time in the fridge. So you don't have to rush too much.

    I'm sure you could also use a the stalk as part of some veggie stock. So you could just eat the florets.

    It also goes well boiled/mashed and mixed in mashed potatoes with sour cream and chives/green onion. Or some cream cheese!
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Give it to my wife and grumble if she tries to get me to eat any of it?

    Maybe that's just me. :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I love cauliflower steak. I saute it and cabbage with a little olive oit, garlic and lemon pepper. and Cauliflower hot wings are the best.
  • ninjamere1
    ninjamere1 Posts: 40 Member
    I don't know if it has been mentioned but you could dehydrate it for later use - does need to be rehydrated. Also could cut it up, blanch it and freeze for later use.